Warpath 'gain mana' node restricted to 2H is alienating Dual wield/Shield players

Man, my ePeen suddenly feels incredibly small.


You know, someone told me that on reddit. They told me that the arena ladder is just an e-peen contest.

I told him that sounds like something that someone who couldn’t place on the ladder even if they tried would say.

Yes, you’ve created a build in a game where mana is a resource that doesn’t have a way to get back mana quickly. That’s your choice, but it’s not the game’s fault.

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Yes, I use my lunge regularly to move from pack to pack, and my anomoly to gain damage/leech/speed buffs. My reversal is free, and my sigils are not used (they are gained on kill). Yet, maintaining my damage buff and moving from pack to pack is enough to exhaust my mana without using any other skills, and this is arguably mandatory skill use. But its poor play to move and clear quickly. Warpath incentivises staying spinning for as long as you can, because every 2 seconds spent spinning has a chance to generate an echo. And this timer is restarted if I stop using warpath.

Yet I can do essentially exactly what I want to do if I change to a 2-handed weapon, and its essentially and fundamentally the most simple step to achieve a build that feels and plays great. So I drop dual wield or 1h / shield, and do it, just like every other player who stumbles into this inconvenience will do. And then later, we will not see very many dual wield or 1h/shield void warpath builds (infact most of them are already 2H for what I suspect is this reason).

The point is that Dark Nexus having this restriction serves no other purpose than removing a bunch of dual wield / sword and board warpath builds from the game, or at last limiting them so much that they have to play with zero-cost support skills only, therefore people won’t play them.

And because they are limited and fundamentally annoying/fustrating to play compared to the 2-handed variant, nobody will bother playing them, for no good reason. Less build diversity for no reason, in fact the 2-Handed void warpath variant is probably already stronger than dual wield/sword and board simply for the fact that the great itemization seen in the two handed axe Aparthy’s maw and all the leech rate gear that supports this archeotype already exists in the game.

Having no 2-h restriction on the node would simply enable warpath variants that were already typically weaker than the commonly played Apathy’s Maw variant (enabled out of convenience to play, not power, by the way) , but somehow people think that if those builds got 7 mana per 3 seconds, they would be ‘crazy overpowered,’ ‘game breaking’ or something.

I just can’t see it.

This is your problem. Whether you know it or not, the devs do not want “movement” skills to be used to speed through maps. That’s why they generally give them mana costs/cooldowns. You are complaining about something that was intentional to prevent people from “gotta go fast”.

This has actually been one of my complaints. VK gets so much love in uniques. I don’t think any other build in the game can go 100% uniques (not counting LP to force uniques that don’t fit otherwise).

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Hey folks, please keep it a civil discussion. Thanks.

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I think this discussion has lost the plot a bit.

This is strictly a numbers question. If I’m not mistaken warpath gains increased hit rate based on attack speed. You go from a 0.92 speed (two-handed axe) to around a 1.1 speed (dual swords.) This would increase the hit frequency of warpath (an effective increase in damage.) For the purposes here I’ll only talk about dual wield as 1h/shield is most likely strictly too strong to be included in this mana conversation.

Dual wielding already has it’s drawbacks with it’s 9% more damage taken modifier. So the question is do the additional affix modifiers and increased hit rate require consideration for allowing the Battlemaster’s Blade and Dark Nexus nodes to apply to dual wielding. With the current state of unique weapons for Void Knight and the paths in that tree I don’t see any significant game balance drawbacks for allowing those nodes to also apply to dual wielding.

It may be a decision on EHG’s side to prevent adding additional features to that node because they regret the capability that node brings to warpath in general, but that’s not the topic of discussion and not for any of us to really determine. I think the idea is perfectly fine and adds more build options for skills (which is what we all want.)

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It would be cooler if there was enough support for it in the skill tree

I guess it depends what you mean by "supports’. Only 3 nodes don’t have any support for dw/s&b out of 27.

Ow… there it is again, your arrogant attitude. Why do you even post on these forums when you don’t think anybody has the right to disagree with you? Isn’t there an elite group of pro players you can talk with instead of all these average Joes here?



This is how the game apparently is intended to be played by the developers in some situations, also heres 5x damage modifiers on your maps because its finely tuned and we want things to matter.

I love Cyclone/Whirlwind and every other iteration of spinning, except here I hated it. Infact theres so many awful interactions in this game you need to deal with its hard to find a build that doesnt grate you into the ground after a few days of playing

For spin2win in high content theres 2 things that are unacceptable:

  1. running out of mana
  2. getting stunned

Ive ran inefficient Cyclone builds in PoE that relied on constantly leeching to keep attacking as I reserved 90+% of my mana from Auras and you can Cyclone into a pack, miss the mob, run out of mana and get clapped as you just completely stop moving and eat damage. You have to fix it to be smoother but you have so many tools available: Mana regen/leech/higher mana pool/- cost of skills/% cost of skills etc. So many OPTIONS

I had to use Volatile Reversal to solve mana in LE, hated it.

Ive only rolled 3 builds since MP release and they all spend virtually no mana or have crazy sustain so its infinite so I dont have to ever worry about it and actually just enjoy using my skills.

For example Spriggan gets Rage Totems node, completely nullifying any reason for Quiet Forest belt to exist however Quiet Forest cannot keep up with the Rage costs of having 9 totems out, instead you sacrifice your healing from the totems, there isnt even an option here you HAVE to do this unless you wear potentially Eterra Boots/Rage amulet AND spec into Vines wasting more points - for 4 points I can remove Mana entirely from the game on that build.

There is, but I’m not sure he was chosen for it.



I think the devs should implement some restrictions on the forums. Maybe something like:

  • You can only answer or quote on topics when you have a character with matching corruption level or arena rank (+/- 100 corruption or +/- 50 waves) compared to OP
  • If one of the lowbobs creates a topic and a top 10 arena player disagrees, the topic should be immediately closed
  • Every topic from a top 10 arena player gets automatically upvoted when anybody reads it and gets immediate dev staff attention (like an alarm bell ringing at Mike’s house so they can have an emergency meeting to discuss it) - the exception is when the topic is from a rank 1 player because then there doesn’t need to be a dev diacussion - suggestion get implemented right away
  • When the top 10 players are devided on a topic the user with the highest rank decides the discussion

But this was just a sidenote.

Now on topic:

I don’t really like how the mana nodes are positioned in the tree. You loose a lot of damage if you invest in them. You need to max it out in order to have an impact and “loose” skillpoints. This might be intended as a tradeoff, but it has the effect that I always never use it.

I don’t see any issue if it would be changed to also work with DW or 1h/Shield (although I think you don’t want to go that route with 1h/shield as it is the lowest possible damage setup). The 2h nodes are from a time when DW got introduced and outperformed everything else. Back then there needed to be some ways to motivate people to play 2h as it was said to be in a bad spot.

From my experience DW has become less attractive to players for classes besides Rogue in general as it makes you take more damage. And on top the 2h players have the option to use a Titan Heart to even get an additional less damage taken multiplier.

So why not give DW some love and add the mana function. Just for fairness.

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That’s hilarious. I’ll gladly be your villan.

I admit I probably was over the line with my response, but I was truly shocked that I was being told that I should be stopping to spam smite in the middle of a fight to recoup my mana, on a class/build that will have virtually zero cast speed, as a solution, and that I was having problems because I was ‘playing poorly’. In my haste I was very rude, looking back I’ll try to curb this behavior in the future. Live and let learn

“Lowblobs”, lol. That’s a good one. I’ll have to remember that.

Have a great day.

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That sounds awesome, as long as I’m allowed to go in and edit the posts for spelling and grammar. Or, every spelling and grammar faux pas gives a downvote.

You could also have used an unspec’d melee skill to do the same. I thought about pointing that out but thought it was too obvious.

I’d have thought that that was a thing called “balance”. You gain a fair bit of indirect power by having the mana gen as Trundle has been complaining about.

How is it for “very little opportunity cost” when you are literally in a thread complaining the restriction for its use is too restrictive for their tastes?

I’m not in search of another villain, I already have @Llama8. That’s enough for the rest of my life :grin:.

Yeah, I get that. Even if this was a proper strategy (which it isn’t and anybody that tried that already would know) the questions remains: Why is the exact same build allowed to regain mana with 2h but not with DW? Is it to favour 2h for Warpath? Is it a balance thing because dual wield gets double bonus from Cyclone Of War? Or is it just an oversight by the devs?

I think the DW more damage taken effect is too huge to treat DW like that. You are and feel absolutely more squishy using DW instead of a 2h.

What I would like to see in some form are some defensive buffs when using DW. Like getting a chance to parry and mitigate a % of damage. But no more additional debuffs.

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One reason off the top of the head to give one treatment to 2h and not dw is because you have double the affixes you can apply to gear in your hands.

Which have slightly higher than half the value. DW gets slightly higher stat values from the two weapon slots than a 2h weapon but it has more suffixes to get defensive modifiers on. Prefixes youll probably want to go with the same or similar affixes.

because there is nothing else worthwhile

there is no opportunity cost if there is no other opportunity to choose from