Restrict a non-season players

I don’t think you ever played PoE (or any other ARPG other than D3/Undecember) because this is just plain untrue. 99% of players don’t even look at the leaderboards once.

Yes, and implementing, testing and maintaing the system requires time. It’s how programming works. You can’t just copy/paste it.

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Anyway no one said nothing against of non-season Ladder.

I’m genuinely curious, what percentage of ARPG player base play in non-seasonal content? I thought ever since D2 introduced us to seasons/resets, we as ARPG players have shifted towards that model. That’s why we’re always trying out new characters and new builds every few months. My first reaction to this whole thread is “why is he here?” Not in a negative way, but more along the lines of “this is not the type of game for him”.

Without knowing their architecture and coding, we can only speculate. Usually, most of the already implemented ladder system should be (re)usable as a module.

If considered a layered system, the higher layer needs to be adapted, while the core should be the same.

It would be still work to do - but not like they had to design and code from scratch.

I typically play in seasons (I like to start anew), and have opened the ladder menu once accidentally. I don’t care, I neither aspire nor hope to have any rank. Competing at that level means you have to optimize the fun out of the game.

Have you read this thread? There are several people here who do not welcome the seasons.

Google something like:

I especially liked the comment there:

not that many players ? there is like 10x more items then in leagues and when buying arround every third player responds, on league i once scrolled the full page on

Yes I read the thread. You also need to realize this is a topic that attracts your type, hence the “many” responses. I’m going based off of my experience playing with many ARPG communities where seasons have been normalized.

I regret to state: if you read it, you didn’t understand anything, sorry. I don’t care about seasons, I’m just asking for the ladder to be returned to Legacy.

But the player with less available play time will always be behind a player with more playtime. If you think that a 3 month season is what’s holding you back then you’re deluding yourself, sorry…

The majority of the time, no, GGG added the seasonal mechanic to standard in a watered-down format with a few exceptions that got added in later.

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I understood you perfectly. You don’t want to play seasons because you don’t have time and want to stick and play with characters you invested time in. So because you don’t want to play seasons but want to enjoy ladders, you want EHG to have the ladder system in legacy. I read and comprehend perfectly fine. I wasn’t for or against your idea, merely curious why people play ARPGs when to most avid ARPG fans seasons has been staple in the genre. It doesn’t matter to me either way. I wouldn’t care if legacy gets a ladder, but I do want EHG to focus on priority issues, which legacy ladder is not one of.


I’m not sure but i heard awhile ago that PoE had like 10% - 20% of it’s Playerbase in Standart-mode, which is considering it’s a pretty online-centric game quite some numbers. For D2 i would guess even a bit higher numbers because you shouldn’t forget all the offline,- and non-bnet players which didn’t had access too (plus unlike nowdays where Seasons are much much more fleshed out with much more content, D2 was pretty much ladder, where you can bet that the average person just doesn’t care). And Grim Dawn have quite a playerbase / sold quite well and don’t even have any seasons to begin with(community made one via mod, but that’s rather niche / smaller).

So i personally would argue it’s a bit of an perception issue. Season player will interpret more value / main-appeal in Season, non-season players obv. in non-season. What are the raw facts :man_shrugging: only devs know, maybe in a few seasons in we could ask EHG what’s the percentage of season and nonseason player in LE.


Obviously it wouldn’t be from scratch. I was just saying that it’s not simply copy/paste and it’s done in 5 minutes.

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A small remark, not for argument, but just information about the LE seasons:

Not everyone likes seasons, as mentioned above, 10-20% in ROE play non-season

I understand not everyone likes seasons. Just curious because from my experience, most online ARPGs have a form of seasonal content, following POEs footsteps. I think it’s safe to say non-seasonal players are the minority and I’m kind of baffled at those players trying to change how things operate based on a minority’s likes and dislikes. EHG already stated they would allow non-seasonal characters to participate in seasonal content, which I find to be fine. I’m also fine with non-seasonal ladder, but want them to focus on other higher priority items before getting there.

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Just a note: too many people care about buggy builds in leaderboards. It’s just a storm.

It feels like some miss the point that, those who don’t care about leaderboards, also want to do new content/ seasonal events without having to making a completely new character every 3 months. So if we make legacy characters it would mean us only ever playing the content as it is right now. No new mechanics that are introduced like in seasons. I think if anything have that content for both but only have a leadership board on seasonal for the competitive people. Also there’s no reason for the animosity that people get at each other for different playstyles. The game can be for both if done right. I almost used the word “tryhards” but decided that it was derogatory just the same as comments like “sucks for you”. Lets try and keep it civil and realize that games are made for more than just “your” type of player.

Cycle/Season reset - this will never change, period. Not just LE - all arpg’s…
Want to play same character for 5, 6 months - that’s why Legacy/Standard exist.
I am a father of 2, little time to play so I understand all your points, what I wrote above are just facts that at this point in arpg history we can consider “written in stone”

Exactly the same for me, I play only non-season and loike to push the leaderbaords.
Strange is if you go now to see leaderbaords here on the website yuou will see that yuou can choose what leaderbaqords to see, season or non-season. so for sure there will be no leaderbaords in non-season?
btw, could we see in game the leaderbaords? or just on website?

to be honest if they will disable leaderboards in non-season I will leave the game immediately. and of course, I created a seasonal char in the beggining becasue in first days of release there was no possibility to choose between seaon/non-season, so hopefully at the end of season my seasonal char will be moved to non-season.

Topic is not about “Legacy/Standard exist” or “written in stone”. It is about non season leaderboard. Have you to tell anything against it?

I think there should be non-season leaderboard, from my point of view - those who love to chase/push leaderboard will have it. Those who dont care about leaderboards - they don’t care and are not affected by it. Even though I am one of the latter, I think it should be reset periodically - broken warlock once nerfed cannot be surpassed

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If you’re asking for

  • No resets (Legacy)
  • Online play (So can’t notepad chars into Cycle)
  • Cycle content
  • Leaderboards

Then why would anyone ever chose not to?
What choice is there to make except eat your cake and have it too?
(not to mention that never being able to remove mechanics, because Legacy means no fun experiments)