We deserve a roadmap!

Doesnt make any sense to me in the long run that the new Masteries will get released during 1.0

Im assuming its their ace in their sleeve to draw in massive crowds. With 3 completely new Masteries all at once and maybe some other things any LE player will want to play however this seems just setting the course for constant balance patches when players break the game over and over and other skills are too weak, so really the true release wont be until around 1/2 months after 1.0 after the EHG nerf/buff rampage


“True release” isn’t really accurate anyways, since Last Epoch’s primary audience will be playing the game like a live service experience, similar to Path of Exile and in the future Diablo 4.

The goal, I believe, is to have these three titles all run their seasonal/cycle content around each other, so when PoE’s new seasonal league begins the other games will be on a somewhat slower path while being developed, and once LE’s new cycle begins the seasonal content on PoE will be ending.

Last Epoch’s developers and game directors all play other ARPGs and are aiming for their cycles to be released on a schedule around other titles.

To refer to 1.0 as a “full release” to me has always been somewhat misused. After all, new content that we don’t have any information on yet will be coming to LE in the future. Things like potentially new masteries even beyond the 3 not yet added, and more endgame experiences like more dungeons which introduce whole new systems and perhaps gear types, and more endless content runs will be most definitely be added post-1.0.

Having the 3 new masteries be the main pull for 1.0 to draw in new and old players alike is fair enough, especially since as a live service game with a development team aiming for 10 years of support, EHG will continue to adjust things beyond said 1.0 release.

EHG isn’t going to just launch 1.0 and move onto a new title.

It’s also true though that the first probably 2, maybe even 3 weeks after 1.0 there will be patch after patch released as hotfixes and balancing changes. That’s just the nature of the genre and type of game LE is.

So yeah, if on day 1 of 1.0 you see someone post some new endgame builds for the new masteries, take them with a grain of salt. lmfao


No, 1.0 is the full release of the game, it doesnt mean the game is finished by any stretch but there has to be a decision to leave early access and thats what 1.0 is supposed to be. I am also not mentioning some minor tweaks to skills but massive balance patches because a handful of people played the new Masteries and

Yes D4 did/is doing exactly what I said, they did ‘server slams’ which were balance testing in disguise to figure out which is broken to change it prior to release so it isnt a mess of every Necromancer playing the exact same build because its 8x stronger than anything else and the players discovered this in 24 hours of the game going live with nothing barely to work with, developers cant patch games quicker than players break things - D4 did 6-8 days of beta testing and thats it and they changed plenty of things but it was better to nerf skills pre release then every Barb gearing into Thorns because it was overpowered then Blizz nerfing it by 75% or whatever they did, imagine spending your weekend on release of a new game gearing into a build for it to be nerfed because it wasnt tested correctly

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Campaign won’t be complete (as in, tell us a finished, consistent story) in 1.0.
Hence it cannot be considered a full release. Simple as that.
Just a number. An important number for EHG, true, but with no real significance to me.


Yeah I completely agree with you! Once you have already established an echo chamber and then seeing a person with a critical eye, voice their opinion rather than blindly praising everything EHG does (like anchoring the MTX) seems really scary. It is better report that person and call him troll/toxic/hater/entitled, etc… to keep the bubble intact! Personally I prefer to also only argue with people who share the exact same opinion as me and blindly consume all forms of entertainment… ignorance is bliss😂

You do realize you’re the one they’re critiquing here, right? The one who created what he referred to as;

Also can we not hide behind claiming people are just trying to create an echo chamber and just admit your post was marked as inappropriate because you were basically insulting me? lmao

Please stop hiding behind this non-existent shield of being persecuted my dude. You were aggressive, you were rude, and the moderators agreed and took steps against it. No big deal, grow and move on.

So what exactly is your stance here? What do you want to know in these roadmaps you believe you’re entitled to? What information do you not have already that you believe must be known right this very moment?

Please don’t just say “We know NOTHING!” Give exacts.

Things about the masteries yet to be released? We know what they are, how they’ll function in a broad sense, and when they’ll be released. We’ve seen 2D art of the falconers summoned bird pet, we’ve seen potentially a fire drake for the Warlock, and we know from Mike’s streams that the Runemaster is the furthest ahead in development and will be more complex than the other 2 mage masteries.

What else do we NEED and DESERVE to know in a roadmap? What information is lacking? How is EHG not communicating with the community here on the forums and elsewhere on other platforms? How would you like them to communicate moving forward?

Be precise, please. Don’t post vaguely and aggressively.

You claim you don’t want an echo chamber? You claim to be here not to cause drama and stir the pot but to actually discuss with your fellow players? Then meet everyone else halfway and discuss.


I really, I REALLY hope that you are trolling right now. Please tell me, that you understand that my reply to him was sarcastic, PLEASE!!!

This forum is an echo chamber, you can pretend that it isnt but idgaf.

Anyways about the masteries, it is interesting that you seem to know so “much” about them, last I checked EHG had not even started working on them.

Check again.


So you admit to just being a troll.

Okay cool, at least now we all know.

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Check what… the roadmap?

Good dude for being being kind enough to reply objective towards entitlement andy, but again, he doesnt deserve shit, plain and simple. His $40 purchase doesnt magically make him a majority shareholder, privy to information we plebeian’s arent. The devs update frequently, they have since alpha.

And this forum is anything but an echo chamber. Just read 1 trade thread and you will see how different views can be. You spend too much time on reddit, this is a board where people who actually enjoy the game come together to share ideas. Often times we disagree, but not to the “I need a psychologist” level of heat you bring op.


Your privilege

Just what I thought, a fanboy making up lies to try to win an argument.

OK Karen.

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Hi, you might be right. And if so, it would be disappointing and upsetting if they did that.

That said, the question is how do we feel if we distance ourselves from the process and just look at the result.

Is it now better, same or worse than industry standard and competitors?

That’s not what happens. People disagree with stuff that EHG does, they just don’t tend to act like an arse while doing it, have others call them on being an arse then get all defensive/aggressive & say that they are only having “a critical eye” & being petsecuted…

Wanting a roadmap is absolutely fine, “needing” one & acting like it’s totally unreasonable to deny the request while ignoring the other sources of information (often curated by the ever awesome & industrious @AndrewTilley) is just being an entitled arse.

That’s because you aren’t paying attention, or even giving it a cursory search.

Just wait until he learns about the Community Testers… Then the ####'s going to get toxic.


Roadmaps are useless if devs are not true to their word.
Just sayin…

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Or, maybe, things end up not being feasible.
You can have whatever crazy goals you want, but it doesn’t mean anything if they aren’t achievable.

EHG’s roadmap = Remaining masteries with 1.0.

Everything else we get before that is extra.

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Everything else is extra? So i should expect LE to release with a horrible end game, unfinished story and horrible itemisation?