Respeccing and other class drops are terrible

  • Respeccing in this is god awful.
    Sitting losing prgressing in points just because you wanna try out stuff and be creative is insane.
    All it does it encourage people to mimic onlije builds and NOT be creative so they dont waste time.
    Not everyone gets to spend hours appon hours playing.
    ALSO not being able to change Mastery just adds to how bad it is.
    Let us be creative and test junk, change stuff around and Have Fun.
    0 reason to not be able to swap Mastery.
    0 reason to have to relevel skills you spend hours leveling.
  • Filters are nice But constantly getting other class Uniques and Set items is extremely annoying. I dont even get excited when insee them anymore i just go oh boi another 500 gold. Or just drop it.
    I get some people are like oh boi now i can go try it on this character.
    Personally idc its annoying. Im playing the character i chose because that’s the character im going to play. I dont want shit for other characters im Not going to touch.
    I want loot for That character i chose.
    That is why i chose That character.

Respecing is actually really easy. The system is designed to prevent people from hot swapping builds between killing mass monsters and bosses, that trivializes build design.

Your new skill might not be max level, but there is a minimum level and maxing it out again is pretty quick. It’s far, far from hours. More like minutes.

As far as uniques dropping for other classes, man what a small minor inconvenience to complain about. You would be the tiny minority of people that play this genre who decides to only ever play one character. It’s not like the game is raining down uniques, how is this really getting you this frustrated to even post about that you had to glance at a drop now and then?


I think the minimum skill points are a little low. especially during (low <60) leveling. And its not a matter of minutes for maxing out again. But I do think the system in general is ok.

Getting other class uniques is completly fine. You can have a insame big stash so this encourages for twinking. Even if you dont want to play any other char (wtf?) drop is ok. Add runes and dungeons everything is fine.
For me its very nice because I like the idea of at least tring each major class. I have a tab for every class in my stash …

My brother in christ its been 3 days of constantly getting unqiues and i have yet to get another for my character, its constatly for other classes and its annoying as hell. I want to make progress and this is the exact opposite i want gear for the character i picked, its why i picked the damn character ans im tired of getting shit items for characters ill never touch.
And oh no people getting to change builds, experiment, be creative and have fun instead of just copy online builds. What a shame.

Its genuinely sad when Diablo 4 does something better

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A way to save builds/passives/skills as profiles would be really cool and convenient.
That if someone built a character, then they should be able to easily switch around since they leveled it up.

Respeccing really isn’t that bad. Just have the gold and you can move passives around easily.
The skills things does suck. One I respec, just running through some story content gets it going. Then a few echo’s and they level up fast. There’s also the extra experience gain. Literally takes 15 minutes.

When respeccing skills, scaling the minumun amount of points you default to would be convenient. It would be really nice if it was based off character level, then level of the skill at that time.
So character level: C%
Level character can acess the skill: A
Level character can have the skill maxed: B
Capped by level allowable per requirements: D

So, ((B-A)*C) <= D or whatever. You get the idea.
Didn’t pay attention to how many points become available, but I think it’s just the minimum.

So I do agree with you that respeccing within the same skill shouldn’t be hit with as much of a penalty.

Good lord is this your first ARPG? RANDOMIZED LOOT?!?! OOOOOOH NOOOOO?!?!


At higher level you get accelerated skill leveling - up to like level 16 - 18 (don’t quite remember).
You can hide items which require different class on your loot filter.


It still doesnt stop your unqiues and sets from being other classes stuff, ive had a loot filter on since the start

No its not, and those also didnt have shit for other classes drop constantly. Like it should be.
Are you gonna continue to be retarded? or are you gonna actually add something to the conversation?

Sounds like the game you want is Diablo 3 and not Last Epoch.


That’s RNG man. It’s all about the grind.
It’s random. There are general items then class specific.
What you’re basically asking for is the game to remove all class specific items to accommodate you wanting it to be easier to gear your character.

What would be cool is a Rune of Preeminence/Sovereignty.
Which should work like a Rune of Ascendence, but be for class specific items for the character it’s used on. Where it would be a much lower drop rate than RoA.
Maybe one could be to randomize a unique and another for all other items.

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Class Requirement → Every other class → Hide
works for me, check your filter and make sure the rule is at top.


Get to monoliths and take the blessing for class specific shard drops. Should help also.

I mean Last Epoch js great minus those 2 things and D3 is pretty good too.
But its definitely sad when D4 can do certain things better

Never once said they should remove items. They should just make it so other class stuff doesnt drop while on a Acolyte.
I dont want mage stuff, i dont want sentile stuff, etc.
I want Acolyte gear while playing an Acolyte. Other ARPGs do it, hell most of them to my knowledge do.
And hell aince they like to filter stuff just give a setting thay changes the drops from any to class specific/generic.

Ill double check cause i dont see regular gear for others. Just Uniques and Set items

Appreciated, also arnt blessings random though?

Yeah, you just keep running them and unlocking until the one you want shows up. Grind it out.

I get what you’re saying. But it’s basically saying you want the drop rates to be altered for you based on the character you are playing. The only way to implement that fairly would be by removing class specific items all across the board. Altering by class would throw off fair and consistent RNG.

Just use a better loot filter and then you won’t see it. Might have to fine tune it. The loot filter you’re using might just show Unique and Set for other classes for resale value. Then show other items for shatter mats based on affix tiers. With the filter you can hide ALL Primalist, Mage, Sentinel and Rogue stuff even sets and uniques. But again, RNG.

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Respec is just fine. If youre finding it THAT hard to do, maybe try swapping half your build at a time so you can use the stronger skills to power level your low ones while they have boosted XP and then swap the second half when theyre leveled. The vast majority of players have no issue with this system though, its very very easy to relevel your class spec spells due to said boosted XP.
There are only so many builds you can do with each sub class, so if youre reaching the end of the game and flip flopping between all skills that really seems like you have a problem with commitment, not a problem with the game mechanics. Minor adjustments are just a minor inconvenience and have near zero impact on gameplay, so the only way I can see this being a problem is if you are constantly doing major overhauls to your build which sounds like a you problem.

Exactly zero ARPGs I have ever played ONLY drop loot for your own class, and very few of them actually weight anything for your class. As someone else said here, the vast majority of players are planning to make multiple characters with multiple builds, so having access to drops for everyone while you play any given character is a GOOD thing.

If you, specifically, want to only get loot for your own character… start picking up the loot for other classes, sell it on the bazaar, and use that gold to buy class specific items? There are a ton of systems in place to help players play how they want to and as others have stated if its SO annoying to you to find drops (?) then just hide them. Most of the drops you find during the campaign are just middling quality uniques anyway, a lot of the best uniques are level locked from dropping (so you cant find a lvl 50+ item from the start of the game, for example), so youre really not missing out on anything particularly important anyway.
Once you’ve reached end game, the rate of unique drops goes way up and farming them really isnt an issue, so the only thing I can think here is that youre early/mid in the campaign and unable to understand the loot progression of the game yet. Best of luck figuring it out though