Regarding the Recent Gold Exploit

I think you’re better off just writing this off as a loss.

This didn’t affect people as much as you say it does. After the exploit we still have 30-35k concurrent players. So obviously lots of people are still playing despite this.
And it could be argued that the 50k peaks LE has been having would go down anyway after the weekend, but now we’ll never know.

Also, PoE starts a new league on thursday, so lots of people will be leaving then. We’ll soon go back to the low numbers of last cycle until 1.2 comes around.
So all that’s left is either keep playing if you think you can have fun, or just wait for next cycle, or next year.

I already know the Devs care. I already know they’re working on it. I already know they’ll do the best they can. I already know that this debacle in no way spoils my fun, upchucks in my Wheaties or cause a rain cloud to follow me around everywhere.


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The devs should completely reset the gold economy in merchants Guild, or they should allow us to switch to cof and still keep wearing our MG gear.

This is fucking stupid. Red rings are basically out of reach now.

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Uninstall the game, they definitely won’t do anything, the first season is the best example

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I’m not so sure about that, considering how something similar has happened at least twice previously yet people still chose to join MG this cycle.

I’m fairly sure we will have this exact same discussion sooner or later again.

Mike responded to a question yesterday by simply saying they would be “making an announcement”. My guess is they will simply explain why they will/can do nothing further.

If that’s the case I think many will lose motivation.

Being so slow to catch the massive influx of gold into the economy is really the worst part. And because it takes them so long it’s too late to reverse the damage.

They’ve already made it, it’s this thread…

I thought they caught it in a few days?

May be just divide the prices of items selling at 1b gold or above on the market by 10 and we get affordable numbers. This and ban by IP accounts with accumulated gold from RMT.

People, you are very strange, well, what fixes, what bans? All this has already been in the last cycle. Not for nothing the peak online this cycle was 4 times lower than last cycle. I personally expect that the next cycle will interest even less people. Soon and so all will go to COF as there will be no one to trade with :smiley: We need to wait for fixes not MG, but when the next builds nerfs among the season will be.

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nah he said that after the thread was made. I asked after they made the statement but maybe he wasn’t aware it was posted.

a few days is far too late

Yes I know, then it was pointed out to him that this thread had been posted.

well that really stinks. If this is all they have to say about it. I don’t believe they’ve adequately justified leaving all of that gold in the economy last time.

I love almost everything they do, but man I really hate how they handle this stuff. Especially when their “transparency” ends when it comes to their reasoning/explanation as to why they don’t remove any gold or perform any rollbacks. Just explain it.

They didn’t even ban anyone :smiley:

That you know of. This isn’t the middle ages where people are publicly pilloried & shamed.

Though that might not be a bad idea…


PUBG weekly annouces bans that were made and it has no impact on the number of cheaters each week.
Public shaming on the internet isn’t an effective tool unless you’re a celebrity or a public company.

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That’s not quite what I meant. Find the people IRL & put them in the stocks then have an internet-connected tennis ball machine thing fire tomatoes at them with players being able to pay for the privillege (location, number, velocity & type of tomatoe, etc No mellons allowed).


Oh, yeah. That would be feasible, yes. Or tar and feathered if all else failed.

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Nah, that’s a bit too old school & lacks scalable revenue opportunities. I prefer my example, just give them some goggles to protect their eyes (we’re not French).

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