Teporal Sanctum loading screen stuck

Hello there, it annoys me a lot, i have spend alot of my temporal sanctum keys for nothing. and it only happends in this dugneon. i get stuck in loading screens in Temporal sanctum. I we been waiting for 15 but is just not loading. I tryed to repair my game, downloaded game 2 times, and it works for few runs and then is broken again. then. Also reseting my PC helping, it fix the issue but as i said, just for few runs,


I have the same issue.
For me, I can always enter level 1 just fine, but I get an infinite loading screen when transitioning from level 1 to level 2 of the maze section.

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Same here, literally lost like 20-30 keys for nothing

Same here. Still it’s not only Sanctum. Happend to me in Arbor as well.
A “Check files” run on Steam showed no errors.

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Same here.

bumping for visibility, hoping for an acknowledgement from EHG that they are at least aware of the issue

giggity bump

same here pls fix