Respeccing and other class drops are terrible

It isn’t, though. The system is fine for most players. It just seems that you like a different loot system like D3/D4 has. And that’s fine, but that is not the type of player that LE is aiming for. Almost everything in LE, as opposed to D3/D4, is made towards giving you incentives to make multiple characters, usually multiple characters at the same time. You don’t have to like it, but that is the target audience for LE from the start.

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There’s really only a few solutions for you

  1. Trade the stuff you don’t want and buy what you haven’t found
  2. Make stricter loot filters so you see less of what you don’t want
  3. Play a game with smarter drops like D3

No game will satisfy everyone.

Already gave answers to these

The thing is this seems only an issue to a very minor portion of the player base, judging by how this thread is evolved, so is LE really missing the mark, or is it just that you have a preference the majority of players don’t agree with?

I think masteries should be able to changed with respec.

It’s come up a billion times over the years, but at this point it almost feels like a hill that development is dying on, for…reasons?

Originally, I used to enjoy the “decisions matter” philosophy, but now… With how easy it is to respec skills passives, additions of new masteries…

Why not just allow mastery respec…? It’s such a boon for casual players, and almost no downside for advanced players. Why reroll a second acolyte which looks exactly the same, just because you want to try a new mastery with minimal design change. Cross-mastery dipping is already 1/2 there.

Seems really silly at this point. At least if you could freely change anytime you wanted, it wouldn’t feel so bad with getting as many exalted, or uniques. You could always try another mastery along with many other builds.

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Finally someone gets it, there is literally 0 reason to not

Its easy answer for it. Because some variety of content can be done much esier with another mastery. That means speedruners etc. Will have for each point in leveling, progressing another mastery to aboslutly destroy a game. Nice example is Acolyte/Necro,Warlock… Basic acolyte have hard times on Logan same like Warlock in compare with necro with wraith or minion build afking in left side corner on stairs waiting until minions did a job…
Wich will alow to players who starts on Necro be higher on leaderboard with Warlock…because they will skip hard content and respec mastery in that case Leaderboards categories per classes dont have any logic.

What are you talking about? That extra 2 Tiers would trivialize the entire universe!

What, and become an extra-tiers-trivialising-the-universe-and-bringing-about-the-big-crunch-and-the-next-universe simulator? How douou know we aren’t already in a simulation?

Respecs are perfectly fine, just run a few easy mono missions and you’re good. Worst case run through one area of the campaign for respec XP. Nothing needs to change.

I’d love to filter uniques through LP though…

Referring to the topic. In my opinion, the loot system is okay and encourages you to try other classes/builds. But I don’t see the slightest point in creating a new character and starting the grind from the beginning to make another subclass/build. An armory system like in D3 would be the best solution. And more willing to continue playing. Unfortunately, Last Epoch makes the same mistakes from the beginning of D4 (including skill points, +1 to all attributes from the story content, not for the account but for the character).

Oh, after reading that I literally can’t stop myself from giving a reply, because the notions there are fairly ridiculous.

1.)Personal opinion, subjective, not objective. Trading in Last Epoch provides you with gold, which gives you more tab space, which allows you to store items for a bigger build variety. CoF in comparison gives you the items to allow for such a variety directly. The Bazaar can also be used to buy the respective items directly if your stash-space is ample enough after selling what you don’t need.
You don’t directly interact with other players, it’s instant and despite being the first iteration of a completely new system with a few flaws it’s already better then the majority of other trading systems in many many games.

2.) You seem to not understand what changing the system itself would mean. If you don’t get items for other classes (which have a meaningful use after all) and solely those for your class then the quantity of items dropped would need to be lowered to keep the progress speed at roughly the same level. Given there’s a ton of uniques specified to very specific skils you would hence only get around 5-10% of the overall drop-rate. For sets similar and for other items it would go down to roughly 40% of the drop-rate overall. So what you’re asking for is ‘give me less loot rather then different loot!’ in the eyes of a game designer.
Saying ‘that’s not what I want though!’ is instead moving it to another topic, which is ‘I want to progress faster!’ which… once again is a subjective complaint though. If the game is too slow-paced for you then For example Chronicon might be something you could enjoy. Endless progression but always steady… not this game though, it’s meant for people who enjoy the grind itself to a degree but not a senseless one like D4 or PoE.

3.) If you’re respeccing inside the same skill I agree it should be without downsides, changing the specifics to tinker and flesh out a build to compare it would be nice.
As soon as you switch to another skill though I’ll say it should definitely have downsides, and the one presented are miniscule at best.
But also, personal opinion from my and your side there, it’s a design-choice with viable reasons, just not your flavor.

4.)No… no they don’t. The ‘average little timmy’ is expected to have more then 2 grey brain cells. If your brain can’t comprehend that a skill with massive cooldown won’t fare well as a ‘main skill’ then it’s their fault. If they don’t realize that in a game where you have to doge a bazillion ground effect and ranged attacks non-stop a movement skill in their setup would be a good choice… also their problem. And if they don’t realize that focusing and enhancing a single aspect of a character rather then becoming a ‘jack of all trades’ character is generally better then it’s also their own problem.
Also Last Epoch doesn’t have ‘non viable skills’ as many other games of the genre actually do have. It’s not rocket science as both the passives and skills are fairly straight-forward and can be switched rather easily.
If you want the game to be accessible for any 70 IQ person on the other hand then I got to say ‘tough luck, sorry genetics screwed you over, that’s simply not a game for you!’.

I made tons of characters, and tell you what? The first ones were all utterly fine, fantastic to play, viable and enjoyable. Without a build guide.
Nowadays I tend to follow build guides though. Wanna know why? Because I’m damn lazy and don’t wanna think about it. And heck… if something is enjoyable I can still put some brain-power into it rather then breezing through!

They’re not using a build guide because they’re ‘restricted’ but for other reasons, a myriad of them. For some it’s the first time playing an ARPG, it’s obviously overwhelming to go into a genre which is known to be very complex. It’s like trying a city builder the first time and expecting all to go perfectly fine! Others simply lack the brain power to do stuff without one… also fine, not everyone is ‘blessed’ with those cognitive functions, just not their strength hence, their body most likely has other things they excel in, just not smarts. Others can’t be bothered to do it on their own, hence lazy people… like me! The next one wants to try out something new they haven’t thought about and hence looks up what interesting stuff some people made. The next one…
You get the gist? Limiting it to ‘being restricted’ is just nonsensical beyond end.

5.) No, it isn’t. There’s complaints which are far more common to read, and with people not being on the fence about. Which might be because it’s ‘personal taste’ rather then ‘bad design’ as you try to make it out to be.

6.) I did, mostly people with long experience in looter ARPGs. Because it makes the experience end soon, if you got all the variety tried out and got the best of the best gear then what else is there to do? Sure, some people - like myself - push into new specific goals which are self-set, but the game mechanics don’t provide you any way to progress further.
So yes… yes it’s definitely a complaint I’ve heard. And your complaint is one which generally gets pushed aside as one being fairly silly… at least in the circles I move about. But that only shows there’s a variety of people out there and it’s a flavor. Might be important to take that into consideration rather then screaming about it as harshly as you do.

7.)You seemingly do! You expect to get full rewards without taking the loot pool dilution into perspective which is there for a very… very clear reason if you think about it for a few minutes.
You’re a specific flavor of player for those types of games, commonly looter ARPG players test out a variety of classes and skills. Focusing on a single class is barely ever seen, and even then… someone complaining about a game system which generally is a positive aspect for the majority of players is even more rare.
It’s called ‘being entitled’ nowadays. You’re asking that your way of playing will be pushed into the foreground, hurting the enjoyment of others at the same time (because your suggestion does exactly that) while screaming about it like it’s the only possible right way.

8.) Feedback is fine, criticism is fine. Learn to adjust your tone to provide it in a way where it actually is taken up like that as a common notion rather then being perceived as a simple ‘complaint’ or ‘whining’ then. It’s a very important skill. Words like ‘I think’ and ‘it might’ or ‘it could’ are very fitting ways of wording it rather then ‘IT SHOULD BE! HOW DARE YOU!’ and similar stuff.

See? Your notion of making loadouts is a great one! Flesh it out a bit, make it a full-fledged suggestion, put some brain power into it on how it could be implemented and then suggest it!
I would be absolutely for it when thought out well.
Meaning that loadouts can be bought with gold, equipment put in, skills leveled and keep being leveled for it, as well as blessings put into those to switch them around as well! Since we ‘only’ have 25 character slots it would alleviate the limitations of their system to have many more. It’s a viable idea and could maybe be implemented.

As for why people assume you’re ‘Mr. Elitist’ as you call it:
It’s because you try to enforce your personal subjective situation and enforce it onto all the other players here rather then coming from a neutral position. If you handle that aspect of how you communicate then those comments will become far - far - less common. Some outliers are always there, but it won’t happen in general.

Sure, but leaderboards… are not a good reason to make a game less enjoyable.

It sounds as though a fix to the leaderboard is something doable if this feature were ever to be implemented. This is an aarpg…why wouldn’t you want people to destroy the game.

The campaign is already mind-numbingly easy, what difference does it make how you get to monoliths?

It seems pointless to create a New character to try different masteries and builds for items I’m currently finding and able to equip on my class anyway, yet… I’m barricaded from it… For no logical reason.

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Why do posts like this here even exist ?

Leaderboards are here, it was a decision to implement them, it’s also a surprisingly decent amount of playerbase doing that. Competitive people are those which commonly have the highest chance to be core-players, something a company needs direly.

So that has to be taken into consideration. Something resembling balance to allow those leaderboards to at least be half-decently fair.

And it makes a massive difference how you get to monoliths. Since it’s easy there’s a major solution though! Use the dungeons to shortcut through the campaign, those mean you’ll still get your max amount of points needed to acquire but lets you skip forward really fast. So there’s already a system in place which cuts campaign time down massively, so that’s already implemented.

Also you’re not ‘barricaded’ from it, quite the contrary. As stated, the early respec system needs some love definitely, adjustments for the ease of use since that’s where you’ll use it the most with the highest downside. But outside of that the time-investment is so miniscule it’s laughable to even see it as an issue, especially since every competitor has a WORSE system which needs MORE time or is outright IMPOSSIBLE to do.

Improvements? Sure… demolishing it? A silly notion in itself.

Sure they can delete cycle mod too if Leaderboards are not reason.

Leaderboards are not impacted by the ability to respect masteries. If everyone can do it… everyone is on the same “playing field”.

I’m simply saying the fact that leaderboards exist, is not a good reason to deny mastery respec. Something that affects everyone equally does not create an unfair advantage. If we entertain that the horribly implemented mess of a campaign skip is a method to have new characters reach endgame faster, it only adds strength to allowing mastery respec.

Being able to respec masteries only adds fun and takes nothing away from the game. We circle back to “rose tinters” being the only parties express disinterest.

You don’t have to “demolish” anything…

Making the game less fun is a reason to remove a cycle mechanic?

I’m not sure I get the logic here…

Devs don’t want there to be a meta where you level up as a mastery, then do echoes with another mastery, then decide to do a bunch of dungeons, so you respec into yet another mastery.
Being able to respec masteries does take something away from the game.

The way it is now makes you feel like choices matter and incentivizes creating multiple characters. Otherwise you end up with D3 where you have one character of each class and nothing else because every character can be every single build at once. And that just leads to the type of players LE wants around to leave because it becomes boring, like D3 was.

But it takes 2 hours to level a new character up with campaign skip…

That’s the complete opposite of “choices matter” design philosophy. If they want choices to matter… why have the ability to make other characters quickly.

If they do want you to be able to create another character quickly, which is obviously the case, then why not implement a proper system instead of a half-assed one?

Just because people can switch masteries, perhaps at a great cost, there are many options… Doesn’t guarantee anything will be like D3. I don’t see a problem with having five characters a cycle…