The Easiest Most Powerful Werebear/Pet Returns. The Werigan! 0.8.1b

Ah, that’d be the +10 vit you get in Werebear, no way around it. Assuming you took the Woodlore node (+1 vit per point, max 8), +2 from your chest, +10 from Werebear form = 20.

Thanks mate you’re the best! and also correct but he also took the woodlore node at least that’s what shows on the planner so something is amiss here. Wondering if I can dump that and put the points into Vale Warrior?

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The build planner stat screen doesn’t include passives, only gear.

But endurance threshold scales my maximum health so getting more especially using prefix slots is greater ehp?!

So looks like 8.1c hit this build pretty hard. I’m nowhere near as strong as in your video and neither is the spriggan :face_with_head_bandage:

This build is 100% good to go. Do you have the 40 adaptive spell damage for companion at top of druid tree and 20 flat in entangling roots with 100% cast speed? Those 3 things plus minion chance to bleed and poisom make this build pop

Yup have all of those I’m level 99 now. In Empowered Lagon spriggan dies with one swipe of his claw. Only thing I have different from you is my idol setup. I needed a couple to fill resistances. How much differences does that make?

What weapon are you wearing?

A very good version of the one in your build.

It’s still a really good build just not as strong as before the latest patch.

Well your spriggan should never die
So im curious

FYI certainly never died before empowered mode but that seems to be the line.

How much minion health % do you have?

172% increased minion health

That seems a little low. Try getting just 1 tier 5 affix as well as shelling out some passive points into minion health. Also make sure you have all the solo companion nodes you can get. 1 is in beastmaster tree

I can do the former. My passive tree is the same as yours but for one extra point in “Woodland Bond”

K got minion health to 242 see how that works out.

This one is sheer hell to level…


Really enjoying the build. I think what I struggle with most is clear speed at the moment at around level 70, though the Spriggan machine guns through stuff reasonably well.

I’ve just picked up a unique that allows me to have +1 companion, and I’m wondering if the specialization in swipe that I’m not using particularly much might be better allocated on a second companion that could help with support / clear. In particular, the Bear seems like it might have some synergies with the Spriggan (briar thorn can scale on physical and spell damage, poisons on hit, and shreds armor), but I have no idea if it’s any good or not.

First, welcome to the community.

The spriggan machine gune for damage is based around the 40 adaptive spell damage at top of druid tree. In order to take it you also take a Solo companion node which means you cannot have more than 1 companion.

You can spec out and (by default you can already have 2 companions) get the bear as well as the spriggan but you will lose damamge.

Ah, you’re right. For some reason, I thought the helm might override that limit, but there’s no reason to believe it would when all the other +companion nodes don’t. I also realized that I could just try casting without speccing into bear, and indeed it replaces spriggan. Thanks for the quick response.

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