Regarding the Recent Gold Exploit

Yeah, I guess you’re right. *puts away his tar stocks*

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What would a Gigantomo F1 cost to fire? :smiley:

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There’s payment plans for that & as we’re fully regulated by the FCA in the UK we can offer very competitive interest rates, or organ “donations” if you prefer.

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No, tar and feather needs to definitely be on the list. :crazy_face:


EHG: “we see positive impact, prices are stabilizing”
meanwhile: gold sellers dropping their prices x3 times since this morning

why don’t let people at least transfer their progress to CoF? game economy is dead. again.


agreed atleast let us use our gear we currently have and switch factions.

hey there do we have any news? is there any action going to be taken? I understand not wanting to rush and doing something that could be worse, but currently I am kinda waiting to see if I restart with cof or if its going to get fixed.


Cause game is losing so much player base. Check stream charts. Numbers are on free fall from Sunday to Wednesday from 50k to 30k.
And brace yourself poe patch notes today as per tradition and all POB warriors rise up. And a lot of LE player base enjoy POE.

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Prices are ridiculous and that made me quit :frowning: start of 2nd week i farmed ~5mil and suddenly my 1-2mil 2LP items are 10-500mil on the market. Also not that popular t7 mods like Void melee damage are 2-5-10-20+++mil on the market.

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yeah I’m playing a different game but was going to return. But after them doing nothing to fix the broken market, two seasons in a row, I uninstalled. The fact that they refuse to even talk about the damage caused by them leaving the gold is insulting honestly.

Judd really should make a full statement on it rather than Mike fielding all of the questions.


This sounds bad ngl, rollback = losing players // not doing anything = still losing players, so might aswell rollback since damages can’t be repaired at this point with the cash in circulation

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Their excuse seems to be that rollbacks punish innocent people. But they punish even more players by allowing those transactions to go through and massively inflating the market. Hopefully they’ll realize that eventually.

Lightless Arbor again… Just disable the treasure room option altogether for the season until you can get on the front foot here.

There are other very simple gold sinks you put into the game that are much more effective:

  1. Listing fee (3%-5% of list price) on putting items up for sales - will also help reduce exorbitant price listing
  2. Sales tax of say 5% max when an item is sold.

I love your game and very much enjoy the economy aspect, but these dupes have to stop. You have really positive karma with the community that these dupes are rapidly eroding. I am foolish enough to continue to play through 1.1 now but I swear that a 3rd strike will be the last.

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Yes, all of the CoF players.

That’s presupposing that more people play MG than CoF, I don’t think EHG have given any stats on the matter so this is worth the paper it’s printed on.

Pre-1.1, they said they they were going to add a gold tax, no idea if that happened.

#1 is a fair point, but if someone without lots of gold does manage to hit the jackpot & gets a high value item, they may not be able to list it because they can’t afford the listing fee. Granted this is unlikely & it’s definitely an edge case that may be worth it.

The thing about dupes & the like that we’re seeing at the moment, is that it’s an arms race between the devs & the “bad actors” & one that the devs are likely to loose on account of there being more bad people with more experience of this.

That’s fair, everyone has their limits. I went CoF this league…

That’s also presupposing that all MG players were punished, which doesn’t have to be true.

It doesn’t have to be, but probably is to some extent. Not everybody is a tradelord sitting on several trillion gold…

So at this point I guess its safe to say they’re not going to do anything further? Game lost like 30% of its players over sun-mon, trade players all just packed it in lol. Great stuff.

Yeah I am kinda disapointed, I wanted to keep playing with MF but need to switch to COF with a new character its quite sad that they haven’t said ANYTHING.

Well apparently they did do something. Now whether you believe or not (i don’t considering it had 0 affect on gold farmers or economy itself in fact the prices of gold is lower than before)

This is not because the gold is still there. The results of the current inflation (and of the RMT cost drop) is all due to players now having an inflated notion of gold cost.

Best summed up by this:

So the market doesn’t stabilize because people keep putting stuff at high prices even though it’s not selling anymore at those prices. But they’ll keep it high and new people follow suit.