Upcoming bug-fix to Ballista

This is not about me, we are talking about countless players dealing with a game that features countless skills, mechanics, interactions, and numerical parameters. Not all players have a trained eye or mind enough to be able to spot and avoid bugs whose adjustments can throw off their efforts. Some players may also be very young and not yet have acquired the educational tools necessary to do so. Others may also have dropped out of school prematurely, and others may simply be not smart or careful enough. Completely glossing over the fact that ensuring a working game experience is the job of the developers, not the players.
You are oversimplifying the issue and it’s getting ridiculous.

Me considering myself a pro? Never said that. I just like to play a lot because i enjoy progressing trough an endless grinding until i get bored. Not being a casual doesn’t make someone pro. There is a lot of middle in between.

Big news: not everyone has played this game with more than one class with area skills.

The salt is strong. Dude there’s a bug, it got to their attention, they fix it. No conspiracy needed.

The disappointment comes not from fixing bugs but from the timing of this being done and the consequences that come with it.

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I mean u can’t obviously satisfy everyone. Sounds like the problem of minority… If people you are talking about gonna leave the game after their one build got nerfed… well, nothing to be afraid of. It’s a minority for sure. Ofcourse it’s my pov and i can be wrong, but i honestly think that EHG or any other company shouldn’t care about such players, who are gonna leave after 1 build (not even mastery or the whole class) got nerfed.

Who are leaving because of the one build nerf should not be considered in any serious way. Or am i wrong and is it normal to leave the whole game behind because of the 1 build?

And btw its not like ballista got stomped to the ground lol. Build still functions afaik. Just find a different way to be effective. Or for your position - just wait till some1 makes it playable for you again


I am done.

A 2x increase in radius is a 4x increase in area. A 3x increase in radius is a 9x increase in area, etc. The difference is greater the further up you go.

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:raised_hands: :raised_hands: :heart:

No player who likes to commit to a single build is willing to play a league that is unstable in terms of game balance. The guarantee of the balance continuity is one of the main selling points of the league concept. The absence of such a guarantee is detrimental to player retention.


that makes sense. so it’s straight-up exponential. thanks. So this nerf bat is sponsored by logarithms!

thank you

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I wasn’t too fazed by the first two nerfs – those were huge.

This change seems much less giant, and therefore much less necessary, and gave me that exact feeling – instability.

Good thing that game isnt called Last Build then huh.

And how many one-trick ponies there are? Well, we will never know. But something tells me that game wont suffer from it, as its just a minority. 1 goes away because his build is nerfed, 3 comes in, because game became healthier overall.

We saw the polls, how community reacted. Yes, it is just a part of playerbase, not everyone. But still its something to rely on.

But i am more interested to see the difference in your corruption capabilities after abovementioned nerf. What’s your predictions?

How can one call that a balance? When ur build is able to push 5k C, while 95% of others cant. Maybe it would be right to call it unbalanced?)

It was pretty obvious ballista was not working as intended.

Do you really believe in this?

A generic survey that has the final word on a myriad of situations that are all different and require equally different treatment. I call this a superficial approach.

You are hyperfocusing on one case. What if fixing a discovered bug goes on to damage a build with performance completely in line with all the others but which after the fix becomes completely unplayable? Are you still going to say that the players who invested months of time in perfecting it should have expected it or that they should have been more careful about the logarithmic who cares pi?

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While I don’t think 3 will come in, I would say for everyone who quits, someone doesn’t quit who would have otherwise.
In the end, we will have to wait to see how healthy the game will be in the future.

What about players who enjoy playing 3 or 4 builds to the endgame per league? They have the longer retention per league and won’t be satisfied. I know this is the minority, but the minority even pushes deep into any endgame.

Wouldn’t they be satisfied for having extra viable builds to try? I don’t get it.
Who told you that the players playing more builds have a longer retention? It might be or it may be not.

Do we have any ways to prove my point or yours? Right now nah.

Different situations? It was pretty simple stated. Op bug - fix. Not op bug - wait and fix.

Yeah. What if?
It can go on forever with possibilities, so whats the point in thinking that way. Can spend all day thinking about it.

So is this change live now? Or waiting to be patched?

You’re wasting your time. He’s been complaining for days. They listened to the community, and I for one am appreciative of it.

They made it quite clear they were following the survey and they would NOT nerf a build that was overperforming because they underestimated it, but only if a bug was causing it. All the nerfs were because things were not behaving as they already said. They didn’t change how the build works, they fixed a broken mechanic where it was not doing what it said.

All of it was easily observable. Anyone who completed high school geometry should know the difference between the radius and area of a circle and that changing the radius by the amount you said you were changing the area would be drastically different since the radius is what you multiply in part to get the area (and I’m playing ballista falconer). Anyone can see things that the talent tree says “does not stack” and yet is stacking.

The community voted overwhelmingly to NOT change overperforming builds that are simply better than anticipated, and they are honoring that.

It’s a very simple premise - people want the game to play as described. That’s it. If you find a legitimate way to outperform every other build through creative play, that’s great! But if you’re relying on a bug, in most games that’s called exploitive behavior and in competitive settings can get you banned (and, at this level, we are talking about people wanting to be on top of the boards, as there are plenty sub-optimal builds that will still do everything else).

But, yeah, they do have an offline mode, which is great if you personally want to exploit broken mechanics. That’s the solution that works for everyone. Take your game offline, abuse the bug until you get bored with it, update, look for another broken mechanic, go offline again, rinse and repeat, and let the people who want to top leaderboards through research, skill, and creativity do so without worrying about bugs making all that a waste of time.


I can. I’m leaving because of this and if you read the thread there are other players leaving for the same reason. You can’t.

Op and not op bugs? That’s all? And what’s the metric? What about bugs that can’t be easilly observed or not be observed at all? As i said it’s generic.

No need to spend all day. It is an entirely realistic possibility and not complex at all.

Assumption, based on my observations of my friend list in poe and steam. Talking to people I played with.

It’s not like I have statistical data from GGG at hand regarding retention and builds played. I just saw graphs of overall retention and watched Chris Wilson talk about general retention and monetization some years ago.

Add a bit of an educated guess that players are usually done with a character after a while. It’s geared, has beaten the pinnacle bosses. What else to do? Start a new character.

It might be different in LE with the endless scaling, where people want to push one character further and further, as long as there is still room for improvement.