The Travelers Backpack - Our gift to you!

Is “FOMO” the new universal argument against any time limited offers?

The traveller’s backpack is a goodie that the devs solely created for the purpose to thank their early backers for sticking with them for so long. It’s full of easter eggs regarding the pre 0.9 development.

People that joined after 0.9 are not supposed to have this item. It’s not for them and they don’t have a real relation to the item or what it stands for.

It’s a loyalty reward. Not a “FOMO” move to lure new people in.

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I’m not sure if they are working on it or not. I don’t see anything from devs and support wants me to prove that I bought the game before 9.0. I tried to prove my account age but my proof wasn’t enough for them.

Buy the game before X date to get a time-limited cosmetic is textbook FOMO marketing.

The other side of FOMO is people like me, who are pretty into cosmetics, have to show up and the only side of FOMO we get is the missing out part.

Even if we paid the same. Even if we actually wanted to buy a supporter pack, we can’t. Because someone made a decision to slap arbitrary dates on this stuff.

I get FOMO. What I don’t get is terminating everything literally on the drop of the patch that is going to bring in a ton of new people. I am one of them. What’s in it for me? How can I support this game and get in on the FOMO so I’m not purely missing out?

There is nothing fomo about this, nobody knew they were going to get a backpack when they bought the games ages ago and hell, offline players can’t even use their backpacks or any MTX

From February 16th to March 9th, everyone had notice that they were getting a backpack if they bought the game.

Eleventh Hour, in this same post, also placed a firm end date to current supporter packs.

But you still had a few weeks to buy them so you didn’t…miss out.

Hey folks - EHG_Steve here. I am the marketing person for Eleventh Hour Games and Last Epoch.

I wanted to pop in and address this because there are definitely multiple ways this can be interpreted, but it’s important to know what our goal/intent was as well.

First, it was absolutely our intent for the Travelers Backpack to be our way of saying Thank You to those who had supported us in previous years. We were coming off of the most extended delay between patches (with it having been a year between significant content updates), and we wanted to create something for the community that was specific and special to that community.

Second, there are those who would choose to pick up the game because of this special MTX, as it was the first time we had done something like this specifically. Pretty much anytime a company offers a thing, there are those who are going to want it. This is the reason we chose to advertise it. It was less about us wanting to create FOMO and more about knowing that FOMO exists and people would be more upset if we didn’t say anything.

It was for those two reasons and much more that we decided to advertise the backpack. We knew the community would be pumped, and we knew those on the fence might say this was the reason to jump on.

However, the critical factor here is that this was a gift to those who were with us before 0.9. We knew 0.9 would bring a lot of new players, and while we have things planned for those who have joined after, this gift specifically was for our community.

With Love,


Firstly, I appreciate you addressing this topic.

It does help inform my own perspective to see what the thought process was from the decision makers.

Still, I don’t think there is anything positive to be gained from my continuing to belabor the points I raised earlier. The decision has surely been made, and I must accept that is how it is.

I’m sorry I wasn’t here sooner. I’d have been all over that kickstarter, had I known about it. I do think that Last Epoch is a solid entry in the genre, and the primalist is a great match for me as a player.

But I wasn’t there, and there’s just no fixing that now I suppose.

No worries.

I am with you, and some of your points are valid, to be fair. I think what you are describing is an issue that is a larger issue in the industry and hobby. There are just too many games. Even in things like a niche genre, its REALLY hard for a game to break through the noise, and often times, something you would have absolutely jumped at, just doesn’t even make it to your radar until its too late.

Personal anecdote, I am a huge Tabletop Roleplayer. I’ve been GM’ing games for decades.

It’s really frustrating the amount of awesome Kickstarter, or early adopt programs I miss that I would have supported, simply because there are soo stinking many.

We are at a point with GenCon (for those of you who know), that its very easy to miss a great game, or multiple great games, simply because there are not enough hours in the day to take a look at them.

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What about offline players not getting it though? What’s the big idea there? Feeling kinda cheated out from it, as someone who has been here since 2021 and not getting something I should have according to you because I don’t play online

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I would have loved to have joined it a lot earlier to support the build-up also, just glad I did join when I did. I could have gotten nicer sounding badges!

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New supporter packs should help out with that. I’m mostly going to be in standby till I see what’s on offer. There’s only one item from the prior stuff I can’t live without, and it will hopefully make a return.

Yeah, I was really half joking. I’m not a big “look at my badge” kind of person, I really would have liked to be able to support the kickstarter earlier to help them get the foothold though, just didn’t know about it then.

I bought the game today. Do I receive any gift at all?

Really? Support said they cannot see when you purchased the game? I hope this is not the case because I don’t even know which credit card I used almost 2 years ago etc…

Thanks, Steve!
I appreciate the little things companies like this do. Hopefully those of us who did purchase well before the end date will be receiving the backpack OK. I heard people say they claimed it OK while others like me still receive the error msg.

In your Steam Library, on the Last Epoch page, if you go the last tab on the right called Support you can see how and when you got the game. Maybe EHG can’t see it, but that should be proof enough.

There again, for me it was 26th September 2021, and I also get the message saying I purchased too late to get the backpack. At this point I don’t have much hope we will ever see it.
Not a big deal but a tad frustrating.

For me it is telling me I purchased it on Mar 9th at night time, which sounds right for when we were forced to migrate the game on Steam. I bought it in Dec 2021 though and hopefully still have the email receipt or something.

Just posting again here to say that I am still receiving the msg that my account is too new when trying to claim the backpack.

Not sure if I should email support again or not, or if anyone knows if EHG is still working on this?

Hello Gattaca,

Unfortunantely the promotion for the backpack was purchases had to be made BEFORE the 0.9.0 launch. Which means if you purchased on the day of, it would have been to late.

According to Gattaca though they purchased the game in 2021, well before 0.9 launched.

They’ve said this multiple times, is there some misunderstanding here?


I purchased LE back around Dec 2021 with the stand-alone client. However, on Steam now, after the migration thing recently I think it tells me I purchased it the day I clicked the migration button, which is odd.
Also, I know forum badges aren’t currently showing yet but you should be able to see maybe that I have one of the original supporter titles?

I have old email to/from EHG as well when I did an account name change a while back as well if there is ever any need for proof.
Should I just email support again and re-open the ticket I had from a few months back?

Yup haha. Idk really what’s going on. I hear from some people they claimed it OK and others still get the error msg I receive when clicking on claim button.

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