THE #1 Problem with Last Epoch

Prediction then. The game will never get above 100K players on the Steam charts for… more than 1 week. It’s release had 264K.

It doesn’t matter how much they improve the systems, balance, features, there is a core problem with this game to do with how the graphics are handled.

A lot of it seems to be sourced in fundamental problems with the Unity engine. That other new game No Rest for the Wicked looks great at first glance too, but it’s similarly not going to be able to maintain popularity because of how the lighting and textures are done.

Probably none of you responding to this have any idea why so many people have quit so far, because, you are still here, after all. I was practicing Sentinel Hardcore quite a bit last week but I don’t think I’m going to try coming back when any next patch comes out unless they make some major toning down or smoothening improvements to the spell and effect animations. People are not that much different. If this stuff is a problem for me, it’s going to be a problem for most other people too.

The narcissism is off the charts.

You’re literally - literally as in the actual definition of the word literally - the only person complaining about this.

Nobody cares about your wildly exaggerated pet issue dude. Stop talking like you represent anyone except yourself and move on already.


There have been people complaining about the white on-hit flash before but it’s relatively low down on the list of things to complain about. Nowhere near the heady hights of RNG, getting oneshot, changing masteries & a boring endgame.


Dude what ur claiming is not at all the #1 reason the player numbers have dropped.

You are clueless to how. Diablo like games with seasons in this case cycles work.

The #1 reason has ZERO to do with what u claim as #1 reason. As others have said if this was in fact true WHY arent other complaining about it.

Diablo like games that have seasons/cycles. Generally always have a high player count at the start of a season/cycle. 30 days in the player numbers drop and keep dropping. Only to spike back up at the start of a new cycle.

This exact same decline in players also happens in POE

Last epoch Cycle 1 (current cycle) started February 21st 2024 theres maybe 5-6 weeks left of current cycle. For many many player this season/ cycle is already over. THIS is the biggest reason its at least in the top 5 reasons.

Ur claim isnt remotely any where near that. For u this maybe the #1 reason. Its not how ever the #1 reason as a community as a whole

Narcissism at its finest. And people feeding the troll :thinking:



This is the end of a cycle.
People don’t have anything to do ingame anymore, they spend more time on the forums, and the trolls eat well.

This thread is a popular troll restaurant, that one is even better:

I wouldn’t call it the number 1 issue, but this has been an increasing issue with game visuals for several years now and LE is no exception.

If you can’t see your target in FPS, Borderlands 3 Zane with his shield is a good example, or you can’t see the ground effects either because there is low contrast between telegraph and ground, a gazillion effects hide them, or you are still blinded from overly bright (fullscreen) effects in MMOs and ARPGs, it’s simply a failure by the visual design team, though the combat designers not pushing against it and the people okaying it, are also at fault.

It’s been a reason to quit quite a few games over recent years for me.

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250k+ down to 2-3k… certainly connection issues, RMT destroying the economy, group play issues, dungeons still d/c, and the silence from EHG on this stuff moving into the future has nothing at all to do with this incredible drop in numbers.

However, I do understand copium, but we won’t see high numbers of people back if they can’t enjoy a 1 hour session without restarting the game 5 times and spending 15 minutes stuck in load screens.

Keep in mind, 2020 was a post about how to cheese lagon - it is still viable to this day. EHG has some time to go through years of posted and reposted bugs and issues and fixing this stuff, to prove themselves to the larger audience now. I am a fan, but over a year seeing the amount of bug and issue posts vs what is actually resolved is just so minimal, like they need to double their team size or something and actually catch up with the information posted by this community.

Again I am fan, but the silence of the issues and the strides they are potentially making to resolve, is the worst part about the game… so not too bad overall, hoping for communication in the future.


You’re WRONG. It’s not the #1 issue. But definitely up there in top 1000.

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No, there are other threads about this causing head aches.

The lagoon area for me has me stymied. Having to redo the entire area if I have to log off is to much. THere needs to be more way points in that area. That and insane amounts of one shots in that area is enough to shut down quiet a few players. Also the lagoon fight is insanely imbalanced. Ill have to look over posts to see how to beat Lagoon. It shouldnt feel like Im writing a doctoral thesis or a massive chore to play a game.

It did affect me and my friend group. I wouldn’t say it “caused” us to quit, but it was in our daily gripes. If you’re playing solo it’s fine. The world’s exploding and you’re all powerful. When the three of us would play together, there’d inevitably be the “dude I can’t see what’s going on” comment from my melee friends.

I was 100% fire minion necro at the time. I swapped to Abomination just so my two Pally friends could see when we played. I think it’d be less of an issue if you could save builds on a tab or something. Then I could swap when they get on.

There’s videos on it. Lagon is mechanically fairly simple.

  • If the eyes glow red & his head ducks down he’s going to do the easy eye beam (can be tanked but also very easy to just move out of the way).
  • If a big circle appears on the ground, move out of it (Moon Beam)
  • If his eyes glow red & his head rears up & wiggles around a bit, he’s going to do the sweeping eye beam (very bad), but it will only focus on the side of the ledge that you’d on when his head rears up. So when you see this happen, move to the other side of the ledge & attack the other tentacle while you wait for the eye beam to finish.

There’s also claw hits (annoying & can stun) & lightning/wave attacks which can be annoying if you’re on low hp but as long as you have enough leech/regen to get your hp back up they can be ignored.

We agree on it being a bait title, not being the number 1 problem and POE being worse in that regard.

It’s great that you never had a problem with it, but I think it’s an issue that’s being underestimated easily, because many people rather quit because of it than give it as feedback, since they are often not able to tell that this is the reason they dislike the game.

I’m not saying that the majority of players is being affected, but when I talk with other people it seems that a growing number of players is beginning to realize the negative impact of “visual effect overload” on their gaming experience that this has.

One other game that I play is far worse, GW2 added an option to reduce effects recently because of it, and there are many other games which are even worse, in some you can’t see your target, in other you can’t see the one-hit ground effect because of all your own effects.

But this shouldn’t be the bar, though, and one of the POE devs recently covered the topic and said that reducing this is one of the goals of POE2, so they do think it’s a big enough problem.

In LE it’s not an issue for me in general either, though there have been some situations, but I wouldn’t discount the OP as quickly as you did and rather take it as a warning to keep in mind that overuse (bright) of effects might have a negative impact on players. – Just as low contrast effects have, things like purple ground effects on slightly darker purple.

To be fair, I wasn’t really discounting his issue as much as I was discounting his whole tone and demeanour. I know some people might have issues with this and an option to tone it down would be nice for them.

EDIT: Just to clarify: I don’t dispute this issue, but if it really were the #1 issue and was the main cause of people quitting, you’d see more posts. The vast majority leaves without feedback, but there are always plenty that do on the big issues.
The fact that this hardly ever gets brought up means that it’s far from being the #1 problem.

Also, I realize that my wording makes it sound more dismissive of the issue, but my intention was to be dismissive of the claim and the person making it.


To be honest, I love flashes and overall skill effects. Best stuff in any game. Makes me feel immersed in the world and gives me that fantasy vibe I’m looking for when I’m playing a video game.

Keep at it EHG! We Love it! Can’t wait for the MTX stuff as well!