Ultimate Thread - Biblical edition

I get that. Im more saying. If you dont make this more digestable. The devs wont even bother looking at it. Since many other people make suggestions.

You might as well just be making predictions.

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In that case it’s the devs problem and not mine,if they don’t take the time to read the suggestions for improvement I won’t force them or push it on them other than with write this thread.

Modify the way dialogue works with memory snippets, books and the like where the player must initiate interaction with an object and cannot walk away from it to listen to the narrative audio so that one can continue and navigate the map at will and not have to stand still.

Add UI scaling + Font scaling options to settings.

Mark or recolor option in the statistic window, somehow, the stats that are related to the spell tags we have chosen for the spell tree and give them specialization points.

Give everyone who played the game before release a special frame and portrait for in-game customization. (appearance)

Implement an in-game link to various crafting concepts for in-game items that will lead to an in-game guide. For example, for legendary potential there would be a button to bring up the explanation from the game guide and one wouldn’t have to search directly using the search bar - this would lead to faster explanations and make people more interested in understanding the game.

Add to the game the ability to join groups created by other players - the game will offer the option to join groups created in that location when entering the location. Players will be able to name the group and set who they want to be in the group or the purpose of the group.

Add the option of local /say/party chat with players in a group + the ability to use voice chat in-game.
With that said, the /say feature will not work in cities.

Create a skin item purchasable with paid currency that offers players in the group to wear the same skin in the presence of the owner or adds a visual effect to the group.

Give players the option to support you monthly in other ways than with a support pack, such as a monthly amount for which the player gets paid currency and some bonus to go with it.

Give us the option to hire a companion / minion from some npc vendor that will be a one-time pass of the location and will have certain stat bonuses to the player’s stats according to the price in the game less that either the player is missing because he can not get enough items for his build for a long time or will help the player with a buff that his class usually does not have the opportunity to get.

Create an alert for a player who does not meet the minimum conditions when entering a location, for example resistance of some kind or not enough dps. It would be good to define this in certain parts of the game to avoid the frustrating feeling of not having enough power to pass trough.

Create an in-game poll for which one gets a small reward and can fill it out over a fairly long period of time with questions about where the game should go next or what of the given selections people want to add to the game based on the theme.

Definitely a big + to whoever came up with the effect of the portal coming out of the monolith where the screen sort of blurs etc. I would definitely like to see this effect or similar linked to some form of in-game content. For example when getting poisen dmg from an enemy the screen would turn green and create illusions to confuse the player. The fire dmg take would smolder, and the ice dmg take would slowly freeze the screen the longer one gets the dmg.

Add the ability to add pin to map, minimap overlays - of course, as I wrote here, the system of player interaction with the map and map functioning will need to be modified

Improve the quality of life when playing with the controller.

Add a function to create and save a set with the items we have on it and create more so people can switch between the items they have in the stash / of course in some parts of the game like arena or dungeon you can’t change the loadout like that.

Let us choose between the font and colour of the text or the way the text looks when the dmg numbers are displayed.

Set a window to notify that the first cycle contains the same content as the legacy mod and will only be modified in the future with different challenges so that the player who is creating a new character knows what to expect.