We deserve a roadmap!

What level of detail are you expecting?

A roadmap is a rough plan.

At this point in the process, you’d only be likely to get two categories: “1.0” and “after 1.0”.

We already know that 1.0 is planned for this year, so that first category is basically:

  • 3x masteries (already known it would be at 1.0)
  • factions (already known it would be before or at 1.0)
  • balance changes that come every patch
  • bug fixes and optimisation that come every patch

Pointless to publish a roadmap for mostly info we already know if you ask me.

Andrew (bless his socks) has already captured extra details from March and April spoilers on the dev stream on his post.

I’d be surprised if there’s much more that EHG can tell us anyway about post-1.0 given the hyper focus on 1.0 release. It could all change order depending on how pre-1.0 patches are received.

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But they have, and continue to, listen to and respond to feedback from the community. They also respond in these threads and on Discord. I’m not sure why you think they aren’t.


Is that so, why are core systems of the game extremely flawed then?

Have you ever written code or designed a game? It takes a long time and a lot of effort, then there are often errors that you have to track down and fix.
Designing a game is also a lot of work. You make it one way and people are not happy, so you then make changes. This is response, and what the devs have done.

Your response to me was not in order with what I was responding to. You said that the devs were not communicating or responding. The flaws in the game are not the same as not communicating or responding. And the devs are working on a lot of bugs and making changes that the community provided feedback on.
This is the reason many things have changed, because of community feedback.

Yes, I am a software engineer.

The reason why I point out the flaws is that they literally ignore feedback. This forum is an echo chamber with no real feedback, if the devs actually took their time and read steam reviews and the steam forums, they would see what the average player thinks rather than what the fanboys think.

Again, ill point to the player numbers → Last Epoch - Steam Charts
The player retention has not improved, this is not a good sign.

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I actually do have a running document on this topic that I’ll likely turn into a post sometime in the future. No timeframe for when that’ll be though.


This i agree with. Itemisation however is getting better and better in my opinion.
Uniques getting more interesting and they have a lot of them at the moment. Also i love the T6/T7 drop only system on exalted items.

Endgame wise iam worried they will have a problem to keep certain players (me at least) interested enough to keep playing.
I like the endgame system but its pretty shallow after playing it longer. There is not much to do in my opinion.
Also the dungeons are fun with its fundemental idea in my opinion. What i mean with that is that i like the end goals with what you get when you finished the dungeon and making choices what you want to enhance item wise etc.

However fighting the monsters and how they are presented feels extreeeemly boring and tedious to me.
So summing things up with 1:
Echoes not having random things popping up + dungeon replayabillity is meh in my opinion endgame gets old pretty quickly. I love the base systems but i hoped theyve added more by now.

I will spend the most time in endgame so i really really hope that EHG will work on adding interesting in the endgame mono’s and dungeons.

You say EHG ignores feedback which is just false. You can have all your opinions of course dont get me wrong. However stating that EHG ignores baffles me.
Maybe they are not focusing enough on the things that you would love them to priotise or something. Thats to bad, i hoped they focused 90% of the resources on endgame but i understand they dont and its not my game. Beside that i have a different vision, of an endgame player. Because of this i care less about act 1 being revamped right now.
From the perspective of a company i sort of understand this move.

I dont know what the hell is going on in act 1 and why. I didnt care much since i wanted to be endgame anyway and figured out later what was going on in the world of Etterra.
I think they made this choice so more new players get interested in Last Epoch end more people will keep playing. Thats why they probably revamped act 1. Also they did it probably to make clear why things are happening in Last Epoch.

I dont care to much about that however. I care about farming in the endgame.
However iam not the only player so probably other people do like it being there right now.
Ive would have focused on endgame first and revamp act 1 afterwards but hey…
I think more hardcore players who like to spend a lot of hours in the endgame will lose attention faster in Last Epoch because of this choice though. But thats my 2 cents.

Back to my point on ignoring feedback.
Let me some something up for you.
Iam at this forum for maybe 3 years now + - giving feedback and arguing also between others. Despite visions of EHG they did changed some major major things because this community insisted. Most game companies try to listen a bit but when they think NO this is our vision they wont change it in my expierence. GGG being an example of POE in certain aspects but i think almost every big game company.

Let me some up the big changes when they actually did listen to the community from what i remember (i think its more):

  1. I and others posted a LOT about uniques being just stat items instead of doing something unique. They worked A LOT on that and finally i see many unique interactions and more niche things to work with. This still could be applied more to certain in my opinion more boring uniques that were not reworked.
    So yes, beside releasing more interesting uniques they also reworked old boring ones or not powerfull enough ones.
    It felt to me they listened.

  2. Crafting, this is a really big one in my opinion. They changed crafting for like 3/4 times if i remember the counting correctly.
    Crafting is not just a small thing in a loot based game as you probably know. So the fact that they kept reading and LITERRALY summing up certain feedback the community complained about they had changed.

When they did put a lot of work in it. We still didnt liked it. I suspected they might do this in the future since they worked a lot on it already. NO WRONG they freaking listened again and changed the whole freaking system again. And most people seem to be more than happy. You act like everyone in this forum is agreeing with EHG and each other. Take it from me the opposite from my experience so far. At some points sure but so far i feel like everybody wants this game to be good and shouts what they dont like.

The more reason why i keep giving feedback is because i saw they changed things A LOT in the last 3 years based on our feedback.

  1. Drop rates of certain things being to high to low or to rippy and Exalted items. They adjusted that when we complaint or gave feedback on it.

  2. They just changed so we can choose servers while they first stated that they wouldnt focus on it and didnt thought much of it. It seems like the community changed there minds since in the upcoming patch its there.

  3. I complaint day and night for my feeling with others aswell that Last Epoch missed punchyness while fighting monsters and hitboxes didnt felt impactfull in my opinion. Also sounds were meh, hit and death animations were not there and i talked a lot about D2 as an example. I admire that game together with some others because its believable when i hit monsters and i get the right feedback when i hit and kill them. It gives this feeling of yes i rekt that monster. The opposite i felt in Last Epoch.

Theyve changed a lot in that regard for the best in my opinion. And not only in my opinion you can actually read that they did changed a lot in that regards in all the patch notes.

  1. MTX prices were changed. However it might be the prices they already aimed for in the back of their heads…

  2. There is more that i forgot about but my point is.

You can call me a EHG *** rider etc but iam not. Iam just stating facts of things where they actually listened.

While this being said. I still disagree with some choices they are making.
I was mad for example that with the multiplayer patch endgame wise nothing meaning full for me atleast in the monolith etc whas adjusted or added. I gave many feedback together with others about how they can make monoliths more interesting.

Instead multiplayer whas the focus. The reason probably being because a lot of guys posted i only going to get this game when it has multiplayer. But i dont know i dont work at EHG. Thats just a topic i saw a lot coming back on the forum and the internet.
While i love multiplayer since i play this genre a lot with my best friend i prefer longetivity and keeping engaged in endgame. But guess what iam not the only player in this world and EHG has multiple different type of people/players to target.
Still doesnt mean i agree with the timing of releasing multiplayer and other things.

So my worry is that 1.0 with the information i have now will lack interesting endgame when your a player who wants to spend hundreds of hours in this game straight.
Certain players might actually play it way longer or less since were different type of players.

The steam Charts seem normal to me btw. Path of exile also has this type of retention.
When new content is coming people come back to check it out. And than the biggest group leaves after a few weeks. I do think more players that already played this game hundreds of hours would put more hours again in this game if EHG would add more endgame.

I will check out most big patches to give feedback and see what theyve changed but with most of them i tend to quit pretty fast in the endgame despite the game being better in my opinion. There is just not enough interesting stuff to do is my 2 cents.

Thats a beatifull high horse btw. Were did you bought it?
Your way of commenting on other people seem pretty hostile. Why?
It would help btw by actually give specifics about what you mean with core systems being flawed.

In certain aspects i do think this is the case while in others it is not. You are not giving specifics about why or what which keeps it vague and feels like you just want to rant while that might not be your intention. It doesnt help you in getting people to get your point. Do with it what you want of course.


May. Still Mostly Positive to Very Positive.

Those two big spikes were around the MTX store. That got addressed because, um, they listened to what everyone said (and, yes, I’m also well aware of the conspiracy theory around that.)

Communication is always a good thing. I think they do a great job. Do they do a perfect job? No, obviously not, and they do screw up at times. Who doesn’t?

My bag of bones?

I think we’re way closer to 1.0 than people think. All during the MP build up for almost a year we heard complaints from a lot of people how they were so made everything was being dropped to make MP because we don’t really care about that we want more content.

Now that MP has dropped over the last couple of months we’ve been seeing all kinds of art, game play, some balance shifts, starting to drop fairly frequently. None of this stuff started being worked on AFTER MP was dropped. They’ve been at it all this time. For instance, I don’t think Weaver’s Will is just something someone came up with after MP.

So I think they’ve got a whole bunch of stuff already percolating and now that MP HAS come we’re going to see stuff faster and faster. This is also going to mean the communication might not always be as thorough as we’ve had in the past (I still think it’ll be really good because they’ve built that habit) because now there will be so much stuff coming it’ll be impossible to completely keep up with 100%.

All this is to say, you win some, you lose some. Supply/Demand. Checks/Balances. Providing constructive (keyword) feedback is always a good thing. Claims of ‘echo chambers’ and ‘not listening’ frankly seems vastly ironic to me. The community here on the forum has plenty of old timers who are VERY critical of the game, and they should be. It’s what makes it better. Just like there are plenty of old timers who are more than satisfied with the current direction, and they speak to that, as they should.

This is what, I believe, we and they ‘deserve.’


They listened? Are you blind?

Do you not see how they simply used anchoring to make themselves look better. It is so obvious I have no idea how you missed it???

Please stop being so cryptic and say what you actually mean. What the hell.
You say nothing with this text, only you disagree. Why? you dont show

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The reason why I am hostile is because it is impossible to critique games nowadays without being called troll, toxic, hater, etc…

I made a post before discussing how this game is OBJECTIVELY too easy, and I was simply met with people claiming that it isnt because it is subjective. Gaming discussions have reached such a low level that it is impossible to actually discuss things. It is basically “haters” arguing with fanboys.


Oh thats to bad you feel that way :frowning:

I do think aswell the game is to easy. Again by saying its to easy and not adding why i think its to easy and if i mean the whole game the leveling or endgame doesnt help talking about it… But maybe you did that with the actual post your talking about.
You dont now so thats why i keep saying it.

Btw the fact you had arguments with what you call fanboys, doesnt mean there are only fanboys. I complaint many times about this game etc and i still do.
You can look it up…

I will watch the video! i wonder. I have a feeling its what iam thinking but hope its not true if you know what i mean :wink:

I lived with the guy who made the video when we were students so i think i know the direction

I think this guy explained it pretty well. Last Epoch MTX Update - Anchoring At Its Finest - YouTube


I agree with the video and i thougth the same thing about the matter

We deserve a road map for this post!


Big true ! And im watching this game from like 4 years and the development is slow (yeah yeah i know its a small studio but theres so many small studios that they are doing it faster - prove me wrong ? ). Loving the game and i will play it from time to time for sure , tbh im tired of waiting years . And D4 is around the corner.

I really do not like the narrative that EHG is a small studio. They have 60+ employees at this point so I strongly doubt that LE even is their main focus right now, and it wouldnt be surprising if they are working on another game, that would at least explain the pace of development for LE.

I think thats actually kinda a bad thing imo.

They are polishing the early game, and leaving the end game to fester. Everyones logic is “oh they can iterate on that after launch” well 0.9 brought a huge influx of players who are now pointing out how hollow end game can feel.

I think if they leave end game how it is, and just polish the campaign, graphics, and release the last masteries but still have monos how they are, then the game is gonna see the same trend of influx of new players into negative reviews/bad taste.

Except now they wont have “early access unreleased game” to shield them.

They have to tackle so much more before launch if they really want to sell a “complete” product imo.

We cant live in a world where 1.0 drops, falconer has a new crazy passive tree doing all this stuff, and they have a 3+ year old shaman tree.

Balance and modernity for the classes/uniques etc is a core part of polish and they cant release without everything being up to snuff.

I would rather they delay 1.0 and do as much as they can before they release. its already bad enough the campaign will not be finished before 1.0 as per the devs own statements. the remaining chapters will be coming post 1.0, which already will mean 1.0 isnt a full story.

My biggest issue is they are dragging their feet wayyyyyy to hard on updating the classes. Because we all know that the new masteries are going to be up to the standards of druid, meanwhile there is so many classes/masteries that have outdated trees, not all of their skills, or are unbalanced. And the majority of people who play this genre play for build variety, so if its unpolished its gonna be really ugly.

Again dont get me wrong, I am enjoying the games growth and how its doing, but its crazy to me that people can compare what they did in patches 0.8.3 and 0.8.4 which was like 6 months vs the content we have gotten in the 0.9.x cycle, feels like development has slowed considerably.


Do you not think that EHG “engage” with us on Discord and the forum? Do you not think that they respond to feedback and use it to change what they’re doing (their stance on trade & the rapid un-fucking of the mtx store being two rather sizeable recent examples) (and changing how you can reduce corruption in monos)?

Don’t forget discord and Mike’s weekly stream.

Just because they haven’t gone into exhaustive minute detail doesn’t mean they aren’t communicating with us. I don’t give my wife a blow by blow account of every excruciating thing that’s happened during my day but that doesn’t mean I’m not telling her what happened.

If that’s the kind of thing you want you won’t be getting it from a roadmap.

Yes, funny how that works.

That’s still small to medium. Just because they aren’t working out of Judd’s garage doesn’t mean they aren’t small.

I said I was aware of the conspiracy theory. I didn’t say whether I believed it or not and there is also no proof, no smoking gun…as of 2:43 PM EST 5/24/23.

EDIT: By the way, FYI, that link you sent is from an long-time community member. Who has done some great work. So the echo chamber isn’t quite as echoey as you like to make it out.

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