Runes of Power - Beta 0.9.2 Patch Notes

I know it hasn’t dropped yet. But after reading all the patch notes and the previews of Runemaster, I have one nagging question. There looks to be a lot of innovative ideas being brought to the table with Runemaster. ESPECIALLY touting it as ‘the most versatile’ mastery to date.

How do you all intend to ‘balance’ the other masteries around this? I’m a little concerned that as of tomorrow the game is going to turn into “Runemaster and everything else.” Now, I’m also fully aware we haven’t even seen it yet but any insight, conceptual discussion on how this is NOT going to happen?


Well for one thing, it isnt gonna be imo as tanky as some of the other specializations. And not everyone wants to play a spell weaving class.

like I dont think runemaster pushes out smiter builds, or spriggan builds etc.

I think sorc is the only class that has a problem with runemaster existing. Sorc had a spell weaving theme going on as well, it had the mechanic at the top of its tree of giving you bonuses to the other elements when you cast them, rewarding multi-elemental rotational gameplay.

But runemaster shits all over anything sorc could ever hope to accomplish, being 100% honest, I dont think they can rework sorc at this point to anything that holds a candle to an elemental spell weaver who has 40 possible spells in their pocket.


I just generally think that the discrapancy between some of the newer/modern things that got added lately comapred to some dated things will always exist in this game for some amount of time until they have touched literally everything multiple times.

Rogue was the first big thing that got introduced that made all the other skills and masteries look dated.

I am sure that the other 2 missing masteries will be on a similar level than RM and we can only hope that 1.0 will at least contain some overhaul modernization for a few other classes as well.


Merophage (2H Sword) 6:39 what an amazing way to craft something I love the idea and wish there were more things like that in game that are unique and specific

Yeah, hard to tell how fast it goes by in that preview. I wonder if the affixes are random or if the shards it’s eating are relevant? If it’s random it’s kinda like Weaver’s Will except instead of killing things, you’re eating exalteds?

Yeah, Sorcerer was already my least favorite mastery. This doesn’t bode well for it. Wonder what they might do. Maybe they’ll really turn sorceror into a big bang style play. Like SERIOUS big bang. Who knows.

I love the look of Runemaster and I do know it won’t overshadow everything but I’m really a thematic type player. I was the guy who didn’t care about meta and played D3 Crusader almost exclusively from s3 until s16 when we were the bastard step-children of Sanctuary, while everyone else was running the thing that had the biggest pop. Yeah, and that’s a given in this type of game, I get it. LOLFOF.

But given how long LE has been in development things have changed so much. Like what @Heavy mentioned about Rogue. And even then things haven’t gotten caught up yet with some of the stuff Rogue introduced (benchmark nodes in passives are so cool.)

Given that it’s now been pretty much stated that the next update is 1.0:

it’d be nice to see some of these innovations in the last couple of years bleed down stream.

Havent thought about it but you are right it is possible they are random since that crafter version has no sence at all if you look at the affixes

imo, it should be a core focus of 1.0 to get all the classes mostly “done” but that seems like it wont be happening as they are still mid design of two other modern classes(falconer/warlock)

but I think as someone else who really enjoys my character to feel thematically and mechanically cohesive, launching 1.0 without that modernization of classes is going to really hurt every player who enjoys those things who have not played the game and dont have an investment in LE as a game.

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Go go gadget aura bot! Since we have MP, why not? :wink:

What other masteries. Those others were beta tests for the 3 actual masteries.

Maybe yall should add some more health to the nodes in the VK passive trees, The Vit change is kinda catastrophic since they stack that as a primary stat.

Someone who is stacking Vitality, let’s say 40 Vit just to be on the low end, will lose 160 health points. But they gain 40% Poison rest and 40% Necro res. Even if you ignore poison that frees up at least one suffix slot that you can put another health suffix on. I think it’ll be interesting to see what this shift does when it drops.

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will servers be going down? if so what time is that?

Well, if the first line of text in the first post says when the patch is available, probably at some point around then.

Are we there yet? /throws popcorn at his sister in the backseat…

Stop teasing your sister, or I’m going to turn this patch around, and rollback to 0.5.3!


Everybody BUCKLE UP!!!

Good luck and have fun !

She started it!

Also, patch is 5 minutes late. :slight_smile: lol

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