Only game that causes heavy eye strain

I’m probably the rare case since I’ve never seen anyone else bring this up.
But this is THE ONLY GAME that makes my eyes really uncomfortable after hours of playing.
I don’t feel this way when I play other games or look at the screen for 10+ hours.

I don’t know the exact reason. Maybe some parts of the graphics are too bright or too dark. Maybe the contrast is too high. Or maybe the filters.

I tried to fix the issue by changing graphic settings. It got better but my eyes still felt uncomfortable after hours of playing.

I played a lot before 1.0. One day I got Fundus Vasospasm (probably incorrect in English but this is how it’s called in my native language). Since then my eyes are so sensitive to brightness.

I’m not here to blame this game. But I really hope if there is any way to fix this issue because I love this game so much.
This post will probably be ignored as I said I’m probably the rare case since I’ve never seen anyone else bring this up. So if anyone is having the same issue please speak out. :smiling_face_with_tear: :smiling_face_with_tear:

update on 2024/07/21:
These 2 days I found that many echoes in monolith of fates may have different filters (visual): dawn, dusk, night, thunderstorm, etc.
Can devs make it optional in graphics settings that players can choose no filter or a specific filter?


It won’t. The devs might not reply to it, but they will take your feedback into account. Especially when it comes to accessibility.
I hope you find a way to fix it.

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I had similar issues playing Mage with Frost Claw proccing Ele Nova, that was really a strain.

Also had to get used to Warpath when I played that. Other builds are easier on the eyes.

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For me it’s more of a scene (or terrain? sorry for bad English) issue. For example, snowland is one of the terrains I would avoid.
And not only terrains. In some scenes/terrains there is some full screen filter that’s probably the reason that my eyes feel uncomfortable after hours of playing.
As for the very bright light coming out from the shrines or chests when they’re activated or opened, I’m fine because I can choose to look at other parts of the screen or not look at the screen.

I can relate to this, this is a common issue for many people regarding white areas in general. I don’t feel that in LE though.

These 2 days I found that many echoes in monolith of fates may have different filters (visual): dawn, dusk, night, thunderstorm, etc.
Can devs make it optional in graphics settings that players can choose no filter or a specific filter?

There you go:

Granted, the OP is very offensive and badly written, and the thread gets silly quite quick, but I believe the starting point is the same issue you are talking about.

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I have this problem too, although for me it just seems to be an ARPG thing in general. I’ve had it happen in D3 and PoE when I was playing those a lot as well. Maybe it’s the very busy screens. Maybe it’s the fact that you don’t really end up with a lot of enforced downtime when playing, compared to something like a multiplayer game where you might have to wait a min or so for queues. Maybe it’s all the reading on skills/items. Maybe its some color and graphics decisions. I don’t know enough about this stuff to say for certain, but those seem like they’d increase the likelihood for eye strain.

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