The real problem with Lagon

He’s probably one of the biggest removers of players I think! Regardless of guides, comment,s low health etc- none of these, I believe, are the real problem.
Up to this point, its a fairly easy game, with no heavy mosters to speak of- all can be work down, and a bit fo damage heals up quick enough. Lagon however goes against this. A huge health pool for startes, combined with pretty much everything being able to one shot you is hard to get to grips with. You cant tank any more, and the stupidly long run up to him can ne depressing if you quit and come back. Its less of a playing problem, and more a psychological one where you need to forget all you’ve done before, and change priorities.

For me, I died all day long, and gave up. I went off, found monoliths, an played there- got to level 65 or so, then remembered to go back to Lagon. With the extra kit it was a lot easier- ies once as I idnt see a moonbeam- but it was also easier as I knew what was coming.

The difficulty ramp up from pre Lagon to Lagon is huge. If you enjoy the unknowwn of games and intentionally havent read the guides etc (I prefer it that way) makes it a real shock ot the system, and you then have to go through the “die/what killed me/try again/oops theres another 1 shot” cycle.
I understand Lagon is what it is, but its frankly overkill. Its not so much the actual difficulty, but the relative difficulty.


I enjoyed wiping on him constantly to be honest. It gave me a sense of achievement when I did it on my Fire Minion Necromancer. It was good to see the details on what killed me I.e. Cold/Lightning damage. It would have been good to know what resistances to have before going into bosses/monoliths though, so that you can plan accordingly, though I guess that’s what trial, error and experience is for. It’s frustrating when you don’t know what’s coming and then you get 1 shot due to resistances. Temporal Sanctum was a pain for me too, as I had zero Void resistance (I think, or was it Necrotic?).
I completed it yesterday on my Poison Harvest Warlock (Nurgle Knight) and it definitely felt harder to melee, but that was the most fun! Transplanting trough the beam, decurseing, Fissure, Wandering spirits and then Harvesting felt very dynamic and hectic. I hope we get more bosses like that in future content. Maybe I’ll have some decent gear to wear by then. :joy: I currently still have level 19 rings and a 49 head piece at level 82!! :joy:


Whats funny in endgame monoliths and dungeons he isnt even in the top 5 scariest bosses. Wait until those players get to Emperor of Corpses or fight a Blood Shade of Orobyss.


The game isn’t built to let people just walk all over it. I’m glad there are bosses that are tough in the game. It’s boring to not try and be given a victory screen.


To be fair the area before him and his temple is filled with water and lightning attacks. All the areas have 2 damage types as their theme.

Age of Ruin - Void/Poison (fire at the very start of the campaign)
Imperial Age - Necrotic/Poison
Primordial - Physical/Fire
Divine Era - Ice/Fire/Lightning (one area for each)
Majelska - Poison/Fire (diamond maidens and the bird dudes at the end do fire but its mostly poison)

Usually, each area has a base item to help. Outcast Gloves for Necrotic, Heoborian Boots for cold, etc. If you just craft Necrotic res on a decent pair of outcast gloves you will have like 60 necrotic res and that’s all you need.

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This right here is the major problem as I see it. Put a damn portal in there so a person can go away and come back without having to kill all those mobs to get back to him. I really do hate that fight.


Lagon is a wake-up, for sure. But he’s not the last, or trickiest boss in the game.

I agree with OP, he’s not saying it’s wrong that Lagon is hard … it’s that the new player just hits a brick wall. If you think about it, what exactly is the point of putting a brick wall for new players right in the middle of the campaign? Let them finish the damned campaign and then brick wall them later.


I see Lagon as the boss-mechanic training bootcamp… Lagon is easy if you can pay attention to his mechanics, his telegraphing, and don’t stand in the damage zones on the ground… If you can’t do that, you aren’t going to get very far in any ARPG… Or MMO … Or many RPGs for that matter.


But that’s OK. Some new players just want to be casual and finish the story line. They don’t care if they get far into end game. Lagon the way he is just deprives them of the story.


If they’re playing for the story, they should understand that Lagon is a god and not just another mob and take appropriate precautions when approaching him.


lol you guys have absolutely no sympathy for noobs


I think you are confusing monoliths with endgame… I would say endgame doesn’t start until empowered monoliths. You have to fight a lot of monolith bosses, who have mechanics, and can be difficult, just to make it to empowered monos a.k.a. endgame…

By the way, monoliths are part of the story, I would argue the most important part… So anyone playing for story would still need to learn how to fight bosses as I described. My point still stands.

I"m a noob, too! I only started playing a week or two before release.

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No sympathy whatsoever. We were all noobs once. :expressionless:

I do agree they should put a portal in there to bypass the trash mobs. Having to rerun the mobs adds insult to injury.

Switch to a controller for the boss fights. It makes the boss fights completely trivial.

he’s a gear and skill check. story Lagon is usually the first point where I actually have to upgrade my gear and change the stats in the forge

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Do not nerf bosses -_- Lagon is a great fight, good mechanics and you actually need to read it and think!

I haven’t felt the sense of achievement when I beat him on my warpath VK in monos for a looooong time, it felt good, despite wiping loads of times, you learn each time.

Besides, he’s not the only thing that has 1 shot me.

tl:dr Great fight, don’t nerf




We should hold a little contest to see what’s the lowest level needed to beat campaign Lagon. And I don’t say that with troll intentions; i’m sure some experienced players could do impressive things with that constraint. Maybe in CAF too ? So there’s no 4LP Dreamthorn shenanigans, for example. :smiley: