Totem Shaman Build...Now more Shamantastic!

Mr Andrew, please read the 5th line of Mike’s last statement. That was what I am looking for and referencing. The issue is the last statement as the minion tag is missing or not working. Not sure if its a bug as Mike’s first statement is your minion is casting the spell.

If we gave it minion cold and minion spell scaling then when your minion cast it, it would scale off of your minions’s minion cold and minion spell damage.

So from the line of questioning this line is explaining why “minion” is excluded from the tags for Blizzard. It’s because the minion tag is already inherited from Storm Totem. If they gave Blizzard minion tags than it would be a minion of your minion (Storm Totem).

The fact is atm Blizzard is indeed buffed by non-totem/minion stats on gear like adaptive spell damage and % Incr. Spell / Cold Damage. At least the Blizzard DPS tooltip shows that

Blizzard is acting independently of the minion tag now. I was a part of that debate on discord, at least reading it. There was some circular logic going on there.

From how Mike describes it, this is definitely a bug.

[Blizzard] is generated by the minion and therefore is improved with minion stats.

I agree that the way it is working now is illogical . And there’s double dip dmg buff where it is buffed by both non-minion affixes and minion ones. Like you can have a staff with 200% Cold dmg / 200% Spell dmg / 200% Minions spell dmg.

EDIT : Just tested it and Blizzard is NOT buffed by %Inc. Minion Spell dmg at all . Weird

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Right, or as I am doing using a tempest maw off hand or a crystal sword with the scepter. It is not doing rad damage by any means, but you cannot tell if it is the lightning or the blizzard killing mobs as you cannot tell which damage type is which.

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If only we could test totem damage on the dummy… BTW got this babe in the my stash -

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Even still you would not instantly know which damage is doing the damage. The Blizzard is a half component along with the lightning strike (storm) itself.

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Yes but with dummy testing being possible we can at least approx. tell which setup gives higher dmg numbers

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So in conclusion I think this is a bug. Yet, its working how it is tagged. What appears to be going on is that the Blizzard is not inheriting the minion tag, thus normal scaling can happen. Since minion damages are NOT working. I just tested an adaptive damage spell helm with no increase. Seem like a trade off bug to me. I find it funny that the lowest mastery gets a hidden nerf/buff interaction and its a bug that will crush it even more. Not like this is a super killer by any means.

After another discord Q/A Mike said all the Blizzard stuff discussed above is not correct. The tool tips are incorrectly increasing damage when it should not.

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For those who are interested and wondering what the correct answer about Blizzard tags / tooltip DPS is -

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Yea, huge disappointment, I apologize on misleading this thread. At least it is a solved mystery.

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OK! I totally didn’t understand the question on discord but the answer still stands. Abilities that minions use aren’t inherently minion abilities. When an ability tooltip shows up in a minion skill tree, it generates the tooltip as if you were casting the ability. So Blizzard isn’t a minion skill, it’s just a skill that only your minions cast. So, your minion is using its relevant stats to cast. When you summon a minion, it gains spell damage equal to your minion spell damage. Then when it casts Blizzard, it uses its spell damage, which is your minion spell damage.

This is the core of why minion skill tooltip dps is so crazy hard to calculate even remotely usefully.


hi do u have the loot filter?

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I just basically created my own filter based off of someone else’s filter they were using for another build and modified it.

You are basically looking for gear and idols with:

  • attunement

  • adaptive spell dmg (that applies to your minions)

  • % increased minion damage

  • % increased totem damage

Defensive stats are relative to you and your playstyle as some prefer shields and others don’t, so it changes significantly at that point. I choose to go with block chance/effectiveness, healing effectiveness, and HP but you can easily change that to your own needs.

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appreciate if u could share your loot filter please. I am very weak in this…

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Sure. It’s very basic just fyi

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thanks a million! i’ll be leveling now.

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quick question, how do i not see normal items in your filter?

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