Through Muck and Clay

Don’t know if this is a bug or I’m misinterpreting how it works.
Tried in Discord but got no takers.

primalist node questions. Through Muck and Clay. I have yet to se a single stack of Earth Armor when consumed cast maelstrom and I have maelstrom on my bar.

Also should add I’vee tested it in a number of ways including thinking I had to START with 6 stacks before it will fire off doesn’t seem to do it as best as I can tell.



Apparently it does work, but its likely that your Maelstrom stacks are continuing to drop off after Through Muck and Clay procs if they are manually cast.

Ah. Okay thanks.

Still feels weird. If your at zero stacks (technically below zero) its wording suggests you’d start generating Maelstrom stacks up to six by consuming Earth Armor stacks. It doesn’t. Maybe it should be clearer in the wording that it won’t start working until you have six stacks already.

That would be the “if you fall below 6 stacks of Maelstrom”. Nothing happens until you’re above 6 stacks then fall below, when your Maelstrom stacks go below 6 you consume any Earth Armour stacks to give 1 Maelstrom per Earth Armour.

The difference between “when” and “if” could be clearer. My suggestion. That’s all.

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Ahh, fair enough. I also don’t think that it helps that the remaining/other Maelstrom stacks will continue to fall off so if you’ve spammed it & drop below 6 stacks then you’re likely to have other older stacks about to drop off soon as well taking you down below 6 again after the proc.

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Oh yeah, that gets into the whole refresh thing with some of these stackable ‘auras’. Like Sigils.

But I gather they’re planning to look at a number of skills like that.

I’ve always felt it should work like D3s Sweeping Wind, always refreshes the OLDEST stack.

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And on topic, it was a bit of a bummer with Muck and Clay. I’m tinkering with a rabid squirrel build (because I think it’s funny as all get out - especially when those beady little eyes all light up red when you Sqowl. :D) I was trying to find a reliable way to keep Maelstrom stacks up but with the skills I’m using Upheaval, Frenzy Totem (and lots os Aspect of the Shark) I just couldn’t find a way to do it. I swapped it out for Thorn Totems and that’s been smoother.

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