Respeccing and other class drops are terrible

You shouldnt have to relevel its the 1st place. You earned the points, let players yse them how they want.
Nah no comitment issues, i like just try experiment and try stuff out, whether its to see if i like it more or just improve my build.
I dont get how limiting experimenting and being creative is good in any way.
Like i said all it does is push people to copy builds online.
And thats crazy every ARPG ive played minus like… 2? Including this, DO drop class specific loot.
Plus im not wasting time with the market for many reasons.
Especially when i could be using the other faction to farm items that Should be dropping for the character im playing.
Otherwise its a massive waste of time.
Finished campaign, In the 80s and havnt gotten a unque for my class the past 2 days

You really don’t seem very pleasant. Welcome to Last Epoch, things drop for other classes so you can explore other classes and have things for them. I also highly doubt every unique you’ve had drop was class specific & for other classes. There are a lot of uniques, a grand majority of them, that are classless. If you don’t like it, no one is forcing you to keep playing.


Doesn’t understand RNG.
Can’t figure out basic loot filters.
Can’t take 10 minutes to relevel skills.
Lacks comprehension to understand RNG.
Unable to consider market may be a better option for himself.
Gets mad at the game.

Did I miss anything? Maybe you should just get guder.


“I dont want to engage with the solutions, I just want to complain”

I boiled down your entire thread for you.

You absolutely have build commitment issues, if this is an actual problem for you. I experimented a TON, I never follow guides, and had zero problems. You thinking you NEED to follow a guide is your own problem, this isnt a common complaint for a reason. Most of the players havent had the issues youre describing.

I have literally never, in multiple decades of gaming, heard someone complaining about finding high quality gear too much lmao.
You can just admit you dont want to actually engage with the games systems and move on with your life. Theyre not going to change it when the vast majority of players are either indifferent or actively like it, just because you dont like it.

Edit: if you are level 80 and havent solidified your build, you are the EPITOME of having commitment issues and need a little self awareness


I do understand RNG, anyone easily can if they have an IQ higher than yours.
Ive had loot filters on the entite time, it doesnt help qith Unqiues and Sets.
It takes Longer then 10 mins and we shouldnt have to in the 1st place.
Mans just repeating junk.
Have consider it and chose the other one was in fact better in every way shape and form.
Im not mad at the game, i can easily give criticism without being mad. Unlike idiots like u.
I just dont see why there are so many limitations n stuff while plenty of other ARPGs dont. Hell even D4 has better loot drops AND Respeccing and evn tho i had plenty of time and some fun in jt. That game is terrible.

I logged in to respond to you. I and all of my friends agree with you 110%. There is absolutely no reason to be punished or waste your time to relevel skills to try new builds. Once you have leveled them, you should be able to just left click to spec or right click to unspec. That simple. People used to complain in diablo as well (mainly D3/D4) about getting everyone else’s loot except for yourself. This game is just as bad. Pay no mind to others on the forums, they just want to fan boy out. It is easy to claim rng rng rng, get gud or what ever the little kids are saying these days. A game should be fun to play and want us to play with all of the skills to find the right build that we enjoy the most. Why is there even a mechanic in place? They say so people cant change their build on the fly to kills a boss. Who GAF??? How does that affect your life? Does it take money out of your pocket? You have to pay the gvmt more taxes? Stop worrying about what other people are doing. Live your own life. Let people enjoy their limited time online. We are with ya Soul on this one :wink:

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Have you ever considered, that if YOU dont find a game fun then maybe you arent the target demographic? It’s even possible for you to have enjoyed a genre in the past but grow to dislike it or get bored with it, etc.
The “Kids these Days” youre talking about are fairly likely as old as you or older bud. Adults tend to be the demographic for ARPGs, not children.

All I see when I read your reply here is “I dont want any permanence, I want this game to be Diablo 3”. Most of us are playing this because its NOT like Diablo 3/4. Its way better balanced, and it makes no sense for players to be expecting to swap their build 60 times in a month. You don’t need to, it makes no sense to allow you to, and it gives zero incentive to actually make new characters or new classes.
I’m surprised you arent also complaining about being locked into your class selection, if this is THAT big a deal for you that its “so unfun”. After all, why not just swap all of that freely at any time. Maybe even your base class too! Why make anything at all permanent or meaningful when it can just all be fluid so you dont have to think!


I agree, D4 does cash shop much better! :rofl:
Also, play another class - the RNG Gods will def smile down upon you and give you unique drops for your main. Guaranteed! :smiling_imp:

Seems like you do understand RNG but can’t accept how RNG works.

That is where the merchant guild/trading comes in. You will be able to buy the specific items that you want instead of grinding them on your own. It eliminates your problem with RNG. But of course, you will still need to grind the ranks, favor and gold for it.

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I am just about 53 yrs old and have played most of the games out there in this genre including all of the Diablo game. I never said anything about it not being fun. I find that the re-speccing system makes zero sense. Honestly your reply makes zero sense at all to me. Why would I argue about being locked into my class selection? Why add more to the conversation in the form of attacks? I am only talking about speccing. I see no reason why there is a penalty. Let people play how they want. I know about 4-5 people at work and my circle of 5-6 friends who are playing and everyone agree’s that this mechanic is pretty asinine. Disagree if you want but maybe want to restructure the way you speak to others because they have a different opinion. Why are you getting triggered? How does what I do have anything to do with what you do?

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But D4 drops uniques for other classes just the same. What makes them better?

You know you can set a loot filter option to view uniques of only 1 class, right?

  • Shift + F to open filter.
    -Add rule
  • Visibility → Hide
  • Add condition → rarity → unique
  • Add condition → class requirement → every other class except yours.
    This method will still show you neutral uniques (usable for every class) while hiding class specific uniques that are not your class.
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Oh, there is one more thing, BIS items need to drop in the first three days. :smiley:

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Why is it when people disagree, they have to be DB’s about it? Just agree to disagree. You are not going to change his mind. All you are doing is throwing a fit because someone does not agree with you. Who cares? Move on.

Learn to lootfilter.
Respeccing is barely an inconvenience in this game.
Both skill issue complaints.

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and I quote “It is easy to claim rng rng rng, get gud or what ever the little kids are saying these days”

The person who said this about other people disagreeing that this is even an issue in the first place, actively attempting to dismiss and demean people who disagree with him, trying to call anyone out for how they talk to people is RICH, i’ll give you that.
Just listen to yourself for 2 seconds.

“All my friends, whom I have likely been in a reinforcing loop with, agree with me” no shit sherlock. There is literally nothing punishing about their system.
The fact that you entirely missed the point of my post and are asking stupid questions like “why would I argue about my class selection being locked in” speaks volumes. I took your OWN logic, pushed it towards its inevitable conclusion, and regurgitated it back at you and you yourself said its confusing and irrelevant. Think about that.

A game that lacks ANY consequence for decision making isnt much of a game at all. You might as well be imagining the entire thing at that point. This game is already insanely forgiving with respec compared to an absolute fuck ton of games, there is exactly zero reason for them to loosen it because some dick wads who think they know better are mad in a single forum thread.

Take a piece of your own advice bud “Disagree if you want but maybe want to restructure the way you speak to others” and stop trying to act like you have any sort of moral high ground when your entire argument and the reason I called you out in the first place was that “kids these days are just stupid and fan boys”.
People in this thread have already given tons of concrete examples of why this is entirely unnecessary. If YOU dont like it, that doesnt make it a bad mechanic: it means the game isnt necessarily made for YOU.

And yet here you are again not taking your own advice: tagging me, twice, in a span of 30 minutes because you LITERALLY came back half an hour later to rage about my comment a second time.
This is why no one takes people like you seriously: you’ve shown not only you have zero self awareness, but that your opinions are as outdated as you are :smiley:

Fixed Mastery (imo) is a good thing. Having one solid choice to make, doesn’t ruin a game, it in fact, adds to it.
Respeccing is easy. You never go back to 0 and it literally is minutes to get them back but once again, choices have consequences albeit minor in this instance.
Regarding uniques - who doesn’t want uniques? I would say at least 90% of players at some point will roll an alt and having them good to go is a bonus AND u can use a filter - maybe they should tailor it to you, being the minority who won’t role an alt? And if you do, then you will complain about having to do the campaign again and don’t have any uniques to get through it faster.
Just my opinion, but I really don’t think there is anything to whinge about.
As far as games go - this isn’t difficult.

it’s funny to see you complain about how people talk to you…
have you read your posts? if not you maybe should and you will understand why people reply to you the way they do…

the irony… no self awareness at all, shocking

The real problem is that in recent years you have become accustomed to playing video games with mechanics for the decerebrate and all at once.

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So you are saying you want to be bored? :rofl:
Why make up some problems when there is none?

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