This game will fail if they don't change the GB/CA meta

It is garbage, it shouldn’t be in the game. It shouldn’t be mandatory. Gearing should be about give and take, not “Do this or you’ll get one shot”. Your arguments are always so useless. Obviously it’s effective, it literally cuts damage in half. The point isn’t that it’s ineffective, it’s lazy and poor design. Seems to be a trend around here, but it’s beta and I’m hoping this stuff gets changed.

It is garbage.

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but the thing is, there r a lot of other broken mechanics
if u utilize them, u do not need gb/ca at all
i rarely use ca, it doesn’t work well with dodge and doesn’t reduce dot
the thing with this game is, i can get to wave 300+ just by casting devouring orbs, nothing can one shot me, so health leech + resistances makes me a much better all-rounder, crit avoidance is only useful if crits can one shot me
gb and even dodge r pretty much useless in infinite ward builds, people just grab them as icing on cakes
no offense, but u really need to figure out more ways to break this game…

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there r things that u need to understand about games
IF a crit off a little arrow or lightning bolt can one shot u, then this game is way too hard, and crit avoidance won’t help u, cuz with crit avoidance u will have lower resistance (3 suffix slots is a lot) + 2~3bolts that hit u at the same time will kill u
IF NOT, then u only need to worry about crits off those big shots that paint huge circles on the floor before they hit, if u can’t walk away/ teleport away/ use invincible off things like lunge to avoid the attack, then… u r such a bad player, i just don’t see why people want to listen to anything u say

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I think we’ve been down this particular conversational path before…


just wanna point out that: guy needs to play game :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I know, I’m just saying…

This guy is making the argument for me, while somehow trying to imply I suck at the game… Not sure if he’s a genius or just not intelligent enough to participate in the conversation.

Having a go at each other is just going to end up with the thread being closed (again, which was the point I was making). And it takes two to tango (usually but not always).

Just curious: What is your build you get to wave 300+ only with casting DO? What are your items/stats?

I am asking because I can remember a discussion where you mentioned that you somehow use savegame swapping to craft better gear (don’t understand exactly what you do). This way you perhaps can test the limits of game mechanics and simulate how the game would look when you have maxed out your gear. I don’t know if this still is the case or if you leveled your chars regularly. I am just asuming this by your responses and the numbers you put on the table.

This matters imho because I doubt you will be able too have maxed out perfect fitting gear. So here are people that already have 1000+ hours put into the game. I’d like to know if somebody of these players has that perfect gear that he can go to arena wave 300 without any affix for GB and CA.

What protection and health values do you have to be able to do this?

While I get the point you wanna test the game mechanics with that high stat values I don’t think it’s the focus point all mechanics have to be balanced around. If 99.9 % will never get that high, why even bother.

The numbers you put up here and in other threads seem so far over the top that I don’t think they are reachable by playing as intended for a very long time. Maybe I think different when I also have 1000+ hours in (what would take years for me), but with my 200+ hours in i just can’t image.


Theres almost no point giving feedback if LE defenders are going to immediately jump in and dismiss others opinions as being wrong

Glancing Blow is in my opinion - terrible

This game is going to suffer bigtime if the devs get nothing but ‘this is amazing:>’ from the 10 players who are always here and base decisions solely off that

I think the author is confused about stacking CA, I took 770 with 0% CA, and i doubt you need it, unless you want to run around with 0 poison prot at least on sentinel, on bear you can get crit avoidance pretty easy. The thing is with high mitigation that Sentinel has you do not need crit avoidance because you cant be one-shotted and against many crit hits you have dodge/block.

As i see CA is only for ward builds. GB is very good imo, cause its a necessity same as resistances in POE. Also GB takes only 4 prefixes, wtf are people complaining abt

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hmmm the way i see it, ca is for none ward bds that r afraid of getting one shotted
with super high ward, why would u want ca??? it’s not worth the 3 slots
although, with limited ward, people might want to grab it for extra protection i guess…

you want CA on high ward for consistancy and because you can stack both CA and dodge, so you have nothing else to put on suffixes.

i’m making a all-out defense ward build, this fits perfectly on that build
wanna go pro now! hahahaha

Just because some people don’t share your opinion doesn’t make them “defenders” or white knights. That’s the point os a discussion, to compare & contrast different points of view so that the devs can make more informed decisions on what they want to do with their game.

Fair enough, given I’m too lazy to scroll back up & check, have you given reasons why & what you think it could be replaced with (a link would be fine, you don’t need to type it all out again).

This is true, but the devs need good logical arguments covering a range of points, aesthetics, numbers, mechanics as well as options. Not just “it sucks & you’re an idiot for not agreeing with me” (which some people have gone with).

Edit: White Knighting for the sake of “it wasn’t invented here therefore it’s bad & change is bad” is also not overly helpful.

Besides, everyone knows the best thing for the game would be to an an MTX/skin/whatever that changes the Primalist’s wolves into giant ants and the bear/sabertooth into a giant snail.

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This is not 100% true. If a lot of people say it’s crap with no further reason mentioned it’s still feedback. Some people can’t pinpoint their problems with a mechanic as well as others. This topic seems to be frustrating at least because it pops up again and again.
Personaly I still think GB is dead weight because it’s almost mandatory and feels bad to use because of this. Sure I build it because it’s a great tool against taken dmg then again it always feels bad to waste slots on it.

Maybe there could be another poll for Pro GB (leave the mechanic like it is), Contra GB (remove it completely) and Pro GB (but rework it), like the devs did in this thread…

Even though it’s interesting to read different opinions for pro and contra i think this thread here got a little bit out of hand, don’t you think?

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I know what you mean, but a load of people saying something is crap isn’t as useful as saying it’s crap because the damage is too low or the cooldown is too high or the skill just looks crap.

That’s correct but if a lot of people say “mechanic X is crap!” you simply need to investigate no matter what and it looks like most people think GD is a useless stat because it’s mandatory and you are almost forced (with some exeprions that work without it) to use it. It’s always bad to have mechanics ingame that are a must have and reduce the freedom of players. So I still think “It’s crap because… reasons!!!11” is valid yet not informative.

I agree, it’s valid, but not particularly helpful.