The early game is absolutely ridiculous how easy it is

I don’t want a difficult early game. I’m happy to farm my idol slots/passives in four hours. Leave the difficulty in monolith and arena.

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“the early game is easy”

how is this a problem? it is normal for most games to be easy in the early game, especially ARPGS where you will not have gotten any of the required skills for your build at that point

The entire campaign is way too easy. I agree.

I was new to the game. My build was nonsense I didn’t really know what I was doing. My gear was complete garbage. I didn’t craft at all until about level 55. I sometimes forgot to spend my points.

But still everything melted.

My friends had the same experience, a couple of them lost interest because of it. “I press a button and everything explodes” is what one of them said.

People are asking “Why do you need the campaign to be hard?”

First of all, nobody is asking for campaign to be very difficult. Only that the game gives you some amount of resistance.

The reason is because, in ARPGs, the game is more satisfying when it feels like your decisions matter.

" Enemies are getting kinda slower to kill, what can I do to boost my damage output?"

“Things are starting to kill me, what defense am I missing? Maybe I should have gotten that health and resistance passive.”

These are problems people want to have while leveling. Not as a roadblock, but to slowly teach them the systems and to make them feel their characters getting stronger with the decisions and upgrades they make. That is the spirit of ARPGs.

Last Epoch somewhat fails to create that feeling during the campaign because everything is a pushover, until you hit Lagon, where all of your builds flaws are presented to you all at once.

Last Epoch is a great game, but one of its flaws is the way the game presents difficulty and resistance to you.

Difficulty should be presented gradually during the campaign as small speedbumps to overcome.

Difficulty should be presented in many different facets, this game likes to one-shot you with giant hits, while enemies still melt and nothing else dents you.

Some of you guys are missing the bigger picture. It’s not about wanting campaign to have endgame levels of difficulty. It’s not about this game not having anything difficult to do.

It’s simply recognizing that Last Epoch, in its first season, isn’t exactly well tuned when it comes to how this game presents challenge to its players, at all stages of this game, especially the campaign. Its difficulty dials are a bit out of wack and should be adjusted moving forward. That’s what people are trying to express in this thread.

There’s obviously still a percentage of players who want the campaign to be braindead easy with no resistance at all, which is valid. I think that’s why D4 has two starting options for the campaign. World Tier I for people who prefer a gentler experience, and World Tier II for a bit of a difficulty progression.


Maybe something like Grim Dawn or PoE, where after a certain point in the campaign, there’s a penalty to resists or something? While I don’t have a problem with rushing the campaign to get to endgame, I could see something like that.

One of the most satisfying feelings in ARPGs is hitting a “power spike”.

I think this feeling doesn’t happen enough in the early game or that the feeling isnt as satisfying because power spikes don’t feel like they matter when regular enemies are made of paper.

Two of my friends who lost interest not long after finishing the campaign expressed the same thing.

“Cool game. Campaign was piss easy, not that interested in end game anyway.” and they felt that their characters/builds weren’t that memorable. Which I think it is a product of the game failing to make early game decisions matter.

not interested in endgame when its a shooter-looter game… lol

people are confusing or at least focussing more on ARPG, when shooter-looter/hack and slash tags are included.

due to randomness of gear, killing screens of enemies instantly is favoured, than hacking away for 20sec to get drops that have nothing to do with your character.

If you say so. ARPGs appeal to such a wide variety of gamers who each derive different levels of enjoyment from different aspects of this game.

I’m not sure what this has to do with the topic though.

its a shooter-looter/hack and slash game more than ARPG.
its supposed to be easy early game.

easy enemies = more/faster loot

The game might revolve around the acquisition of loot to you but you don’t speak for everyone else.

For example:

To me, I don’t understand what is the point of loot when you’re not pushing endgame content.

What is the point of making your character as strong as it could be, when you never put yourself in a position where that strength matters?

Farm Corruption 200 to get stronger so you can farm Corruption 200 better? Where is the fun in that??

“Yay I hit my LP Slam! I’m so much stronger now against these enemies that already die to a light gust of wind! How exciting!” /s

As you can see, no two players are alike. And your opinion in this thread serves only your own playstyle preferences.

pick up the first items that drop when you start and dont change any item, then see how far you get.

you are also in control of your own power, which is way faster than asking devs to literally adjust multiple systems, which not only affects you, it affects every single person in the game.

so, you are welcome to put restrictions on yourself, but when it comes to a global scale change, then everyone else also matters.

i thought the topic was about early game?

isnt that what forums/topics are for?
each person has their own preference.

Your solution for people who think this game needs tweaking of difficulty is to tell them to not upgrade their gear.

That goes to show how little you understand or care about the issue people are trying to point out.


no, im trying to find where the problem actually is.

is the problem because of the content being easy or is it because of the gear being too strong?

if you can get through the campaign without swapping out for better items, then the problem comes from the items being too strong or content being too weak.

if you do need to swap out items, then it is working as intended.

Really disingenuous argument.

The problem is that the natural difficulty of the game does not match the natural progression of a character. That’s it.

Your take is “if it’s too easy for you, then stop upgrading your gear to create your own challenge”.

Like I said, you don’t understand the issue and you come up with these disingenuous takes to discredit people who think this game’s difficulty is poorly tuned, and to say that their issue shouldn’t be an issue at all.

this problem exists in pretty much every game because what you may find easy, someone else may find hard or even impossible.

even using late game
people have said 300 corruption is too hard, while others cakewalk 500 corruption.
people have said T4 Julra is impossible, others have said its a cakewalk.

the 1 solution that will always be true is ‘if its too easy, you can limit yourself’, if its too hard during the intended progression then there is a problem.

when dev’s force restrictions/difficulties, people complain, when they dont, people complain, these are battles that will never be won, because some people just want to complain.

just because you dont like my solution, doesnt make it wrong, its just not the solution you would prefer.

This is true, of course, and different games handle it differently.
A lot of games offer several difficulty settings. Others, possibly most, target a “middle range” of players, not too hard, not too easy. Last Epoch has chosen to target the lowest range, and make the campaign easily accessible to all the players, even those who find ARPGs challenging.
Why not, this is a respectable choice. But there is no avoiding the fact that it makes LE look extremely easy compared to games that made a different choice (that’s pretty much all of them).

Naked, no items, only weapon, I reached the Emperor of Corpses in monos. Campaign was no challenge at all, including Lagon and Majasa. Except the first chapter actually, I really like this one difficulty wise. Not exactly hard, but can still easily kill you if you are not careful. Good balance.
Granted, I wasn’t testing the campaign, I was testing how massively OP Healing Hands is. But still…

Completely agree with that.
In this kind of threads (and there has been many) someone usually says the campaign is just a long tutorial.
If it is, it misses its target by being too easy. It doesn’t teach anyone anything (until Lagon, as pointed out by Bokchoy).

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That is exactly my point thank you for understanding.

IMO, the cycle of…

-Discover challenge
-Address challenge via game systems
-Overcome challenge

…is very satisfying in video games. And when the game systems are as robust as they are in Last Epoch, there is a lot of satisfaction to be had.

I feel like this challenge should be distributed slowly and evenly throughout the leveling process. Instead, this game presents no challenge until you hit the Lagon wall. This game gaslights you into thinking you’re doing it right until Lagon dunks on you.

People didn’t feel satisfied by that experience. They felt frustrated.

If challenge was distributed more evenly throughout the campaign, people would have been more ready for Lagon when they faced him the first time. That and the road to get there would have been more satisfying.

That doesn’t change anything.

I personally like the difficulty & even almost died once during the campaign.

The main reason I enjoy LE over PoE is that I can just relax and watch movies during play. PoE really feels like a JOB in terms of difficulty in Campaign & End Game.

There is clearly a crowd that likes piss easy and a crowd who wanted a little bit more challenge.

Two different difficulty tiers to start the game would have been the play.

However, it should also be noted that players wanting a challenge could also take the shortcuts via dungeons. You’d skip some story and it would result in you being under leveled. I guess that’s what we’re supposed to do if we wanted a hard route.

no… D3 style… it has 16… so you can fine tune your challenge.
hard is roughly 200 corruption.
expert roughly 300
master roughly 500

  • Normal: 100% Health, 100% Damage
  • Hard: 200% Health, 130% Damage
  • Expert: 320% Health, 189% Damage,
  • Master: 512% Health, 273% Damage
  • Torment I: 819% Health, 396% Damage
  • Torment II: 1311% Health, 575% Damage
  • Torment III: 2097% Health, 833% Damage
  • Torment IV: 3355% Health, 1208% Damage
  • Torment V: 5369% Health, 1752% Damage
  • Torment VI: 8590% Health, 2540% Damage
  • Torment VII: 18985% Health, 3604% Damage
  • Torment VIII: 41625% Health, 5097% Damage
  • Torment IX: 91260% Health, 7208% Damage
  • Torment X: 200082% Health, 10194% Damage
  • Torment XI: 438669% Health, 14416% Damage
  • Torment XII: 961759% Health, 20387% Damage
  • Torment XIII: 2108607% Health, 28832% Damage
  • Torment XIV: 2889383% Health, 40774% Damage
  • Torment XV: 6334823% Health, 57664% Damage
  • Torment XVI: 13888770% Health, 64725% Damage

You do realize that “Make it harder,” isn’t an actionable request, right?

The person you responded to asked for suggestions on how to accomplish what is being asked for (a harder campaign), and your answer is, “Make it harder.” That doesn’t answer the question.