The Travelers Backpack - Our gift to you!

There is nothing to not like about this Backpack. Nice idea of coming up with this one. And now I´m soon gonna be walking around with one.

New supporter packs! :revolving_hearts:
Can’t wait!!

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Ok, I just go here as well. I want to Upgrade my current Supporter Pack from Ardent Commander to the Ardent Lord Supporter Pack. So, I come to the SUBMIT A REQUEST on LAST EPOCH SUPPORT page. What exactly do I fill in as in the different fields.

I would also very much like please, to know when will Physical items start being Shipped out?

Since there is no dedicated category for this, I would go with a General Ticket

Usually they are sent out in waves, when the accumulated enough pending items.
But if you want to have specifics opening a ticket for that as well might give oyu more precise informations.
Physical Items & Shipping has its own dedicated ticket category.

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I legit thought these were real backpacks and I was about to buy one lmao


If they come out with a real backpack, I’d definitely buy that.

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So finally a place where the marksman stores her arrows. :wink:

Looks awesome!

I just bought 0.8.5 and i don’t see anything about it.

It isn’t available in game until the next patch. We can’t add things to the game files without a patch.

Do you not just waggle your fingers & it appears on our SSDs?

world view crushed

Thanks Mike, just, thanks.

/sarcasm for those who don’t get British humour.

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EHG doesn’t use client DRM rootkits.

Maybe for all we know, one kind of Physical Backpack will be available for the ones who get the higher cost new Supporter Packs.

so do the people who play the beta get the backpack as well ? playtest

The Travelers backpack will be given to all owners of Last Epoch who own a copy prior to Patch 0.9, on March 9th

Got in just in time to get my traveler’s backpack when it comes out. I got Ardent Champion.

Ok, I am wondering what kind of fields I should go for choosing on the Support Page.
I have just recently bought a full brand new Supporter Package to be able to Upgrade my last one.
Now I need to know exact what kind of fields is the most likeable to fill in to get a refund for the Difference.
Should Billing Issues be the most obvious one, and then a Refund Request? or should I go Pre 0.9 Supporter Pack Upgrade?
Asking since a bit unsure, since I am actual into both fields here.

EDIT: I just went for the most natural ones, so I´m likely fine and I cross my fings that everything will go smooth.
Already looking forward to the next line/series of Supporter Packs, coming next week.

Is the traveler’s backpack already added with the latest patch? Thank you in advance.

When will the new supporter packs be available? :heart_eyes:

So I haven’t received the backpack yet nor can I find any confirmation that other people have it. Has it been added in 0.9 or not?