Restrict a non-season players

@NewOff I feel what you’re saying 100% and I’m torn at the moment on what I think about LE long term. The endgame is super fun for me, farming items, comparing gear and pushing corruption. On the other hand, getting to level 100 was an experience I don’t want to go through again at the moment. LE is not to blame for this feeling, I’ve never liked leveling, I just play games for the endgame. I saw the 99 levels before that as just the “tutorial” to my toon. Nothing I need to go through again as long as I don’t feel like playing another class. In addition, the story of LE is just ARPG like. Which is perfectly OK because I don’t play an ARPG for the story. Due to this, I also don’t feel like I have to go through it again. So at the moment I’m not willing to create a new toon after cycle 1 and I’m making friends with the idea of playing legacy afterwards. But the ladder is actually the only point that makes me struggle a bit with this decision.

Having a ladder in legacy would actually be fantastic and solve this conflict for me. Because what should I do, if I have all my desired items and the corruption is at the level I can just trade, but still have no desire to get another toon at level 100? Climbing up the ladder would definitely be a option.

For me, the ladder wouldn’t even have to be reset. Due to the limited number of items and meta builds, the time advantage that a player who has been playing legacy longer than I have is only temporary. In addition I believe, the hours played per day over a certain period of time per toon is certainly not linear for any player. So I think that, if you play more efficiently than others, concentrate on one build and invest enough hours, this advantage can shrink very quickly.
And what a challenge and a triumph it would be to conquer the ladder with a younger legacy character and sweep old hands off their places. For me at least, 1000 times more interesting than playing the “tutorial” again every 3 to 4 month.
And yes, it’s purely about not wanting to get to the 99 levels before level 100. Time is absolutely not the problem, I have enough of it, but wasting it on something I don’t enjoy is not something I want to do.

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Playing with the same char for multiple months would be utterly boring, so i think reset is not a bad way. Especially in a game where you farm “end game” gear within 30 hours. Which is nothing compare to games like PoE.

I don’t think anyone is against a legacy leaderboard. It’s just far down the priority list. There are far more important things to be implemented/fixed before that.

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Why this comment are u someone who say? Who doesnt want to put the time in the game arent aloud to compete? I mean i dont say u are but it comes over this way. People wanna play games but some dont have the time or they want to spend time with family also.

Play as you like. But it’s no different from running a few hours a week to train for a marathon. You’ll be allowed to enter, and you may even finish, but you won’t be a competitive runner.

Say you play a few hours a week in Legacy. At the end of every cycle, all the try-hard characters will come into legacy after hundreds of hours of play. They will also have loads of items and millions of gold coins and cany pay many times more than you for the best items. Every cycle, they will become even richer on Legacy. Do you really think there is any point in comparing their characters to yours?

I decided to try a new class; going through the company makes me sick. The thought that i will have to do this again and again completely turns me away from the game.

Am I right to assume that this is not about lack of time on your hands but that you just simply do not enjoy leveling, or gearing fresh characters,?

If that is the case then it is clear that ARPGs (Last Epoch, Path of Exile, Diablo 4, etc.)¨ are not for you.

I would say games like League of Legends are something you are looking for. I am sure there are other types of competitive games where you can compete in ladder/leaderboard without having to level or finish Campaigns.

On the other hand, if someone does not have time to level new character(s) each season because they have 5 kids and 3 jobs, then they should never expect to compete in ladders.

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I love it when someone decides whether to give me an opportunity or not.

You conveniently left out the part where life choices have consequences.

And you still haven’t produced an argument as to how or why EHG should put in Leaderboards in Legacy. It’s been argued to death above that it’ll never be a fair start, so you’re gonna need to give an objective reason as to why the work to add & maintain them in Legacy would be worth it.

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Well, you can have as many opportunities as you please but in most cases someone who can play 2 hours a day can not compete with someone who plays 15 hours a day. Not in games where the grind is important.

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It would just be a charade and a big waste of everyone’s time. Game developers don’t have infinite time or resources and have to prioritize things that make sense and affect the largest number of players.

Well, and you just restrict me. Deciding for me that I can’t, although your theory about 2 and 15 hours on a long stretch is not correct.

I can not see “a fair start” on ladder, It’s still a hit-parade fixed broken builds. Or is there something I don’t understand or don’t know? Correct me if I’m wrong.

This is a worthwhile cause because… I’m not the only one. The vast majority do not go to forums, but quietly leave, I am an exception. :slight_smile:

PoE always had more players than D3. They never had non-season leaderboard.
“Vast majority” is quite the overstatement.

Yes, a minority of players would like that. The vast majority play cycles and couldn’t care less for the cycle leaderboard, let alone for a non-cycle one.

And that “hit-parade” gets reset in cycles.

Considering the amount of Warlocks that are currently in Cycle Leaderboards, would you like them to be in Legacy boards forever?
Right now, EHG can fix bugs and just leave boards untouched, if they implement Legacy boards, they’ll need to prune them every bugfix, because otherwise they’ll just be an amalgamation of bug abusers and other broken builds.

Even if something is “working as intended” and just performing better than expected (e.g. Healing Hands) that would remain on Legacy forever, even post-balance. Cycle Leaderboards don’t have that issue, especially not when balance occurs between cycles.

Cycle boards start with everyone at level 1, 0 stash and the same balance patch. That’s the fair start people talk about.

Please tell me, if I start from level 100 and die at 300 or 1000, then every time I start from 100 again and again? There are no checkpoints for a new start with the same character?