I totally agree. Lagon almost made me quit the game. It is was an extremely dissatisfying experience.
That’s not because the fight is hard. If you are playing through the campaign, you are most certainly get one shotted over and over again. Especially as a melee character. You can leave im alone, grind some levels and gear and face him again of course, but in my opinion, the campaign should be played as it comes.
I have one problem with Lagon, can’t get past the depths. I’ve got portal open luckily on first run down. Then game froze. Now every time I try, I run maybe 3 or 4 mins if lucky and it freezes again. And it’s not in same place. In the Beta, I was able to get to him with no problem. Beating him was different story. Was killed a bunch till I figured out how to run it. My Necro and skellies were getting po’d at me for letting them die so much. Now I’m not having problem keeping them alive, because I can’t get to next level. Couple times it froze so bad that I had to FORCE reboot computer. Has anyone else had these crashes? I’m running a 4050 Nvida on I-7. Comp isn’t 6 months old. No problems on any other games and none on LE till I got here on 1.0.3 patch. And the new Patch didn’t help. So anyone got an answer? Bug report doesn’t.
What is funny… my first time through he was so easy on my Spellblade… then I did a wraith necro… and it was awesomely difficult but I worked it out and got through it.
It’s not the Lagon is particularly difficult. It’s that there’s a HUGE difficulty spike compared to everything the player has fought up to this point.
I’m currently at level 85, and I haven’t struggled against any boss, including Lagon v2, nearly as much as I did when I first encountered Lagon v1. In fact, the v2 fight is much easier since you can run out of that area.
The first time I fought Lagon I died twice and killed him on the third try. Between all three attempts it took me maybe 7 minutes before he was dead. This was done on a pretty undergeared sentinel at the time. I am not sure why the struggle on this boss for so many. He telegraphs his attacks.
Maybe different methods of damage mitigation would be appropriate for boss fights. Tank classes that are slow have issues with big boppers and evasion. Trying forge guard now and Lagon was super easy in campaign but im on empowered monos now and I don’t have the hit points to survive. 10k armor, overcapped resists, just no movement lol.
Not at all. I want the first version of Lagon, which is around level 50, to be toned down. Only that version. The rest of the bosses I’ve encountered are fine, including Lagon v2.
That difficulty spike is a huge shock to a new player, and I almost refunded the game because of it.
The idea is that bosses are scalable by level… if you are level 75, you shouldn’t struggle with a boss on a 65th level mono or dungeon… or in the game story. Yet, 1 shot mechanics exist and happen. It’s not a good way to build a game… the OP is right, people will rage quit. You shouldn’t need to go spend hours in monos, hoping and praying to get the right combo just to beat a boss… bosses should be tough based on your level… period. Ask d4 players how they felt about uber lilith… then ask the devs why uber lilith is not relevant to the game anymore
There are two types of people; those who rage-quit and those who don’t. The ones who do will always find a “reason” because they’re always looking for one.
You have any data to justify that? Because I guarantee you that d2/d3 didn’t have rage quitters due to that type of thing… they both stayed successful for a very long time. Lilith caused some rage quitting in d4… to the point, their devs made her irrelevant to the game. Guess what, s2 had a huge uptick, unfortunately their idea for s3 fell a little flat but there was no one screaming or rage quitting… just a lack of content. (which in itself is an issue)… we have data to look at. We have ways to look at things intellectually and without bias. If someone doesn’t touch grass and plays a game for 4 years, and 100 hrs a week, they have no business trying to understand what someone who started at 1.0 has to say. The idea of a game is to do stuff to make those who don’t touch grass stay engaged but have casuals feel like they are accomplishing something.
1 -shot mechanics is a good way to make people feel they aren’t accomplishing anything.
I think the main problem is the difficulty gap between getting to the boss and fighting it. Getting there? Super easy. Fighting them? Totally different experience from 99% of the rest of the game. It goes from YOLO to what happened?!!
The only game I really play like the way you suggest is Satisfactory, a factory building game. Other games I like to overcome those difficulties because that is the sense of achievement. If I can’t do something, I try harder to achieve it. This shows that I have gotten better at something and that new achievement becomes my new yard stick until the next problem arises.
If you like games without challenges I would highly recommend Satisfactory, my nephew plays Farming Simulator and he loves it. Maybe give those a try?
Trying harder to achieve something is ok… having to memorize how a boss attackes, arm yourself for said attack, change your build… all the while learning the game… isn’t the same thing. Most often… being lucky isn’t an achievement.
I do like challenge in games. What I don’t like is when the challenge comes down to twitch reflexes, or memorizing a pattern that must be followed as the only way to success.
In games like this, I prefer the challenge of making my character so powerful they can tank their way through. The best games don’t force one way over the other, but have multiple ways to beat every boss.
My personal issue with Lagon is that the reaction times feel pretty tight. For the claw-slam you either have to
A) start running the moment he raises his claw or B) use a traversal skill.
That is because, since the attack comes in from off-screen, the tell feels pretty subtle comparatively, and it is hard to tell exactly where its going to land.
The tentacles cover a pretty decent area of the arena and can stun you. If and when you get stunned (I feel like stuns are inevitable) Then you are at the complete mercy of poor timing.
The tentacles likewise have no tell as far as I can see about when they attack. If they do they are very hard to detect as your attention is forced to be on Lagon himself and his claws since thats the brunt of the damage. The beam and the Mooncircle are non-issues since they warn you well in advance
That being said, None of this even comes close to Majasa Phase 2
I’m a melee poison warlock and I’ve not been 1 shotted yet. Maybe some better gear as armour helps. I’’ve been poorly geared all the way through so far (lvl 95 now) but I’ve been trying to stack armour.
I think the fight is really fun! Having all these things happening close together makes for a frantic fight, which is what I think they want to happen. Face tanking and walking simulator that leads up to this fight doesn’t prepare you for the fight. I know I felt a little lethargic going into the fight and it woke me up a bit and got me interested again. I appreciate ARPGs are very simple, gameplay wise, so it was refreshing to see this to be honest.
I guess you can’t please everyone all of the time, so be encouraged that there are different parts to this game that you can enjoy.