V1.2 Wishlist (Kind of)

Aside from bug fixes and performance issues, obviously. This is more on stuff we currently have.

  • Add a button in stash for filtering options similar to loot filter but not quite. More like “Drop down menu” style with search bar with options to add more criteria on searching via “[ + ]” button. Allows us to search an item with 2-4 specific affixes in it. For example, I want to search an item with “Intelligence” and “Critical Avoidance” (Where I can click on [ + ] to add more rule like “sealed affixes” or find items in certain rarity and many more).
  • Allow us to filter Unique items WITHOUT LP. For the sake of finding a unique item to replace the egg with in the Nemesis UI much easier. (Right now, I don’t think there’s a method to do this. This usually takes me a while to find one without LP hovering on items I find interesting. This sometimes lead to death because finding one may take a while as I mentioned, the Nemesis UI with stash open pretty much covers the whole screen making it hard to see or to tell if there are incoming enemies). Right now, we can filter 1-4 LP unique items by typing “1 legendary” keyword for example. Maybe the “0 legendary” would be a good way to filter it.
  • Allow us to TURN ON/OFF lore phrases when searching items. FOR. THE. LOVE. OF. GOD. I don’t wanna see “lightning resistance” affixes when I type “lightning damage”. (Because the info for lightning resistance affix is literally “Reduce all lightning damage you take. Capped at 75%”). I really don’t understand why this always have to be included. Or if I search “strength”, DO. NOT. SHOW. ME. “all attributes” affix. Well, there are many more examples…
  • Allow us to search affixes through keywords like “hybrid” or tiers with keywords like “T7 intelligence”. Right now, there’s no way to filter by tier. I always have to go like “17 int…16 int…15 int…” and so on just to try to find a T7 Intelligence affix in my stash. Also no way to search hybrid health and other hybrid affixes.
  • Maybe increase keyword search length. Right now, you can type in 20 characters including spaces. Although there are way to get around this, for example searching “increased critical strike multiplier” will only get you “increased critical s”, but you can just type in “strike multiplier”. Not really a problem but might help some people.
  1. UPDATE. OLD. SKILL. TREE. And make trash/garbage/underwhelming skill nodes that nobody ever uses a lot more useful. I won’t go much into specifics but here are some examples:
  • There are just SO. MANY. skills that haven’t been updated since like forever. Absurd skill point requirement up to 7 in some cases. Some require better point allocation adjustment but some are in serious need of rework.
  • Please reduce the amount of RNG in skill trees. Stuff like “X% chance to proc/cast this and that”. If this can’t be avoided, please be generous on point allocation. Some takes 5 points to 100% RNG nodes while some takes 4. Can we normalize that it should only take at least 3-4 points to 100% these nodes? For ailments, I understand having max 5 but at least make 3rd-4th point be 100% chance to proc.
  • Right now there are “OK”-ish skill that many people uses. It’s not like these are outdated but rather it got so many nodes that are so underwhelming or nobody ever uses. Or some might look/sound interesting but doesn’t really outweigh using the other side of the skill tree. If you’re a normal person, you would use Anomaly skill with the “bubble” build. I’m just kidding.
  • Please don’t wait too long to update these outdated stuff as the game is about “builds” and having these outdated skills greatly hampers the game in such a bad way. I don’t want to see “noob trap” in the game either. Some skills nodes might look interesting but it’s atrociously bad in damage, scaling, and everything. Having a new player experience this is not good either and could be worse if the 2nd build he tries ends up the same. And worst case is that the player might just stops playing.
  • While in this “outdated” section, please update idols too. A lot of it are trash and make them useable so people don’t just stack %HP/mana idols on most builds.
  1. 1H-Mace and 2H-Spear:
  • Not a single unique 1H mace despite we got Exiled Mage and Harbingers update. I’m aware we got 2H mace called Event Horizon. But it would be nice to have a unique on all weapon category, it’s an end-game content after all.
  • Still about maces, pretty much nobody uses them or at least I’ve never seen one in build guides. Maybe add “throwing” damage scaling on it too since we do have Hammer Throw skill anyways.
  • Please show maces some love. It’s one of my favorite weapons in the game and I do prefer it on “Paladin” archetype class in any games more than a Paladin that uses sword and shield. This could be your chance to buff lightning-based paladin builds too with maces and I think it would fit the idea of being like “thor”-ish.
  • Spears. Please make it more viable for melee and not just throwing stuff. Or allow us to use shield when using a spear but have penalty for doing so like maybe reduced stats on the spear or less attack speed, etc. But preferably add new melee skills that requires a spear.
  1. Less RNG overall.
  • Would like to see more mechanics and additions in the game that won’t have to rely on it too much. I may understand on some stuff but not on something like–why to we even have “rare” items in Prophecy UI.
  • Speaking of RNG, please “fix” Glyph of Despair.

As always. New skills, new items, new this, new that, new anything is a great addition. But I’m always on the “Please fix/improve current stuff first” side of things. The game doesn’t feel 1.0 to me since there are a lot of stuff that feels so clunky and counter intuitive.

Also this. Wink* wink* (In my dreams. I know).

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