Twitch Drops - What you need to know for Launch!

Then just give people the items rather than make them watch some people scream into a camera playing the game.

Or, crazy idea…let people earn them by actually playing the game.


I believe the idea is more the other way around, that streamers will be forced to play and show Last Epoch to get viewers. Free advertising.
I haven’t yet decided if I am going to create a Twitch account just for that. I probably won’t, but if I do, I will just let some random guy run in the background and not even glance at it. Pretty sure most people already playing LE would do the same. The target is to get new streamers and new players.

Twitch drops are a common thing in many games now. PoE and D4 do that, for example.
I don’t have a twitch account nor do I plan on making one, but I don’t have an issue with people getting twitch drops. If I really REALLY wanted the MTX I would create one.

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My issue is how buggy the Twitch timer is, and how it counts your watch time. I’ve had it playing on another screen while I was doing some work on the other, then checked the time… and it hadn’t clocked any view time.

Looks like you just convinced me not to install Twitch just for these items then!
Or maybe I can try running it on my laptop (to fool it into thinking I am actually watching) while I play on the desktop in another room… :thinking:

Like I said, it seems buggy to me. Sometimes it clocks the time, and sometimes it doesn’t. I haven’t found a fer-sher method for it, however. Sometimes it counts time when I have it on a background explorer window…sometimes it doesn’t. Sometimes it counts it open in another monitor. Sometimes it doesn’t. It’s very frustrating, and if anyone has the Twitch Item Collection View Counter Guide for Dummies, I’d appreciate the Cliff’s Notes.

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Maybe you were watching it wrong? You were being “forced” to afterall… If Houlala’s installing Twitch then he’s definitely doing it wrong…


Well, I was watching out of my brown eye, which is all the attention I will give Twitch… so maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaybe?

I mean, there’s a twitch app for mobile, so maybe not? :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks for the support. :blush:
But no, I genuinely thought it was something to install. I have no idea how Twitch works.
Perhaps more worryingly, I am somewhat proud of that fact.

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You watch it, like youtube. Or to use something you might be more familiar with, fire/the cave wall.


This is probably the worst league launch time for anyone not in US

I am going to get my free MTX by watching a PoE streamer on mute for an hour who will only play on release for a few days but I wont be playing on release as I cant and im going to probably avoid the game for a while

Not sure if you realise people have jobs and dont stream for a living and there is timezones.

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I’m not in the US, I don’t get what the problem is. Releasing it mid-week is weird, but I get why they’re doing it (their staff don’t have to pull weekend shifts to fix shit after crunching their proverbials off for days/weeks/whatever getting it launched).

Also, unless I don’t understand how timezones work, isn’t it mid-week for people in the US as well? So they’ll have to “put up” with having to go to work the next day rather than being able to play all day the following day (without taking time off). Unless the rest of the world has Wednesday & Thursday off whi;e you guys have Saturday & Sunday.

Unless you absolutely neeeeeeeeeeed to get “world first” or something, or want to “corner the market” in the AH (and if you think that then you don’t understand how it’s going to work) then waiting a few days/weeks for more bugs & shit to be fixed is not a bad thing.

I also have a full time job (& Jan-May isn’t great for me as it’s our year end/audit), kids that I need to speak to & am not in the same timezone as EHG (and yes, given that EHG are spread over the globe I’m pretty sure they know that there are timezones).

SWTOR also had it’s server reset time on a Tuesday & people in Aus didn’t loose their shit about it, can’t remember if the resets were staggered based on region though, so it’s possible that the Oceana servers could have been reset during the local Tuesday day rather than Austin time, the EU servers certainly were reset during our day.

How can you tell who to watch, as in who has the drops enabled, so you can benefit from it?

I’m guessing on the main Twitch LE Gameplay link it looks like they’ll probably have some sort of overlay on their thumbnail in the listing (i.e. FREE DROP COME WATCH ME!). Some kinda flag that indicates it. There’s like 25 or so LIVE right now. You’ll just pick the ones that indicate.

That’s a pure guess, though. :man_shrugging:t2:

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They’ll have the tag “DropsEnabled”.


Thank you both. I know nothing about Twitch and when I was looking today I wasn’t sure how they would identify it.

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I’m not much better than that. I’ve watched maybe a half dozen streams on Twitch ever. That site intimidates the crap out of me. :joy: :rofl:

Love some good juicy twitch drops!!

We’re making drops widely available to our creators, with the intent of making sure you can watch your favorite streamer and still get the drops.

If you are a creator and would like Twitch Drops for your channel - check out the post about the Creator Program that went live today.