Upcoming bug-fix to Ballista

So is this change live now? Or waiting to be patched?

You’re wasting your time. He’s been complaining for days. They listened to the community, and I for one am appreciative of it.

They made it quite clear they were following the survey and they would NOT nerf a build that was overperforming because they underestimated it, but only if a bug was causing it. All the nerfs were because things were not behaving as they already said. They didn’t change how the build works, they fixed a broken mechanic where it was not doing what it said.

All of it was easily observable. Anyone who completed high school geometry should know the difference between the radius and area of a circle and that changing the radius by the amount you said you were changing the area would be drastically different since the radius is what you multiply in part to get the area (and I’m playing ballista falconer). Anyone can see things that the talent tree says “does not stack” and yet is stacking.

The community voted overwhelmingly to NOT change overperforming builds that are simply better than anticipated, and they are honoring that.

It’s a very simple premise - people want the game to play as described. That’s it. If you find a legitimate way to outperform every other build through creative play, that’s great! But if you’re relying on a bug, in most games that’s called exploitive behavior and in competitive settings can get you banned (and, at this level, we are talking about people wanting to be on top of the boards, as there are plenty sub-optimal builds that will still do everything else).

But, yeah, they do have an offline mode, which is great if you personally want to exploit broken mechanics. That’s the solution that works for everyone. Take your game offline, abuse the bug until you get bored with it, update, look for another broken mechanic, go offline again, rinse and repeat, and let the people who want to top leaderboards through research, skill, and creativity do so without worrying about bugs making all that a waste of time.


I can. I’m leaving because of this and if you read the thread there are other players leaving for the same reason. You can’t.

Op and not op bugs? That’s all? And what’s the metric? What about bugs that can’t be easilly observed or not be observed at all? As i said it’s generic.

No need to spend all day. It is an entirely realistic possibility and not complex at all.

Assumption, based on my observations of my friend list in poe and steam. Talking to people I played with.

It’s not like I have statistical data from GGG at hand regarding retention and builds played. I just saw graphs of overall retention and watched Chris Wilson talk about general retention and monetization some years ago.

Add a bit of an educated guess that players are usually done with a character after a while. It’s geared, has beaten the pinnacle bosses. What else to do? Start a new character.

It might be different in LE with the endless scaling, where people want to push one character further and further, as long as there is still room for improvement.

Yeah, it also depends on the build ceiling and how easy is to acquire the required gear to reach it.

But u r just misleading urself here. Nobody would write like “oh insane I am hopping on now” after 1 build got fixed xD not to say that most ppl wouldnt write on forums at all lol. Moreover, do we have any confirmation that people rly left after they said so?

If such info is enough for u, well, keep living in your own world, different from reality.

Ur build is well-known for twitch and utube, does 5k corruption, while casual builds chill at 300-500ish. That is op. Why do i even need to describe such simple things.

That didnt happen for 5+ years. Great possibility

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Whats ur predictions on build after the patch? Will it be possible to keep playing and pushing?

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I forgot about delve for a moment. Delve is endless, too, and some people push it to over 25k+ I heard a friend mention a couple of days ago.

Those players will play their specific delve build for a long time.

My God!!!
This was clearly a slap in the face, there goes all my effort working on this construction for weeks down the drain.
I really wanted to ask for a refund!!
So DEVs just make me lose the desire to play.
If there is a bug that influences a build, it should be fixed at the end of the cycle, and not in the middle of the season, this only discourages people who are playing with these builds and makes us lose the desire to play the game.
Last Epoch DEVs should take GGG as an example and implement these fixes and balances at the start of each season.
I’m totally discouraged right now with this game.


Yeah we are all crazy dudes talking for the sake of it. Nobody is unmotivated to start another build after an unexpected nerf.

You’re still talking about a single case without any foresight toward the future while pretending not to understand what’s the gist of what’s being discussed.

Just a 5 minute research leads me to the acid flask falling into uselessness after a change to poison damage. Ok.

Acid flask unplayable and useless? Kekw. Coolstory bob.

Oh, god, he can see the future and give predictions, but couldnt predict his build getting nerfed. What an irony

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At the moment it’s viable, it wasn’t at some point in the last 5+ years after a nerf.

Oh you say that i can see the future. Good to know.

what future are you talking about?

The future where players no longer trust the game because suddenly the builds are nerfed mid-league because of bugs that no one was aware of.

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It wasnt? At some point? Wasnt u bad at build theorycradting and only using top builds from twitch? So its impossible for u to know if it really was and was it so bad as u described.

Well, u said about foresight toward the future, but lacked it when played ballista. Still, u didnt answer me, btw, whats gonna differ and how hard it will affect u after the fix?

Where did you get that info?

I answered already.

but devs said that this will be only about extreme-op builds affected by bugs. are there many situations where there are extreme-op builds affected by bugs?

they didn’t

We can’t know, that’s the issue. Let’s wait and see what happens about the runemaster builds that can push very high corruption.

Kekw. You said it yourself :smiley:

I am sure you did not. U copypasted me changes, but how it will affect ur gameplay? Would it be possible to still clear at least more than halfscreen for u? To play same corruption or go a bit lower? Or u wont be able to stand a chance even on 100c?

they did. even ask us about it. in the survey.

and we know, there are only extreme-op builds may be affected by bugs. not the mildly ones or average ones. only extreme ones. it is from definition of extreme-op builds. they are extremely-op.

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