The Easiest Most Powerful Werebear/Pet Returns. The Werigan! 0.8.1b

Holy Crap @boardman21 I just realised that this thread has almost 25k views…

Dude you need to monetise this…


So is this build effectively dead as it is?

In werebear form yes
As a druid no.
Updated Here:

Cheers! Thanks for the prompt reply

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OK this build works very well. I can only imagine how strong it will be when the 2 Entangling Roots nodes are fixed.

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OK I just watched this video. I noticed you stay in Spriggan form. Kind of wondering what is the point of having werebear form at all here? Is there a better skill to use in this setup?

Because I only used Werebear to blast down bosses and transformations do not share a cooldown…so you can freely switch between both within 20seconds - under Werebear/Entangling Spriggan gets 40%? cast speed and Adaptive spell but now Vines are fixed and bear is nerfed Spriggan form all the way

I used Poison Vines for clearing and Spriggan mops up everything

i think I might of cant remember. I linked a video a few times of quick clear and go over the skills, planner doesnt work due to idols it seems

I think I show my gear at the end but ive barely changed this character in months. I do want a Living Seed relic to potentially drop Reach of the Grave as my Spriggan rarely dies anyway

Yeah but currently Entangling Boost is broken/not working. It’s listed in the bug reports as a “known issue”.

Fixed a bug where Entangling Roots’ nodes for buffing minions were not buffing minions.

@boardman21 Can you level this build from scratch or is it advisable to follow the leveling/Druid guide instead?

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I would level the 1 to 75 werebear then transition over at level 70+. You need the 40 adapative spell damage in top of druid tree for this baby to really come together

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Is this build back to S Tier with the bug fix from a few days ago? And no longer needs to go the Machine Gun Spri?

I havent played it yet, but some hve said that its back to do just as much damage and such so it should be. Will play this one again soon :slight_smile:

What about the lack of mana regen tho?

You can build into mana regen and take the mana efficiency nodes in entangling roots
I have played it yet, but number on paper show you can cast entangling roots up to once per 2 seconds which is more than enough.

Well hopefully someone will try it and let us know. I specced out of this when 8.2 came along but it’s still one of my favorite builds. If it works I’ll go back (I find the whole respec thing to be a real pita)

so the issue is roar’s entangling roots cost. right?
what happens if i spec out of “roots of lapp” and preferably have an item with at least +1 to entangling roots to get that fleeting grove (say 2 ponts). thats +80 mana efficiency for roots and no more +50% mana for roots of lapp. if it works like it should on paper, this should do it. you do get smaller area, but i think it’s manageable, at least if not constantly spamming roar, but only as needed.

also, just for QoL, having high attunement and +mana on gear helps a bit too.

OK did some more messing around with this build. It’s just not as effective since the patch. I would recommend switching to the Spriggan build as noted by Shrukn above.

So I am using the Spriggan version of this build. I am finding no need whatsoever to switch to werebear. Is there another skill that would be useable in it’s place? TIA for any answers/thots

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