Regarding the Recent Gold Exploit

interesting read, probably a factor in all of this for sure, didn’t they say they were going to implement a tax?

That is exactly why its still there. The gold was not removed from the economy therefore the inflation remains the same.

If you add in trillions of gold into the economy and don’t remove it then the inflation happens. Sure the longer cycle goes on the more prices go up when more gold gets injected into the economy. The playerbase has dropped by over 50% and it has only been a week. There is not enough naturally generated gold in the game to justify the current inflation. You may say “well people price their items and they never sell” Maxroll content creator BinaQC made over 100million gold an hour (600 mil in 6 hours) so there is fuck ton of extra gold in the economy that is simply not supposed to be there.

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They talked about it and I was honestly surprised it wasn’t in 1.1. No idea on the status of it.

No, you misunderstand. The gold isn’t there anymore. Players just assume that it’s there and that even if it isn’t, someone will find another dupe and buy his 100M gear.
Players are pricing things on the expectation that a lot of gold will be around when it isn’t anymore. And until they see that their stuff isn’t selling and start dropping prices, the market won’t stabilize.

At this point, the market inflation is 100% the players’ fault.

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For what it’s worth, I’d believe the devs saying they removed the gold over a player saying the didn’t…

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As you should in general.

Doesn’t change the fact that their stance was that they will not punish legit sellers at all.

Current gold price is as low as 1bil for 3 bucks its worse than it was in cycle 1 and we had dupes going on there as well, with better ways of making gold and way higher playercount.

If all the duped gold was removed, how is it that no one is actually complaining about losing their gold? Straight up haven’t seen anyone complain about losing their gold.

You cannot remove all of the duped gold if you are not willing to punish the legit sellers who did nothing wrong yet the gold was generated via dupe and is not meant to be in the economy.

I have no doubt that they removed some of it through bans etc but they sure as heck did not remove all of it.

They did nothing, you can track gold sellers sending hundreds of billions of gold every day

If you were a duper, you wouldn’t go around saying that all your duped gold was gone.
And if you were exploiting the dupe by selling stuff for a high price during the exploit, you also wouldn’t advertise it.
And if you simply had a few items selling for reasonable prices, you probably didn’t notice it was gone.

Like @Llama8 said, I’ll take the devs words over yours.
You can also track RMTers selling stuff daily in PoE and D4 and even still in D2. Doesn’t mean the devs aren’t banning those accounts and deleting that gold.

There. Please take the EHG words for this one too.

Its absolutely mind-boggling how people refuse to understand the issue.

Them banning a duper vs removing all the duped gold is not even close to the same thing.

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Alright, now we have a source for it. Well done.

As for the gold issue itself, most should have been removed. And accounts banned. So the amount of gold lying around isn’t as high as people think it is. Or they just expect another dupe to appear.
So they continue selling at high prices even though no one is buying.

Since stuff doesn’t get delisted, it will remain there until the seller decides to take it down, if ever. But it won’t likely sell anyway.
So the market inflation is still the players’ fault. If they realize they’re not selling they should lower the prices, except they don’t.

But why should they be punushed? If a person wasn’t aware that the gold duping happened & priced a drop at whatever similar them were going for (ie, massively higher than pre-dupe), are they guilty, should they be punished for being in the wrong place (having an item worth selling) at the wrong time (post-dupe)? I’d be fine to unwind their sales (remove the gold and return the item) but what if they’ve used some/all of that gold to buy other stuff or do Lightless Arbour? Should all of that “innocent” activity be rolled back?

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But they need to check & work out why it isn’t selling which given some people can’t be arsed doing their own price checking, isn’t a small ask.


In order to protect the economy yes.

It sounds very harsh and its is harsh for those that did not do anything wrong or did not know about the dupes etc. but this gold was never supposed to be in the economy at all. Had EHG acted quickly after the exploit was made public (yes they fixed it quickly) but the damage and wealth was already spread around yet you had EHG pretending like the market is correcting itself just because they fixed the exploit.

Now its too late to start punishing people i am afraid because people had a week to run around in this current economy taking advantage of the inflated prices etc.

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There is literally zero reason to rollback CoF players. It would be MG only and if they eventually code it, just the accounts connected to using or receiving duped gold.

I just don’t think it’s reasonable to expect EHG will figure out how to catch them early enough. So they either need to figure out how to reverse as much damage as possible or change how trade works.

Due to how cascading effects work, and considering that the exploit was leaked during Sunday night time in the US, it’s quite likely that this would simply cascade to almost everyone in MG.
Not only that, but you then have some obscure situations like:
-A player has 5M gold. Someone bought something from him with 2M duped gold.
-He then proceeded to buy something for 5M gold. Should you just remove the 2M he has left so he’s left with 0?
-What if he bought something for 6M gold instead?
All in all, it’s not an easy thing to implement, especially in such large numbers.

Having removed the duped gold (or most of it), the market should now stabilize. It doesn’t because of the players.
Many people would have left after the first weekend anyway, although now we can’t really know, and much more will leave next week. So this won’t be an issue for long anyway.

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The number of people in this thread that want to casually screw over totally innocent people just to vindicate their inappropriate level of concern over a totally fake, totally transient “economy” is gross.


Eh while I do mostly agree, I think an issue im considering now is there isnt enough gold removal in general in the game. lightless arbor removes large amounts of gold IF people run it. if they dont, we still get into a situation where gold never actually leaves the economy. if there is 10 people in the economy, and they trade among themselves gold just goes higher and higher, there is no tax, and if they dont wanna gamble at lightless arbor then well… that gold never leaves that economy. it just moves hands.

So that might be a big issue, is that even if they deleted 90% of the duped gold, if 10% of it went to unknowing sellers who rightfully shouldnt be punished, they then use that gold to buy stuff, and that gold just… never leaves. now the people they bought items from, buy more items, repeat etc.

They probably need to institute a listing fee, and a tax on goods. A small fee for listing an item, say 0.5% of the value you listed it for. So if you list an item for 1billion you are paying 5million to list it. This prevents obscene listing prices as that gold is deleted as a fee. this punishes you for listing an item for a crazy price that it never sells for.(This one might be too extreme, but it solves the problem of the community just putting items up that will never sell, it makes you have to think about your own selling choices)

And there might need to be a tax, that slowly wittles away gold out of the economy.

Tbh even if there wasnt duped gold, I dont think LA is being used by MG players enough so gold isnt leaving the economy. so as the cycle progresses too much gold gets accumulated and item prices soar because gold is simply trading hands rather then being used up.

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That is a very valid point and one that has been bought up before. Mike said in one of his streams that they wanted to introduce a tax, but apparently it either didn’t make it to 1.1 or they dropped that.


You are way beyond saving brother, live inside your bubble.

What I’m trying to say is:




We also don’t know how many didn’t play this season in part because of the dupe in the first season and what it did to prices.

And yes cascading transactions occurred because of how long it went either undetected or unfixed.

I don’t trust them anymore on this topic and it sure would be nice if they made a post detailing their struggles and why they can’t/won’t do anything beyond banning the caught dupers.

It just seems like they feel silence will let it go away.

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because resetting the entire economy will involve some serrous work wich they dont wanna put in.

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