We deserve a roadmap!

I agree it could be very bad, if they don’t handle it well.

See this is what I was trying to say, though I probably failed in the attempt. I think what we see is NOT the only things they are working fervently on. Much like how everyone thought they were ONLY doing MP when what we’ve seen over the last few months could never have occurred if it wasn’t being worked on while they were ramping up MP.

I personally don’t think they are dragging their feet, though (above paragraph). And am I perfectly capable of admitting I might be wrong. I just don’t think they can throw out everything they’re currently doing in one go because it would be a bit overwhelming to deal with tweaking it. That’s why I’m betting we’ll see an increase in bite-sized drops. To give the beta community something to hammer on and still allow them to keep up with future changes and tweaks from what they just dropped.

Time will tell though.

Yeah, I think its why a roadmap would be nice, it does not have to be anything serious, just an expected order of things. Since they probably already know what the path to 1.0 looks like.

So a road map that “well after we do X/Y/Z the thing you want is finally happening Player A” stuff like that, that way people know what to expect.

Cause right now it feels like we are in the dark but the game is expected to be released in at most 7 months.


A “roadmap” is a bad idea. Mostly because people cry when there is a change of plan. Just look at how much people complained because the Kickstarter from a century ago has had some of it’s plans changed. Even the previous roadmap was scrapped because they changed some of the end game systems they had planned. Not to mention the changes that happen because the community screams about wanting something sooner (Looking at MP).

A roadmap will do nothing good and only create more pointless anger.

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I guess you are right. But they seem pretty confident in “Release later this year” which is a few months away.

if they are that confident, whether they release a roadmap or not wont matter, they already made a statement of release, which will be more anger when it does not come to pass if they fail to hit that mark.

I much prefer updates that dont hit but I know whats going on vs being left in the dark and them still not hitting the target. But I might be a minority.


Yea, that was probably a bad decision too, for the same reasons I posted.

I don’t even know what is promised by 1.0 other than the remaining masteries.

The rest of the campaign was stated to be post-1.0.
The factions, I don’t think, were promised prior to 1.0
I would really like the rework of Shaman and Forge Guard, but I don’t know that they were promised by 1.0 either.

There are lots of things they COULD do by 1.0, but I don’t think they’ve promised anything but the missing masteries and that is with 1.0. So technically, it doesn’t seem that hard to hit the mark for this year.

What, not even a roadmap???

[Edit: credit to PvtVlad for getting there first, I missed his post. Mea culpa. Great minds think alike.]


Sorry friend, already made that joke :wink:

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You say you’re a software developer and then you say that 60 people can be working on two different games, one in early access and one in secret.

That’s great.


while I agree with your general statement do you seriously believe that EHG can possibly get all that is left to be done on top of all the bugs/bosses that need fixing within the next 6-7 months for a 1.0 release?? I don’t see this game going into 1.0 this year at least not 1.0 worth coming out and being anyway competitive with other arpgs

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It was made clear that we don’t even get the stuff that was on the first roadmap and a lot of said stuff was removed. With the release “later this year” I highly doubt we get a full game at rlease day if they don’t change the date to 3rd quater next year. I have no idea about coding or developing but I play games for a very long time and I don’t think LE will be recived in a good way if there isn’t a tremendous amount of work put into it.

I realy hope EHG suprises me and they are ahead of what we are able to see and don’t ruin the first impression. With only 6 months left I can’t see how we’ll end up with a fully fledged smooth and fluid game that is remotly balanced.

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I 10000% agree with this I HOPE I’m wrong as well but I don’t see this getting done. it needs to be delayed if they can’t get a COMPLETE game released it will bomb and die if it releases half done

To be fair, the retention pattern is the same as just about any game. It gets overwhelmed on patch/content releases, then flutters back down to more realistic numbers. If anything, the chart you linked shows the game is growing, over the same period a year earlier. Now, will those numbers go down (current ~4k more users than prior year)? Probably… but the game has a steady grow of 50%+ over prior year. So, not real sure you can say retention is an issue, anymore than you can say for every other game, when using patch/content releases as your benchmark.

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Im not sure about new Chapters but as for masteries and faction (trade / Bazaar) yes . it is very possible. Because they already have gone far with Runemaster and also Falconer and Warlock are under development. Creating a new mastery is easier than a new class (like Rogue) where you have to create whole bunch of new class gear and more new skills / animations. I’m sure they have been working on Factions / Bazaar for some time as well so it is not like there’s nothing done yet.

I’m not saying they aren’t working on things for a while even but there is A LOT to get done before a release should happen. and based on MP patch they broke more than was added and I’ve seen thread after thread of stuff that has been straight up broken for 3 years (I’m looking at you Lagon).

I truly hope it comes out complete and as bug free as can be but based on everything I’ve read and personally played I just don’t see it happening

OP is the reason benzodiazipines exist.



Get your objective opinion outta here flo. You’re mucking up the trollstorm


In fact, CCU was 300 or so before 0.9 came out so if we’re at 2-3k now (day before 0.9.1), thats approx 10x improvement.

Consider it done lmao there was a topic a couple weeks ago where I promised not to entertain posts like this, but I had to interject as benignly as possible :slightly_smiling_face:


I tried to engage OP originally but after a bit I realized it’s not worth the effort and just sorta dipped.

Hard to engage in someone who’s more interested in baiting out a rage-post than an actual discussion.


Exactly, I enjoy topics where level headed members can chat objectively, hell, or just shooting the shit for a bit. Like you, once I realize someone has entitlement issues, or will not be happy with ANY response, Im out. That type of person doesnt get my energy anymore. Damn, took 3 decades but I think I slightly matured…slighty :smile: