Regarding the Recent Gold Exploit

There is a simple fix for this , make the maximum price of any item 1 million .

This wouldn’t fix anything because no one would sell a red ring for 1 million. Set this cap and no one sells good items anymore.

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Sure thing bro. Maybe Tencent told them not to so they could profit from the RMT sales more.


Direct player to player should stay off. Next step is to obfuscate the transaction just enough to make it nearly impossible for the buyer and seller to connect in meat space.

18k players left and counting on a weekend, your days as a developer are numbered, get it together.


What’s the point of that if players can’t trade directly?

so what would I do if I had 2 good items? I could keep one for my build and the other? Sell to the vendor? Or sell on Bazaar for 1 mil and buy another item I need for my build which costs 1 mil (cos the price can’t be higher)? The answer is obvious imo

You keep it for an alt. Make a build around it. And sell a less rare item instead for 1 mil as well.

EDIT: Basically, it’s like saying that items in real life can’t be sold for more than 1000$ (or equivalent currency). What happens is that you still sell your phone, but you’ll never sell your car, unless you really really really need to. Because you know your car is worth a lot more than 1k and it’s just the system that’s limiting you.

What if I dont want to make an alt for that item (I already have a char using that item why would I want to make exactly same another)? What if I have 3 of that item? Your statement that ‘nobody would sell for 1m’ is rather questionable.

It doesn’t matter. It’s perceived value and people don’t want to sell “at a loss”.

Much like my example. If you set a global limit on sales of 1k in real life, people wouldn’t sell cars because their perceived notion of a car is much higher. Or a house. They’d rather wait for something closer to the limit value, like an iphone.
So you’d end up with a market that is flooded with iphones but has barely any car on it and 0 houses.

What if I dont want to make an alt for that item (I already have a char using that item why would I want to make exactly same another)? What if I have 3 of that item? Your statement that ‘nobody would sell for 1m’ is rather questionable.

How can you speak for ‘people’ what they want and what not? Did you do a survey or smth? I would sell for 1m in case I had an item and I don’t need it. Because if I have an option to get gold or get nothing I will chose the first.

It’s part of many economic and even psychological studies. Perceived value is a fundamental part of economic theories. It’s why Apple can sell phones for double what the competition offers even though they don’t actually provide anything others don’t.

If I come to you and say that I’ll buy your phone for 500$ and your house for 1000$, you obviously won’t sell.

So if you really really really need the gold, you’ll sell a red ring for 1M. But for the vast majority, you’d rather hoard 10 red rings than sell it for the same price as a Hollow Finger. Because your perception is that selling a red ring for that same price is the same as losing money.

really ?? :smiley: I have nothing to say . It is up to not to sell items if you like. But let others decide what they would do with their items please. Your real life examples do NOT work here because we are talking about a hypothetical 1 mil price cap. In real life there’s no ‘caps’ for selling things.

It doesn’t matter. It’s human nature. Much like many studies have shown that given the option between getting 10$ or getting 20$ but a random person also gets 20$, most people will take the 10$ option.

In real life there are no caps for selling things exactly because of exactly what I said. High value items would stop being sold.

Likewise, if a red ring and a hollow finger can only be sold for 1M but you can get dozens of hollow fingers and only a couple of red rings in the same time, you won’t sell red rings. You’d rather wait for the easier hollow finger and sell that one instead. It’s basic psychology.

you can’t lose anything you don’t / didn’t have.

Of course you can. It’s perceived value. You know that the red ring is worth more than 1M. You’re just not allowed to sell it for more. But the worth is still there. So if you do sell it for 1M, you’re losing money because your perception of it is that it’s worth 100M. So you’d rather not sell it.

you assume that all items would sell for max price of 1 mil which is not true. If supply of a certain item is too big and there’re too many Hollow Fingers on the market the price would drop drastically

If you set the cap low, most endgame items will cost the same as mid-tier ones. If you set the cap higher, you have what you have now.

Setting cap limits on trade doesn’t work. It only makes high-end value unavailable. There are multiple studies about this. It’s why no economic system anywhere uses this. Not even in games.

If you want to fix inflation, the only reasonable way to do it is to set a tax for buying/selling, so money goes away.

The notion of losing smth you didn’t even own is new to me. I need to think it over. I had a dream of a 100 mil yacht last night imagine my frustration when I lost 100 mil in the morning when I woke up…

The notion is quite simple. Imagine you have a gold watch given to you by your father. Your perception of its worth is 1k. You go to a pawn shop and they only give you 100. Your perception is that you lost 900.