Sometimes the majority is wrong

I’d actually argue that the opinion on whether or not to fix abusable bugs coming from anyone playing broken builds that are abusing bugs is not only less valid, but completely invalid. For all but an extremely small minority, it’s going to be purely self-serving with no regard whatsoever for what’s good for the game or everyone else playing it.


Here’s an example of what I was talking about:

Is this a bug or an over-tuned / unintended interaction? Or is it neither and working-as-intended? Why should this get fixed if it was a bug but not fixed if it was an over-tuned / unintended interaction?

Isn’t this what Ring of Shields is supposed to address? Those shields are supposed to “tank” ranged attacks while you blast away in melee.

I’m not saying it’s working, just that seems like the intention from the skill description…

Normally I’d agree with this, but in this case, if players did not vote, maybe they just did not care? It’s kind of like arguing “democratic elections should be done via random sampling”. :sweat_smile:

Have you ever heard of the term “NIMBY”? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


It’s an over-tuned/unintended interaction. The skills/affixes are all working as advertised, unlike profane veil which was effectively giving 10x more than it should.

Because bugs need to be fixed as soon as possible (with priorities, obviously, with regards to how they impact your gameplay. A bug that keeps you stuck in game or crashes your client is more important than one where the tooltip won’t go away when you hover out).
Whereas balance issues are usually addressed at the start of a cycle, otherwise you’ll spend the whole cycle fine-tuning balance.

Bottom line is, bugs should be fixed as soon as possible because they’re bugs, balance issues don’t have to because they’re not bugs. They’re working as they meant to, the devs simply didn’t take everything into account, so they will be balanced later.

They do tank ranged attacks, just not ranged AoE.
All masteries have the chance to go melee, anyway. And each has some mechanic that is supposed to help. But no matter what you do ranged still has an edge simply because they either kill stuff from afar before they attack you or because moving isn’t a problem for their DPS overall, whereas melee will always need to get close (and thus will have to tank a lot more damage) to kill mobs.

It’s a disadvantage that is inherent to the gameplay. You can try to make melee tankier to offset this, but it’s a hard job balancing that. Especially when you can be a melee mage build. How do you balance defenses so that melee has more defense when any mastery can play melee and any “melee” class can play ranged?

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Until they discover that there is a bug in it.

Maybe, but it doesn’t seem likely. The numbers add up, they just didn’t take everything into account that you could maintain your ward so effectively with this setup.

Maybe, doesn’t seem, likely. What beautiful words! I almost feel like investing a hundred hours in it.

It doesn’t seem likely simply because of the numbers. Without much investment you can keep 5-10k ward. If you invest a lot, you might get 20k. At least, from what we see from the video.
Profane veil, on the other hand, generated 50-100k without much investment and over 200k with investment.

So the first one seems like a balance oversight, the second like a bug that was generating much higher numbers.

What’s the point?

The point is just that the second one needs to be fixed, because it’s a bug, the first one doesn’t need to be changed until cycle end. It was a miscalculation from the devs and they just have to do better next time.

There are a lot of bugs and not working as intended interactions in this game that do not look like it. Said bugs can be discovered at any moment and fixed ruining the builds that make use of those.

Again, if it’s a bug it should be fixed. If it’s not a bug but just an oversight of the devs, then leave it. There’s no point in nerfing builds mid-season if they’re not bugged.

Do i have to debug the game by myself before choosing a build to avoid to waste my time in this cycle because of a patch?

The opposite. If you’re capable of reading tootlips, you sshould be able to build around that. There should be 0 number testing needed ingame. If it doesn’t do as the tooltip says, that’s a bug.

I don’t understand how hard it is to understand that (English) tooltip = what it should be. If the game doesn’t do that, bug. If game does what tooltip says and it’s completely bonkers, not bug, just design issue for next patch.

That’s, uh, very emotional. Almost too emotional for a simple computer game people play for fun.

There are so many nodes, multipliers, items interactions and mechanics in the game. You can’t really figure out what’s going on with most of the builds if you don’t invest time in tests and sometimes you could need advanced gear to notice alarm bells. The players are not supposed to be able to interpret this stuff to enjoy the game.

This isn’t PoE.
Players are supposed to be able to rely on reading things instead of testing.
If you can show me any post where EHG says otherwise, feel free to post a link.

If you can’t understand tooltips or the Game Guide, then other players should not suffer for that.

I can understand the english, i can’t always understand the math and all the interactions that are behind it. I’m pretty sure to not be the only know-it-all in this community.

What if you can’t understand it because it’s bugged and doesn’t do what it says. How many skills/talents are like this in this game? How long has this game been in development? How long do we defend hidden skills/passives that don’t work exactly as tooltips say?

I would easily bet that there are MULTIPLE bugged talents/skills/passives throughout all played builds that could dramatically effect all builds. It just so happens they keep pinpointing only those top builds instead of focusing on bugs in general.

The latest patch seems to disagree with you, since they fixed a bunch for Primalist/Shaman.

The current game balancing is based on bugs to be objective.