Ultimate Thread - Biblical edition

Create a guild system for more social players that doesn’t disadvantage players who prefer to play solo.

Let us change zoom of camera little bit / fov… I have multiple friends who get headache after few minutes of playing even with max camera zoom out.

Add the ability to change the background of the inventory and stash tabs with a different color or templates

Make switch from hardcore to softcore less punishable so that you don’t lose materials or only lose 30% for example.

Give players the option to change their name for a small fee of currency that is bought with money.

Give us the optipn to turn off visual effects for certain spells or players in a group

Give us developer supported wiki page about game.

Implement calculator of skills into game with testing room - maybe instead of changin respec

Add to the game the ability to dye different types of armour to a different colour for a few gold coins.

Create a very rare item (very low drop rate) that when acquired will automatically set the character’s resistance to 75% cap for all or just one selected element. This will allow one to concentrate on collecting items to create dmg etc.

Mark the items in the store that can be bought for real money, for example, a month before you take them away with the date they will be there so that people know that they have the last chance to buy such an item.

Set the texture to be ignored if the camera collides with the texture of, for example, a rock. Some areas in the game can be visited but you can’t see anything over the rock or other object in front of the camera so you can’t see where you running with the character or what is hiding there.

  1. We need Animation Canceling. To many skill wait to finish before u can cast another one, or is it just at start of game? i havent gotten to end game as of now.
  2. Increase Auto-Pick Up range by 5 times. Its like 1 pixel now…1 in game meter…very very low range.
    Also please add auto-pick up option for idols and ingredients (without need to press on them), and maybe for rings and amu (depending on filter)
  3. Add a volume slider for Enemy Voices and Cutscene / Dialogue Voices.
    Also about sound, i want an option so my main char doesnt says anything. No words. Ever. PLEASE !
  4. Make the mouse cursor texture 2k/4k, it looks like Heroes of Might and Magic 2 :(. Keep the model, just increase texture size to scale with resolution.
  5. When comparing items, i don’t know if there is an option so far, but i cant compare my item to my off hand or 2nd ring…just the main hand and 1st ring are comparable.
  6. Make chat box close on Enter key, even if u dont type anything.
  7. Game needs Push to Show loot button. Very much.
  8. Bloom Slider + Add DoF.
  9. Zoom Slider + 20% more zoom out option.
  10. UI Size and Opacity scale sliders.
  11. BUG - When closing inventory while having mouse cursor over an item, next time u open the inventory that item will be showcased where ur mouse is, even if its not on any item. Happens every time.
  12. Make the over-head chat-bubble of NPCs grey out in color after u have chatted all dialouge options with them.
  13. Hide life and mana numbers on the globes.
  14. IMPORTANT - FIX GPU USAGE ! Its always at 60-70% sometimes at 80-85, sometimes at 40-45%…fps spikes are every 1-2-3 seconds without any reason.
  15. If possible make game support 4k Hz polling rate mouse.
  16. Better Antialiasing to fix all the jagged edges.
  17. Make it so that you have to click on the entrance of another area to access it.
    When you walk close to an entrance and you already have your left click kept pressed, it will take the command as a click if you hover over entrance.
    Sometimes you dont want to go there…
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Create option to add character level on screen to be able to know what character level we have

you can already thank them for that…its down there next to ur exp bar

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Ok just make it more visible :smile:

Add special items to the game with a low probability of being acquired that will be able to adapt to leveling up from a low character level and increase their stats as well.
They will not have crafting potential.

Add to the game an explanation of what elemental resistance is. Till now i didn’t know it myself and i was always more than casual player of arpg titles like diablo,poe,torchlight etc.

Let us see cosmetic items equipped on character in character choose screen in menu

Add the ability to tag a player in chat with “@” so that the player is notified in chat that they have been tagged.