Runes of Power - Beta 0.9.2 Patch Notes

From what I’ve seen in videos and build guides over the years, I don’t really remember people putting attributes in their gear, I might be wrong, maybe except Vitality and Attunement and maybe Intelligence but I saw these attribute stacking only on very specific builds. I personally think investing attribute affixes in equipment isn’t worth it. There are far way more other useful affixes to go in precious affix slots. So I don’t know what they were thinking about the Bastion of Honor change.

Also, I was kinda hoping we’ll get to see some old Mage skills overhaul. Volcanic Orb for example, it still has 7 and 8-pointer nodes and feels so outdated, personally. This was probably a good chance to implement this, it’s about Mage class update after all.

As for Lagon, I hope they finally fixed the stupid tentacle blocking the stairs or players & pets getting stuck/left behind, especially in multiplayer because a party member went ahead… But I’m still overall looking forward to these tons of changes. And hopefully some succeeding fixes from all the bugs have been reported recently…

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I think most of us commenting have been waiting for it to get nerfed (it’s was at 0.9 as well they dropped the radius down) but what this affectively does is realllllllyyyyyyy turns it into a very niche unique. That was what I think was a little unexpected.

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I kind of like it. Vitality fits perfectly against necro/poison as a theme. And it gives it a little more uniqueness than just a health dump. But I’ll wait to see how it plays.

Thanks for finally saying fuck it and giving us a way to consistently damage Lagoon. He has too many unearned W’s, now its our turn.

Keep up great work EHG cant wait to play!

Bout damn time! Can finally farm for the blessings I need there.

This is a mage specific idol right? aren’t all mage skills(with area) elemental anyway?

Damn Vit changes seem rough, health regen is already a rare niche why the nerf? (Shattered lance)

Already feel its hitbox is way too small and much more annoying to use than other bow skills.

Prolly means it won’t be affected by Dragon staff anymore too right?

Also what happened to the updated Sabertooth model? thought it was slated for last patch but pushed back to this patch?

this should be a typo right, why would it be even rarer when it’s getting a big nerf?


I guess that new uniques or affixes complement something these changes, maybe.

Anyway, I am looking forward to new patch day! :smile:

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Armour and Reduced Bonus Damage from Crits

Is this affix different from “Less damage bonus from Crits” ? :thinking:

Actually, Strength is OP, you get 4% increased armor per point. Means a 8 strength (T5) prefix is similar to a T5 increased armor suffix. Armor is huge in this game.

The thing with attributes is, the game is a tank game, you care about suffixes where all the defensive stuff is placed, but attributes are on prefixes, and allows for extra tankiness with strength and vitality. That aside extra interactions with your skill main stat or certain passives that rely on attributes.

Not sure how these changes will play out in practice, the health meta is still there in its full glory, you will still want vitality, increased health and hybrid health in every slot possible. But you will get less health out of it.

Seems it only makes even more mandatory to get exalted health as priority upgrades.

The changes to bastion… well, now is a niche unique, you can safely throw it to the seller for 500 gold, unless planning to play a strength-focused character. The thing is, was still the default shield to go with, now is not.

My guess is:
Either it’s a typo because this is inconsistent.
Or this is on purpose, so it’s additive with all the other new sources of this stat.

Currently there are no other sources of this stat other than 2H Melee Weapon Suffixes, except staves

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No, it was not.

the thing is no matter how we can explain things, players will make wrong assumptions that are not true to the actual state of the game. Cradle of the erased is being the default shield to many builds / classes. Bastion was an interesting option to think about.

I really wish the XP requirements per level weren’t raised, because the grind from 60-85 on my first 2 characters had already driven me to the point where I just stop playing and make a new character as soon as I finish the campaign.

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So you really wanted to destroy this item, I think you managed that

I am just wandering who is the one responsible for rebalancing the items, becouse its a lot worse it is rarer LOL


What are you talking about…

Anyways, RIP Bastion. They over-did it, I somewhat expected a over-nerf as how EHG manages uniques and all that. The nerf was indeed needed, changing the item completely and over-nerfing it… uh, no.

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Wow. Bastion is now ever rarer. After finding zero Bastions in 1584 hours, now I’ll be able to find ever more zero Bastions. I’m happy.


Its only logical, it got nerfed to the point its almost useless so it has to be rarer

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Remind me, when (time) does the patch actually drop?

It’s literally the first line in the OP. LOLFOF :star_struck: :rofl: Even down to timezone differences.

It’s so easy to miss one line… :slight_smile:

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