Resolution resetting when loading into a new area

I’m running the game in 720p resolution as its the only way I can get a decent framerate but the game resets itself sometimes when I go into another area and goes to 1080p. If I go to the settings to look at the current resolution it will say 720p but will only go back to my preferred resolution is I change to another and back to the one I want.

Does anyone know any fixes for this? any help would be appreciated!

DxDiag.txt (206.4 KB)
le_graphicsmanager.ini (460 Bytes)

Hey, Welcome to the forums.

There was another posting in May with someone having this same issue also using a laptop, but they never responded to any suggestions so I dont know if they managed to solve it.

So… Looking at the info you provided:

  1. There is something very odd going on your system - dxdiag is reporting that your integrated graphics HD 630 is running your external Samsung monitor and your internal screen (Innolux panel). Your 1050 Ti (the much more capable GPU) doesnt seem to be reporting that its connected to any monitor. Now this could be something that the laptop is doing but this is VERY odd. I would suggest that you need to verify that your laptop is actually using the 1050 Ti for gaming. At first glance to me, without experience with your particular laptop, it seem to me that your discreet GPu is disabled… Laptops usually have bios settings or even specific applications installed to make sure that this is happening. You also need to make sure that your laptop is NOT defaulting to some sort of battery saving mode or some other dynamic system while playing LE.

  2. Both your displays are native 1080p and could be “resetting” on loading a new map. Have you tried the various window/fullscreen etc modes to see if any of these options resolve it.

  3. Your Windows os is patched. Your HD 630 graphics are using drivers from 2019 - so there might be newer versions. Your 1050 Ti driver is VERY new… I dont usually recommend running the latest and greatest drivers - especially on older hardware - as they tend to be unstable… e.g. version 466.77 causes problems. I recommend using a “newish” driver from the last 2-3 months or so.

  4. There are some sound drivers that are not on the WHQL lists - not relevant to your graphics resolution issue, but you may want to update them in case they are causing other issues.

  5. From the diagnostic section of your dxdiag I see that you are running MalwareBytes… it is crashing Qt development framework DLLs. on your system… I would recommend that you make sure that your MalwareBytes is updated and running correctly and that your Qt is also patched and working properly (obviously if you are using it).

  6. Also from the diagnostic section, there is something wrong with your Intel PROSet/Wireless Network Card drivers… they are crashing regularly - again, disable if you are not using it or update the drivers…

  7. Did you upgrade this laptop from Windows 7 or do a clean Windows 10 install? Reason I ask is that, especially with laptops, there are lots of components that dont upgrade well and you end up with things that dont work well or drivers that dont work or proprietary apps that worked find on WIn7 dont work well on windows10 and cause issues like you are experiencing and its very important to make sure that all components in your system are using the correct drivers and configurations.

  8. Last comment… re your graphic setup… For your system and best performance you need to be running everything on Very low and you need to enable framerate limiting - very important - not vsync and set it to something that keeps your GPU usage % average in the 60-70% range… (you can monitor your GPU usage while changing the framerate limits in game). You also need to check shadow settings etc… As an example, I run on an i5-7500, 1060, 16gb, NVME and I use 1080p, 60fps framerate limited and every setting on very low or disabled… This gives be an average fps of around 50-55fps in game and its very stable.

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I tried nearly everything you said and was about to give up hope. I updated the Intel graphics, made sure it was running on the right battery mode and GPU when ingame, updated Malwarebytes and found updates for the Intel PROSet/Wireless Network Card that you said were crashing and nothing was working.

Turns out it was the Nvidia driver… I didn’t have the option to rollback in device manager and didn’t want to do a complete uninstall just incase I messed it up badly. I ended up biting the bullet anyway and did a complete uninstall and installed it again to v.466.47 and I’m getting a much smoother framerate, 60-55 in most areas and around 45 in populated areas in 1080p. Its also stopped the resolution resetting when I use a lower res too.

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Great… glad something worked for you… Enjoy playing…

Thanks for posting the solution so that others who may run into the same thing can resolve theirs…

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