Ultimate Thread - Biblical edition

Add the setting to modify the mouse cursor and its appearance. Also how it will be displayed in certain locations etc.

Add the ability to pause the game anywhere to the offline community.

If you give players rewards for hardcore play, give the same variations of rewards to softcore players with the difference in color or size or title if, as I wrote here, in time if the titles will be implemented in the game.

This will prevent the desire to cheat and also player envy.

Add a text block to the game where the player will be able to write down his own knowledge and copy items into this block as in chat, with such an item appearing even if the player doesn’t own it as a stats sample just as it does in chat. This block can then be exported like the lootfilter to other players, so game guides for example from the community can be opened directly in the game.

Add the possibility of player actions like killing a boss or completing a point in the monoliths and so on to completely change the look of the map the player will be on… maybe it starts to rain. The landscape gets rid of the void and turns into a beautiful garden.
That effect would be amazing.

Add the ability to hurt enemies with nearby objects, like dropping pillars and such. More interaction with the environment. Not just vases and wood around.

Give us the ability to customize the background of the scenery that takes place behind our character in the main menu.

Add trap and puzzle mechanics to the game into monoliths or a other locations,activity. Not into all of them, of course.

Add the ability to unlock idol slots and passive points with any activity at the start of a new cycle.

Add more looks for armor and weapons and different variants of such items.
Sure they may not be as good as the stuff from the store but it will definitely at least differentiate players a bit.

Add an option to the game that will be configurable for all and will allow to see the percentage chance of quality of item from gamble npc when we want to buy the item, so after displaying the items with the mouse.

Suggestion on how to skip the campaign next season. Players would continue to collect experience after reaching the maximum level, which would count towards a system that would have a certain maximum level - the beginning of the endgame - and would accumulate xp for the next season and their future character already in this season.

Create an npc or mechanism of some object that will alow us for a fee with ingame golds will be able to change already collected materials to others either randomly or under some conditions. And thus one will be able to buy materials this way. Of course less conveniently than getting them the usual way.

Create icons in the item information to indicate certain stats you have entered, such as +1 strength with a small spell icon or by writing the name of the spell in brackets to indicate that the stat is related to the spell tag. So that one can see at a glance and navigate according to a simpler system and does not have to read at length what everything the item has.

Add the ability to stash gold as in-game currency. For those who want to save gold coins.

Add more variations of “tower” looks that can be used to buff or drop gold so that they fit each map and are harder to find. For the hardcore I would suggest not marking them on the map.

Add a secret level to the game that the player gets to absolutely randomly and will contain a reference to the seventh tab in the stash. Defacto it’s like the treasure behind the rainbow. And everyone knows what an easter egg is for.

Modify the functionality of holding the right run button so that when a player runs past a portal or entrance to another zone, they cannot move until they actually click on the portal or entrance. Sometimes it happens that when controlling in this way one accidentally jumps to another map.

Add an official speedrunning timer to the game

Add the ability to skip and rewatch cinematic videos during the campaign.