Inifinite load screen into Sanctum Cloisters (Temporal Sanctum f2)

Greetings! I’ve just got a bug, that I’m pretty sure is old as hell. I’m stuck in an infinite loading screen in Temporal Sanctum. I can access the menu, so I’m pretty sure I’m not really loading, but the loading screen is still there. Any advice on how to avoid this or am I just stuck getting legendaries from nemesis now?


Same probleme here, happens when i try to change floors ! I tried to reload the game and i get stuck again. Then retry after uninstall / reinstall the game. Rip 3 keys :frowning:

Same here, it is OLD Bug as hell. Hey DEV dooooooo something with it!

Same problem here, very irritating having to restart the game to be able to do anything,

I’ve experienced it happening 3-4 times out of 5 when entering f2. Its been rough leveling up alts :frowning:

If it’s not infinite loading its getting stuck in place - what a crock of shit…

same here infinit loading in first or second doors, reinstalled, checked the data, lowered settings to minimum, still nothing

Same here, pls fix this.

Very upset lost at least 10 keys this week.

same here, bumping for visibility, hopefuly we get an official acknowledgement soon, character progression is hard stalled till its fixed…

Same issue happening to me, just 4 keys in a row now not even making it to the second floor of the dungeon. Guess im locked out of slamming until this is fixed.

new patch still not working ffs

Same here, got into the dungeon fine (on an online cycle character in EU West, if that’s at all relevant), then got an infinite loading screen when moving into Sanctum Cloisters, the little loading indicator in the bottom right wasn’t doing anything. I waited for about 5 minutes, then pressed ESC just to see what happens - it actually brought up the menu, so I hit Quit and closed the game. Once I logged back in I was back at the End of Time, without the key.

Two Temporal Sanctums in a row both failed on second area of dungeon. Both after the most recent patch.

  • First one, loaded into second area… no enemies. When you try to change timezones it does the animation but you don’t actually change timezones. Looked like the area failed to load.
  • Second try, infinite load time as bug report states.

Really annoying.

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Already lost 3 keys just today… Only managed to finish it once

Same here, this happened to me after the most recent patch. I didn’t run into this before.

same issue with me fellas, just joining the convo cuz im having the same issue fellas. hope we get some acknowledgement soon cuz poe starts soon =)

same here. have never had that before but tried running TS since tuesday and encountered the problem.

how is it possible to that much of a game breaking bug that straight up block of late game, poe it is log in dude

Lost 4 keys today exactly because of this issue.
Fix your game GGG!