The Imperial Uprising: Event Details & Poll Results

I’m interested in what EHG may do for Legacy to make those characters feel relevant again … I only play Legacy to test builds out nowadays, although I still feel attached to my level 90+ Legacy characters, it does feel like a bit of a waste to play them when Cycles are on.

Maybe if there were some incentives to play Legacy…

I don’t really think this will be the case, because this reset has very limited new content. A new cycle with these buffs removed would have a bunch of other stuff to explore to remove that feeling


I’m CoF but the 50% buff to gold drop will surely result in hyperinflation / gold cap problems for MG players? Think this will have some unintended negative consequences tbh.

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“One of the big things here we want to dive more into is why players feel their characters become irrelevant when transferring characters to Legacy, and what we can do to alleviate that feeling.”

There’s nothing you can do to alleviate this. This is a core tenant of live-service ARPG’s. The overwhelming majority of players will NEVER play legacy no matter what you do, so please don’t waste your time trying to solve a ‘problem’ that isn’t a problem. Focus your attention on keeping players engaged during each cycle.


Can you explain how this is an “L decision”?

Excited for everything that is coming along with this refresh!

This 100%. Please don’t waste time on Legacy. People playing Legacy don’t understand the point of cyclical ARPGs and are not what will keep the game alive.


L BOZO lol bye

Regarding the better MG functionality: I recognize this will make searching for idols much easier but will we be able to search for unique rolls? Items like unstable core or + to skill uniques would be much easier to search for if their affixes were available

it is late in the cycle and temporary

While it hasn’t made it in yet, this is something being discussed by the team as we have seen that feedback!

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A better solution in the future for mid-cycle refreshes is to leave the cycle characters alone and let them continue their grind on their leaderboards (ie don’t transfer them to legacy). The do a soft reset (ie Cycle 2.5) requiring new characters, with everything reset (leaderboards, economy, and loot) EXCEPT FOR our stash tabs and our affixes.

Furthermore, look into Grim Dawn’s community league and how they do their leaderboards/races. It’s a point based system where you are rewarded points by completing various objectives. It’s a much more rewarding experience, and often requires building multiple characters to complete various objectives at certain level caps (defeating X boss at max lvl 90, etc).

You don’t have to copy GD, but we do need something more to keep us engaged beyond just a boring endless arena.


Honestly I skipped the last cycle, and I might do the same here. Personally I enjoy legacy more simply because the thing I enjoy most is testing end game builds. While the leveling of alts and the mono grind is significantly faster now, I still would rather just have a character I can immediately go in and test new items/content. But I know I am in a very tiny % of the overall player base.

Also the issue mentioned above about stash tabs highly demotivates me playing cycles. At least if I play legacy I know my gold will go to fueling my item hoarding addiction. My 1.0 character had a large number of items saved, but I couldn’t move all the ones I wanted to my legacy stash… Which means I end up having to search two different stashes when trying to find certain affixes/base types to try to craft. It feels strange to be that an update improving stash functionality doesn’t include a fix for a glaring issue with the stash and cycles.


you dont have to start over in LE. everything in Cycle is in Legacy. nemisis, the hrabis…etc its all in legacy. you only need to play cycle if you want to compete on the ladder or want a refreshed economy.

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Will you add roll improvement (from bazaar) to item filters too? it will be nice. Especialy for idols

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dude my stash is golden 2 days into cycle. what on earth are you keeping?

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A ton of things. Between my 1.0 cycle stash and legacy I have roughly 160 tabs of items. This is because I test so many different things, I constantly am in need of specific base types and rolls for lots of different characters and archetypes.

lol…dude thinks Diablo is going to be better than this. Enjoy your 2 hour grind to max level and everything handed to you by day 3 so you can complain about being bored :rofl:


Lezgaw! excited for the upcoming reset!


Can’t imagine who on earth would be voting No for a cycle refresh. Glad that the majority agree it’s best for the cycle.

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