Regarding the Recent Gold Exploit

Not to pick a side on CT players caring about MG but before we got factions, EHG did in fact cancel trade because of CT players’ feedback. Not only that, when EHG announced public polling about trade one of CT players who is also a well known streamer that keeps doing promo stuff with EHG went on stream to say “why ask everybody instead of people like me who have a thousand of hours played”.

So yeah, regardless of CT caring about MG, they don’t really have the best track record in regards to it either.

I didn’t see any Devs response on what happen with that gold that was introduce to MG?? Cause will not magically disappear from the game right? Also all Chinese site still sale billions right now. Around *1000 M per $ 7.99.
I want to see the next step they take

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Gold wasn’t touched last cycle, I don’t see it being touched this cycle as well. You just have to cope that bazillion gold still in circulation doesn’t matter because the exploit has been fixed.

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And prices for item last cycle were ok?? I don’t recall that cause i remember MG items listed by billions same last cycle same this cycle. Who is coping on the gold circulation ??
Point of example try 3lp titan heart on current market and see if you consider the price ok.

1B = 4$

Nice fix team, keep it up

I like this game, but I think I’ll stop playing this cycle since the prices are so insane and I feel already disadvantaged. If you guys deploy a solution that removes this disadvantage, I’ll continue playing. Like what some have said, something like allowing us to keep items and go to COF (by removing tags) or a rollback.


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Wipe it. It’s first week and Cycle is dead.

Track gold since day 0, like anyone with a grain of salt brain would do.
Find from where the gold comes from and fix it.
Don’t allow people to walk around with 1.5b from the first day.
You guys are trolling your community at this point.
It feels like a high school project. You can’t be that bad.

Been tracking the stock of these sellers and past hour alone only on 1 platform they sold 81b. I’m uninstalling if no update next 24h


I’d need to check when the exploit happened back then, but it was definitely much later into the cycle when a lot of people already got items for their builds and some were already on their 2nd or 3rd character, I know I was. The economy never really recovered when I still played (I quit early April or so).

No, they cancelled the initial implementation of the bazaar because of the community feedback, not the CT feedback as I don’t think the CT program existed back then?

You can pick as many sides as you want as long as you’re intellectually honest about it & willing to change your view based on the replies.

Regarding the current Charley Foxtrot, personally I’d like it if EHG were able to create some tools to “easily” track the cascade of trades & be able to “unwind” trades & trading to a particular point in time, or at least see what prices/sales were at any given point in time. That way next time this happens they can more easily fix the specific issue rather than nuking things from orbit which is what some people think would be a good idea 'cause collateral damage is totally fine!


imeno tak.

To be honest, I don’t really see that big of a problem here. The exploit is fixed and when you are playing MG and sell something valuable, just list it as high as possible. The economy will probably just balance out itself.
I think it’s much more important that the MG tools for searching and filtering get updated so that everyone can benefit from the current gold in circulation.
The ones that used CE to change the actual game values should obviously be punished, but besides that, it’s not that bad.
Every arpg including D4 or PoE has billions of gold for sale on different selling platforms for just a few bucks, that’s not really a good indicator for something being off…

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Shhh. It’s not allowed to talk about how every other game has/had same problems as LE in this forum… Beware some diablo player might come saying you’re on their payroll, spreading lies to defend the company.


the people who benefited are mostly exploiters and a handful of “innocents”. Most people simply do not have the money to buy super high cost items so no the problem wont solve itself.If i were the dev team i’d be working on the free faction transfer to COF already the game will die out enough with POE league no need to let it be finished off(btw i dont like or play POE).

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Even if you transfer people to CoF, a very very large chunk will leave for PoE on friday anyway.

but it would at least show the remaining players the devs care if they leave things as they are it’s a failed cycle.grinding is pointless and if we’re forced into MG without any changes we’re playing a strictly worse version of COF in which case im out too.

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You’re not forced into MG. It sucks that the economy crashed, but you can either wait for it to stabilize (which would take a long time) or switch to CoF and start over.
It doesn’t take long to get gear again to get your build going, even if it’s a loss of power.
Or you might simply make a new character and start from CoF right away with no gear restrictions.

Devs transfering people to CoF won’t happen. Much like trasnferring online accounts to offline never happened at 1.0 launch.

So yes, your options at this point are:
1- Stick with MG and see if things stabilize over time as people leave, or try to farm that gold. After all, if the prices are higher for the stuff you want to buy, prices are also higher for selling. So you can make more money now than you could before.
2- Switch to CoF and start over.
3- Leave and return next cycle (or when you feel like it. Even never if that’s how you feel)

Either option is valid.

With all due respect, everyone who is suggesting this seem just like they feel like ranting, demanding something, anything, they don’t even know they really want, without considering how this will affect the game and the community as a whole… If they really wanted to continue playing this cycle in CoF so bad, they would just transfer themselves, even if this meant having to grind all over for equipment.

In the meantime, these same people are also suggesting a complete cycle restart as an alternative to the CoF transfer, which would make them and everyone else have to grind all over even more, so what’s the point? Really…

If they do this, same people who are demanding this now will just quit anyways, because they will really miss trading, since they’re not fond of CoF…

the value of money is relative.The make more money statement is unsubstantiated since even i could make more “absolute” money the value of said money would be way less in reality, not to mention that the people who can make those big purchases are the (mostly cheating) minority,you’re not gonna make hundreds of millions off selling “kinda good items” you need those LP3s+ that you might never get yourself if unlucky enough.

As for the rest you’re telling me to throw a week’s worth of grinding in the trash,and not just me but everyone,for something that i was not in the slightest responsible for.Instead the malicious parties get to enjoy both all the items and the gold.Yeah if that’s the best you can come up with I’m out.

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As I replied to the guy above I am not regrinding a second rep over something that I wasn’t responsible for in the slightest.And I’m sure that’s just not me feeling that way,but the vast majority of people.If I were like a casual level 51 who just unlocked the campaign then sure anyone who’s even mildly serious about the game does not appreciated being treated like that.

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If you were to reset the cycle/servers, you would do this to a lot more people, including people in CoF that have nothing to do with this.

People who used the exploit were banned.
If the gold/items were since shifted around, then it can’t be found by now. Especially because not everyone that got high sales had anything to do with the exploit. You could have ended with hundreds of millions of gold and not even be aware there was an exploit going on.