Respeccing and other class drops are terrible

Personally, I hope LE never changes loot drops to be like D3. One of the reasons I got bored so fast with D3 (and even more so with D4) was exactly because I had no incentive to play other characters. Stuff only drops for my class, if I switch chars I have to do it all over again.

I’d rather stuff drops for other classes as well. Lots of times I find a drop and think “I can make a build on that other mastery with this”. I don’t want to lose that.

If they ever change it LE will become another snoozefest like D3/D4 where you play for a week, get your best gear and then have no reason to keep playing.

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Ive played diablo 4 through the start and seasons 1 and 2 got characters to 100 eaxh time and Never once saw another unquie for a class i wasnt on.
And i admit yes my loot filter wasnt for unqiues n stuff i found this out. But it still doesnt help when rewards n for those glyphs can give you stuff for other classes. Making whatever you did a waste of time.
I get alot of people like it, i personally don’t

Now youre just being a child about it.
Idc about RNG rolls n junk, i just dont want other classes stuff to drop for or be rewarded to me. Im not on that character so i dont want that loot. Its plain and simple.

This is a fair point, but there’s a big difference between you not liking a system and that system being terrible.

No idea what BIS is but youre missing the point its literally just not wanting loot fot other classes. Idc about RNG or farming etc. I just dont want to waste time getting stuff for a character im not on

Imagine legacy players with much more characters need to log off every time and farm things on different characters instead the system wich is ingame right now when you can enjoy sweet loot on your character what you can just share with other characters because shared stash.

  • You can loot filter out items what you dont need and there is sites like where u can find drop zones for each items and drop chance.

Respec can be done as i mention in my own thread Ultimate Thread - Biblical edition - #181 by Arazim

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Yes, got it. Turn on the filter, play with it. With CoF you target farm what you need, and the drop rate is really nice. And on top of that, you have a powerful crafting system that you can use through the campaign. Sorry, I just see your logic as faulty.

  • there is tons of item wich seems like its not on your class but they can be used. Like last time i droped unique axe wich was with strenght on melee build but it have function to set my inteligence on same points like strenght…and im necromancer …imagine i can use item wich is on melee dmg classes on my necro and build only on strenght and intel spells
  1. Trading in ARPGs and any game tbh is always overpriced time wasting cesspool, that i do not want to be a part of.
    Target farming > Trading. 1000%
  2. The other side to target farm is nice. I have no issues with RNG i have no issues with farming for loot i want. My issue is getting OTHER characters loot. Making whatever i did a complete 100% waste of time. At least if its for my character there is a chance to dismantle for stats or use it.
  3. Again i have no issues, i started the game level 1 with a single build in mind and stuck to it. That doesnt mean i dont want to change stuff up, try stuff out, experiment and be creative.
    And i can admit, once they hit 20 its not too hard to relevel while youre in 90s stuff.
    But, i still hard stand by my point, you shouldnt have to be at the end to experiment and there is 0 reasonn to have to relevel junk when youve reached that max. Let people swap the points They Earn around to experiment and be creative. Its plain and simple.
  4. I dont have to follow a build guide. But do you know who does? The average little timmys who are the average player to every game. Who watch the build guide content for games, etc.
    When people see you are punished for swapping skills you know what their 1st thought is?
    Oh i better not make a mistake and get this right the 1st time to not waste time or power. Or maybe they just dont have hours to play all the time and only get 1 or 2 a day because theyre busy.
    So you know what they do?
  5. And its not a common complaint? yet i also hear about it as much as i hear its fine. Wack.
  6. And yo cool ive also never heard people complain about finding high quality gear too much, probably because its not what im or anyone else talks about or means in those situations.
    Im all for RNG and gear of poor to amazing quality.
    Im NOT all for wasting time getting gear for a character im not playing nor will play.
  7. I have no issues engaging with the game’s systems. I use them all including loot filters ehich i found out mine was not set for class Uniques n stuff. But surprise surprise when my prophecy rewards started to have missing items. Maybe because their for other classses and i shouldnt be rewarded those items :open_mouth:
    Same for the glyphs that transform stuff, ESPECIALLY if i use it on a class specific item. Aint no reason for them to turn into other class stuff. Literally feels like i wasted a glyph.
  8. And you never know, the feedback is here for a reason. I voiced my opinion and feedback. Thats it, plain and simple. Either stuff gets changes or i just live with it.

And again to your Edit bit. Had 1 build in mind i stuck to it and even recently respecced everything because i found a cool unqiue for my class that needed some changes to what i was doing.
WHICH also leads to 2 more things.
For the love of god why do you have to respec passives 1 at a time, why cant i just click them away or have a button to redo all?
Again WHY is D4 doing it better.

And personally (also a something i want in D4)
Id love if they added loadouts so i can swap around builds i make. Itd be really nice especially so u dont have to constantly redo stuff if you wanna swap.
Also i do wish they’d let you swap masteries, i dont get why that’s not even a thing and is locked. Personally i find it stupid.

Also anymore wrong stuff you wanna say or assume about me Mr Elitist?
Or are you still gonna try to shit on me for disliking 2 things about the game that plenty of other ARPGs do so there is 0 reason for this one not too, well ig its 3 cause mastery but still.

Its plenty if you wanna swap around and try stuff out especially mastery locked.
And i have but it doesnt stop you from getting ans being rewarded those things. Turning what you did into a waste of time. Which ive stated on here else where

I have repeatedly respecced every single skill at once during the campaign at low levels. Most recent was Falconer at level 16 where I respecced all skills to use the falcon and trap. I had zero problems continuing the campaign and the skills were back to a high level pretty fast.
So there really is no restriction. Players just feel that way because they see a level 7 go down to 2 or 3, but they don’t realize that, due to the increasing XP cost per level the difference ends up being minimal. If you respec a level 7 to level 2, when it reaches level 15 your skill would have been just 16 if you hadn’t respecced.

Even at low levels, there really is no big downside to experimenting. You’re setting your skills back just a few minutes, an hour at most, for the pleasure of trying things out for fun.


How would i be bored get bored getting to freely swap builds and get gear for said builds for my character?
Sounds More enjoyable to me

Even if so, there still shouldnt be that time needed, just let people freely use and rearrange the points theyve learned.
Plain and Simple

1.No one is stopping you from not trading and filtering out items and letting the potential money earned from loot lie. one prevents you from filtering other classes’ stuff, that’s what the loot filter is for.
3.I personally have respec’d the character several times, even at a high level, and I have no problem. Neither with experimenting nor with changing gear.
Which a lot of people have posted here on the forum over that time. So the fault won’t be with our recruitment but with you.
4.No one is forcing you to build according to other people’s builds. You can build according to yourself but the important thing is to know how different stats behave in the game, there are plenty of instructions for that in the in-game guide and on sites like this one - Damage Calculations Explained - Last Epoch And lot of builds even less strong works fine anyway.
5,6 - Grind is one of the most important aspects of this genre of games.
7. Thats a magic of prophercy …it not say “drop for your class” it says “unique axe” etc. And its grind.
… About D4 please dont hit yourself with doors when you will leave to D4


Get everything without grids nicely under your nose ? How long would you enjoy it and how would you balance it. RNG would be there all the time so instead of 20 items you would drop one in 2 hours. Then you’d be cursing either way.

It really depends on the type of player. For me, D3 was extremely boring. After a week I had all sets, I could freely swap builds and I didn’t have any more incentive to play because there was no incentive to make more characters.

Games fall on a spectrum in many issues. Regarding loot and respec, D3 is on the very easy side of the spectrum, which is normal because it was aimed at casual players from the start (it was the main reason D2 players all left soon after). PoE is on another side of the spectrum where you have to farm currency to respec.

LE is somewhere in the middle. It doesn’t really need to change. It doesn’t really need to change this. It just appeals to different players. If this is really an issue for you then maybe LE isn’t the game for you and D3/D4 is more suited.

Games don’t need to try to appeal to every game, because they can’t. You can easily see it because it’s what D4 tries to do (and fails miserably).


Only 1 that I’ve played (D3) does that & I’ve been playing aRPGs for a good >20 years. Out of curiosity, which ones have you played that do?

If an item isn’t t30, it’s trash, ya low gear tier scrub.

Already addressed this all on here so i wont retype it all sorry. Or well most of it.

5,6 yes ik but i still dont want other classes stuff, ill gladly grind in my loot pool if it were there. Plain and Simple.

  1. Again ik… but it still shouldnt drop out of your class.

And im still not leaving, even with the issues i have i prefer this over D4.
My point with comparing is if that hot mess of a game can do Some things right. Why is this better one missing the marks that the worse one is hitting??

Its quiet literally same thing as why doesnt D4 have all the good stuff like D3

It isn’t, though. The system is fine for most players. It just seems that you like a different loot system like D3/D4 has. And that’s fine, but that is not the type of player that LE is aiming for. Almost everything in LE, as opposed to D3/D4, is made towards giving you incentives to make multiple characters, usually multiple characters at the same time. You don’t have to like it, but that is the target audience for LE from the start.

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There’s really only a few solutions for you

  1. Trade the stuff you don’t want and buy what you haven’t found
  2. Make stricter loot filters so you see less of what you don’t want
  3. Play a game with smarter drops like D3

No game will satisfy everyone.