The early game is absolutely ridiculous how easy it is

Do you still get the passive points and idol slots?

It’s not anywhere near as bad as here. The first few dozen monoliths you do take less than 3 minutes. This game has the most infantile end game I’ve experienced outside of mobile games.

Have you done empowered monos?

I mean, the game is still very, relatively new to other ARPGs, especially compared to PoE. PoE has somewhere near 10 years of updates under their belt. I won’t fault Last Epoch for being new.

We need a hard mode enabled from the start that gives a character extra xp and you can toggle it off whenever you want. There’s no reason to reinvent the wheel here; that’s a feature that’s existed in ARPGs for over 20 years. It doesn’t matter if it isn’t balanced, it’ll be fine. The campaign is way too easy for at least the first 50 levels and sitting through that is going to bore the heck out of most players coming from other games.

People say that it’s good that it’s easy because that means you can experiment with different builds and make basically anything work. I’ll counter that by saying that there’s no reason to experiment if there’s no challenge to overcome. In fact, making good decisions about how to build your character is disincentivized because that only makes an easy game more trivial.

Last Epoch can’t be expected to have a more developed end game than other ARPGs that have been out for over a decade. But they can control having a well-developed and engaging early game that gives the player a reason to play with the game’s systems before getting to the end game.

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No reason to experiment if there’s no challenge to overcome is a very interesting take. Idk, I think having fun’s a good reason? I have a lot of fun messing with build ideas. Last I figured, games were meant to be fun too, no?

I think having a challenge to overcome is fun. I certainly don’t want to take away the option to have an easy campaign where you can do whatever you want. I want a hard mode toggle so I can throw a new character into the frying pan if I want and have to think strategically about my choices before getting to level 80.

I don’t disagree with you, I want a more difficult experience. I don’t think it’s as easy as adding a slider on their part though. I’d imagine to make a more difficult experience means going through every entity and changing numbers around. It takes time, and they got a bunch of other stuff to work out and work on before they can spend the time changing every active/ai entity in the game.

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Just to add a thing here, Mikes said in the discord that we’ll get a new difficulty option for 1.0, theres literally 0 info on what this is. But it’s a thing!

(He’s also stated its not masochist (which is good, masochist was a bad way to do a difficulty option))

Well they could make the game harder?. or perhaps you would get stuck in the campaign then?.

Game is very much to easy, and should require you to use your brain abit further, do i think it is easier said than done most likely, but it should be possible to turn minions haste or somethin up, damage should probably be trifold so we’d have to dodge them instead of just looking at them and looking. Everyone was talking about how hard lagon was, i didn’t even move an inch, i stod at the exact same spot while shooting my bow for 3-4 mins, and then he was dead.

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Sounds like you should maybe just not play LE with that attitude. It’s a 1.0 release of a live service game. I has more end game currently than D3, D4, or Grim Dawn and more end game than PoE had when it launched ten years ago. PoE is the only ARPG with more end game and that’s because it has been around for so long. Depending on who you ask, such as me, I haven’t even enjoyed the new leagues of PoE for quite some time. How many of their leagues are just kill things in a circle? Give LE a year or two and there will be more end game than you know what to do with

TBF, it’s totes unreasonable for EHG with their new, small, less experienced team to release with less end game and content & stuff than a game that’s been worked on for well over a decade by a much larger team.

It’s just disappointing.

Masochist was hilariously awesome.

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No, this defeats the purpose of a higher difficulty.
There should be no bonuses, maybe even penalties, if anything. I just want the game to not make my brain melt.


While I agree completely, isn’t the higher difficulty the “penalty”? It’s just emotionally negated by the fact that your brain isn’t melting & you’re enjoying the game more. I would presume.

Totes, girl. Totes

This only works if enemies levels scale with the characters.
That would be absolutely great, but sadly, for the foreseeable future, area levels in LE are fixed. And that means giving more xp would soon make the game easier instead of harder, even if you boost the monsters.

tldr: scaling FTW!

It is the penalty, and there doesn’t need to be any additional coding besides “the game doesn’t fall over and make my brain melt”.

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Crossing my fingers for a massive buff to all content, game is really abit on the easy side… Some of the echo(mono) bosses have nice mechanics, but simply just to slow animations, you often get like a line drawn in front of you, then about 1-2-3 seconds before the boss cast its ability. Should be snappy, if you dont move u die(unless u have focused alot on defences) - also the health on the bosses seems abit on the low side, and should maybe be like 2-3x as much. Campaign was just like way to easy, didn’t even die once.
That is just my 2 cents, brand new player :slight_smile: Maybe it gets better later on, but atleast 1-80 should get some insane buffs to difficulty imo.

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Having played things like the Diablo’s, POE and Grim Dawm I feel a good end game is important to keep people wanting to play. I liked the atlas in POE and I like the monos in this game. I like the shattered realms to an extent in GD but not the fact you don’t get XP and loot till you clock out. Here in the Monos you get XP and loot as you go which is great.