Regarding the Recent Gold Exploit

i mean cof players seem perfectly happy to let mg players eat **** why should i care about their grind if they don’t about ours(and not just current grind but in perpetuity especially if the market doesn’t get fixed)?and that is honestly the nuclear solution that i didnt even suggest myself any viable alternative that actually deals with the current atrocious situation,I’m happy with.

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There really isn’t any viable alternative solution that doesn’t harm yet more innocent people.


No one is happy with what happened. Especially because it affects the game as a whole. Players just don’t want more people to suffer because of this than already have.

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I honestly don’t get why you’re so attached to the reputation…
If I was playing MG now and had to decide to go CoF cause of the dupe, the only thing that would bother me is the items not being able to be used, since the reputation is easily farmable and you just level it without even noticing…

If anything, I would be demanding to be transferred over with all my equips, screw the reputation…

Weirdly enough, everyone suggesting a transfer to CoF seem to be only bothered by the reputation, since they never mention their MG tagged items being unusable if they get transferred with full reputation. It would be much worse for you guys if they were inclined on following the demands and suggestions as they’re written in the forums, don’t you think?

no reputation means no cof rewards forever which means you’re left to do the most painstaking part of the grind,with no gear as you yourself said.I’m no streamer playing games 25hrs/day with 2000years of arpg experience but i’ve been playing extensively throughout the week and im only at rank 10 doing a similar grind at high corruption and being stuck with no rewards until i finally manage to hit 7-8 to boot is the epitome of torture.

@DJSamhein just zero out peoples gold accounts.Yeah some people get disgruntled i have a few mils myself but honestly only way to force people to come back down to reasonable prices.No need for a full rollback,COF doesnt get touched.

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First, CoF people have gold as well. Second, legacy players are a thing.
Third, and most important, what you are suggesting is the same as saying that when the market crashed back in 2008 due to the greedy practices of some people, the best solution would have been to take away everyone’s money.

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Im sure they have flags to check for COF/MG membership same for cycle/legacy characters and restrict the changes to MG only.Not like COF have much use for the gold either way but no need to touch them regardless.

The real life example isn’t really applicable because then you’d be hurting everyone,and irl you’d have no ways to redistribute the money even remotely fairly.Meanwhile in a game,that’s mostly effortless.

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Stash tabs and arbor sink.

You’re not talking about redistributing the gold, though. You’re just saying to zero everyone’s gold. Which is the equivalent of taking everyone’s money.
And if you do try to redistribute it, it’s just as hard in game as IRL to do it fairly.

To be honest, there really isn’t any easy solution that won’t just harm yet more people. Even if you just take gold from MG people, there are lots of MG people that had nothing to do with it and had managed to farm some money and suddenly their progress gets taken away.

At this point your options really are to weather the storm, swich to CoF and start over, or leave for now. It sucks that it happened, especially because it also impacts LE as a whole and people’s trust in their trade market, but at this point any changes made will only make things worse.

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I mean you’re failing to realise that the status quo,aka how things are presently are literally the worst they could be.You’re saying people lose their progress but for like 99% they would ultimately gain from such a solution not lose,especially in the longterm.For the profiteers who “didn’t know” about the dupe and just happened to gain a few hundred millions tough luck.Hell you’ve given me some food for thought wanna make it fairer?Give a heads up of a few days that the zeroing out of accounts will happen.There’s a chance that the market will just go dead(as if it’s not already),with people just hoarding items but some people will want to essentially trade their money for items and prices would probably drastically drop in the interim,before returning to normal after the zeroing out.

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If you give a heads up, either you take away everyone’s gold (including CoF’s) or people will just switch to CoF in the meantime so they’re not affected by it.
Whichever way you do it, either you once again penalize everyone or you let people get away with it.

Again, simple check.

(If MG Rank >arbitrary number that’s deemed reasonable, let’s say 6),empty bank account.
This penalises people who play both factions(practically noone) and all the people it should.
But I’m only 1 guy and putting way too much effort into this a dev team could and should be able to come with an even more painless solution pretty much effortlessly.Because leaving things as they are is not a solution.

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This doesn’t work for legacy, where you find many people with both factions maxxed.

As I said, you don’t have a way of making “across the board” solutions not hurt people that aren’t affected by this.
You’re advocating penalizing a bunch of people so your own can be softened.

I was MG in 1.0 when the exploit occurred and the market crashed. It never once occurred to me to ask for a rollover or a refund or a wipe. I just thought “Well, that sucks” and switched to CoF. And that was a full month after 1.0 started, not just 5 days.

kinda tough to support this game financially when every season is ruined

i mean putting up with bs is your prerogative and being stoic is generally a positive but you can’t be asking people to do the same even if your circumstances were similar or worse as you’re outlining.And at 1.0 it was a one off event now with it happening back to back,if nothing’s done about it,might as well just remove MG from the game because anyone with a brain will not be going it in the future.

Yes, it’s most likely that most people will go CoF next cycle instead. And it will probably stay that way until MG has had at least a couple cycles without issues.

Bottom line is: do you have fun playing LE that you would consider starting over, or weathering the storm? You could make a new CoF character and build that one up while leaving your MG one around waiting for stuff to stabilize.
So if the answer is that “Yes, LE is fun to continue playing”, just keep playing.
If the answer is “No, LE isn’t fun enough to start over”, then stop playing and come back later (or whenever).

Both answers are valid for different people. It’s even valid if you say that you never want to play LE again because of this.
But a reset or a fix won’t happen for this. Bans were issued, the exploit was fixed, now things are left to stabilize on their own. I understand that can put off many people, but at this point there are no alternatives that don’t make it worse for many people just to appease a few.

So just decide for yourself if you want to continue playing as is or not. Either is a valid choice.

Dude, we all get it and agree with you… Something must be done, but there’s nothing that can be done that will not harm other people or other aspects of the game as a whole.

It’s not wise to implement something that could work as a fix for something, while knowing it will definitely break something else as a result.

So in the end, it is really up to the Devs to evaluate every possible action outcomes and choose the ones that will hurt the game less in the long run, according to their own capabilities and resources, even if one of these actions is “doing nothing”, and this is not being stoic… much the contrary.

If there was any guarantee of stabilisation at any point I’d be fine with it personally,but the prices have only been rising for a while now even after the dupe was “dealt with”.

As for the rest it’s a big talk and really not relevant to the talk at hand.But even if i and many are happy with walking away,EHG shouldn’t be and should be taking steps to prevent that instead of letting “bygones be bygones”(which is exactly the issue they’re not gone they will be affecting us for the following days/weeks/rest of cycle).

That’s still the effects of the market crash. It will linger for a few days. But it will stabilize. First for lower end gear, then mid gear, then top tier gear. Once people start realizing that people aren’t buying stuff at those prices (because the vast majority of people don’t have that much gold) prices will start to go down.
It will likely take a month or two to get back to what it was, so if you’re playing cycle it might not be worth the wait if you’re looking at top-tier items.

Definitely. EHG screwed the pooch with 1.0 launch and with the 1.0 exploit. And they screwed up again.
Yes, they’re a new company and are still learning, but that doesn’t take away from their responsibility.

So yes, let’s hope they’re learning from this and taking steps to minimize the damage when the next exploit comes along (which is inevitable).
From what we’ve seen with 1.1 launch, they’re adaptable and fast learners. This cycle launch was mostly smooth, barring the issue in the first half hour.

So let’s hope they manage to take steps to minimize the consequences of exploits in the future.

Tldr this how all game economys work if there is no gold tax. The prices wont stabilize even if there is no gold left from dupes because there is perceived gold from dupes left. So players go “nah im gonna get my money some duper will buy it eventually”

in games where there is a fee to listing an item, and they are delisted after a few hours, you actively lose money if you are not trying to meet the demand part of supply and demand. but games like this let you throw up an item and leave it there forever, any new person who comes and looks up semi rare item that has 5 listings sees they are all worth 1b(none have sold for 16 hours) and lists theirs for 1b. And this cycle continues until people start undercutting them, but its a slow means to lower prices.

EHG cant force anyone to lower their prices. Your fellow players are the ones messing up the economy.

This happens in PoE without anyone even duping anything. Semi rare item with an odd niche goes up for outrageous price, everyone just follows suit and those items never sell till weeks later when people finally get bored enough to go “oh maybe I should lower this so it sells” cause they are trying to get every penny out of items because they are not pressed on selling space or decay of goods, or taxes etc.


Woah, thanks for this, again.
You’re really good at this, like, explaining something the way even a 10y would understand.

im not gonna argue with you because frankly what you said is right and because im too tired,just let me reiterate that i never said the market would fix itself because people at their core are greedy.That is why EHG needs to come in with the baseball bat and break everyone’s kneecaps so we’re at the same level(even if that is floor level),instead of having the 1% holding their duped billions over everybody’s heads and deluding people that they can sell their items for such prices,screwing over everybody else in the process.