Suggestion: Minion Skill DPS Tooltip

Currently when you hover over a Minion skill, the DPS is blank. IMO it should instead contain the DPS of that minion’s primary attack. It would be very helpful for comparing minion damage while swapping gear.

The devs want to do minion tooltip dps, they said that when they implemented the other skills tooltip dps.

But it is more complicated and thus will take more time.

I am not sure how much they have worked on it since then or how far they advanced already, but I am sure it will come eventually.

Minion dps is a lot more complex than player dps due to the minion’s stats being snapshot when they are created. So what should the tooltip show?

  • minion dps for the minions you have out currently (what if there are several of them that have different dps such as skellie warriors and archers, or if some temporary buffs started/expired as you summoned the minions)
  • minion dps for your current gear (ignoring any minions you may/may not have out)
  • what about temporary buffs that affect the current minions but aren’t snapshot?

Edit: And a bit more info from Mike:

I mentioned it before, but EHG, please do something about the dummy HP/regen and targettable skills(smite/totem) if accurate dps tooltip will take a while to develop.

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