Upcoming bug-fix to Ballista

Bearing in mind they’re fixing the AoE of the proc not the damage of the node, you might want to reassess that… If you want to feel that it’s deceptive then that’s your choice.

I read the post. I know what’s going on. And, I think it is targeted nerfing not bug fixing.

I’m not saying ballista shouldn’t be nerfed because it is obviously overpowered as hell.

I am saying that don’t calling your nerfing bug fixing just because you put out some survey that revealed that people don’t like mid-season nerfing.

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What are you talking about? The full post is about something else entirely.

The post I was repling to was about 3 different things:

  • Whether or not a more balanced game (ignoring what that actually is 'cause that’s a different question) attracts more players than it may or may not loose if it makes “negative” balance changes mid-league.

  • A comment about the poll

  • You replying to BingoRly about him focussing on one case then deploying your own hyperbole to claim that the build is now unplayable because the AoE is going to be anywhere down to ~40% odd of what it was before which is “completely unplayable”. And that anyone who’s invested “months” (given 1.0 has only been around for a smidge under a month) is probably pushing it a bit but nowhere near as much as the preceding sentence. That part of the post was also by far the longest part, so I think it’s reasonable to suggest that that’s where you were getting emotionally invested in it.

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The build. What build? Where did i talk about aoe? I think that you should understand what you are reading before actually writing.

Given this is a thread about nerfing Ballista because it was scaling radius not area, it’s reasonable to assume that this is what you were talking about.

Given that Ballista’s performance isn’t in line with all the others (unless everyone is secretly playing PoE builds that can kill everything on screen in one go) then you go on about it becoming “completely unplayable” post fix/nerf. While you may have been being metaphorical, you’re still talking about “completely unplayable” builds in a thread about a coming nerf/fix to Ballista, so you’re probably thinking that the change is unwarranted or unreasonable. And I still think that that level of hyperbole is doing a disservice to your argument 'cause if I can’t take you seriously, what’s the point in having a proper conversation?

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You are assuming instead of reading and understanding. I still have no idea what are you talking about. I was not talking about ballista in that specific post and i wasn’t talking about aoe at all. Your discontinued answers are irrelevant. If you have no patience to read the entire conversation avoid answering in a sloppy manner and making other users look stupid.

No worries, bruh, i gotcha.

Sure, dude, u just agreed that build was unbalanced because of aoe.

Here a bit more, where u talk about aoe

You are welcome, my friend. Always got ur back :wink:


Hey buddy, i think that there is some quote editing accident in your post. It looks like that something i have never wrote comes by me.
And also, thread and post are 2 different things.

yeah, the whole conversation has long been about your illusion that developers can start nerfing any builds. although they have said that they will only fix higly overperforming builds that are caused by bugs, and that those builds that are mildly overperforming by bugs will be dealt with in case-by-case, and that the rest of ANY builds they will not change during the cycle at all

Yeye, i knew you would say that, dunno why other person’s reply was marked as urs, tho i added that you agreed on that statement. Np ^^

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as far as i remember just that part, the part about

is still there and correct

this is what they said:

It doesn’t look like “will only fix higly overperforming builds”

And the “I like to play overpowered builds” bit (though TBF, that’s not unreasonable, or uncommon). But just chucking someone else’s text into a quote box rather than highlightning the text & clicking quote does make it harder to reply.

That’s why D4w1n never said that. Nor did the devs.

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now you don’t read before writing, or just pretend you don’t understand such a small message. ok, fine =)

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by the way lama was answering about a specific post. And i was replying about that.
The rest of the thread is not pertaining.

But it does support my assertion.

aaaah i’m really sorry, you are right. I was trying to answer to too many people at the same time. I’m sorry i hope this will not happen again :*

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Somehow reminds me of how people are so scared of Terrorist Acts because they think the government can just call someone a terrorist and arrest them without question asked.

Legit concern though.

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