Runes of Power - Beta 0.9.2 Patch Notes

Any chance for an option to disable aim assist?

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Still no fix for tooltip windows position on a 21:9 screen?
Signaled for years, should take a few minutes to fix and quite needed as some useful info from a misplaced tooltip is hidden by another misplaced tooltip. :confused:

Is heatwave still a x/5 passive? Meaning you can at max get 10% chance to ignite per 1 uncapped fire res?

I hope that guy, who wanted runemaster to be a mage minion class, is happy

What about the Bug in the ā€œNewā€ water map, where ranged attacks (chakram surely) would not attack enemys further away?

i think its bugged because of the hight diffrences, if your on a island, it works, but inside the water ranged attack only come as far a a meele hit!

Ouchā€¦given the rarity, this seems pointedly hurtful, especially for casuals who managed to get lucky and find it, with 0 LP mind you.

Vitality change strikes me asā€¦odd. Anyone who was using it because they needed a bit more health is going to keep using it because they need a bit more health. Really, this just makes the stat more appealing than it was before, but functionally worse for those that need it. Meanwhile, anyone who didnā€™t need it before is likewise probably not too interested in the bonus resists.

OTOH, by reading this thread it looks like Iā€™m the only one in the world glad with the Bastion change. Never liked how every other shield in the game was basically just a ā€˜worse Bastionā€™. Hopefully this will lead to greater slot diversity.


Trust me, you are not the only one :slight_smile:


has locust master been fixed for the patch?

Doesnā€™t seem to be

Not sure about thatā€¦ T6+ Block%, T5+ Block Effectiveness, T5 Armor, T5+ Reduced Dmg from Block ā€“ not to mention if you can Despair a T3 stat as well. On a Ironglass or Dawn, thereā€™s no way Bastion is betterā€¦ unless youā€™re playing a phys melee build, and the +dmg is something youā€™re looking for. Defensively a well-roll Ironglass or Dawn would be better. The only real place Bastion shined was on classes where shields areā€¦unconventionalā€¦Rogues and Acolyte builds come to mind. Now, itā€™s a completely worthless item to those.

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And still Arboreal Circuit summons a stupid dummy instead of a tree. :frowning: Please revert this stupid visual ā€œupgradeā€.

this makes ZERO sense, as in not even from a balance perspective, just from a it doesnā€™t really fit the theme perspective

Eh, not true.

Vitality is considered ā€œlife forceā€ in most fantasy circles.

What opposes life? Necrotic damage, and poison.

ā€œConstitutionā€ in dungeons and dragons or other classic rpgs improves your ability to resist poison. or death effects(necro!)

So yeah, as for theming, its actually pretty spot on imo, if weaker.

I think some of you skipped some ā€œerasā€ of the game and are judging things based on old patches.

As pointed out, in 0.9 bastion was hardly the best shield available. Good exalted shields could be more useful, not to mention the new WW shield Craddle of the erased who also was better in most builds and situations.

Fact is that we were not even entering in the field of it being overused or not, we were more pointing out how the nerf was handled in a strange way ( and in my personal view also lame way).



I am getting tired of having to rely on that one single unique for literally every ward build.

I love the buff to bee builds

Everything except the extra strength is a nerfā€¦
It may at some point have a place in a strength stacker(Bastion + last bears fury gloves) But sadly not a lot of classes have a good enough passive or skill for that, the best I could find was storm crows armor shred(which could mean a LOT of damage), Werebear base spell damage per strength (which would work, if roar was a strength skill instead of attunement)

Ok, Iā€™m not one that really cares that much about this item as Iā€™ve never used it since 0.9.0, but Iā€™m curious.
Itā€™s now less effective, but even more rare that it used to be, when it was so rare that people were clambering all over themselves over it?

I just donā€™t understand the two going different directions.

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we need some more strength stacking uniques before this becomes useful

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I donā€™t like that part, but tbf that would happen eventually
i guess i have to readapt my builds