Regarding the Recent Gold Exploit

in RL economy if market limits the price then goods are sold on the black market (illegally). There’ s no such a thing in LE. So again do not bring RL examples because they don’t work here.

Actually there is, it’s RMT.
The only thing in LE that doesn’t apply to IRL is not being able to resell. Otherwise LE’s trade is an economy like any other, IRL or in-game.

If you know of RMT sells in LE you should report it. I don’t know of such things. Even if they do exist it is hard to do such trading because of limitation LE has (fraction rep etc)

If you know of black market dealings IRL you should report it. It’s the exact same thing.
Of course LE has RMT. So does PoE. So does D4. So does any single game that has trade in it. It’s unavoidable. Much like the black market is IRL.

It’s not hard. They just use bots to farm. Much like they did in WoW. Or D2. Or any other game that has trade.

There are gold seller posts in chat every 5-10 mins.

Is this in cycle? I acutally haven’t seen one in legacy for a long time.

trading gold is not same as selling a item is it?

It is. How do you think they trade the gold? Buyer sells some gear for high amount. Not to mention the principle is the same: black market for value.

Why not? You’re paying IRL currency for something in-game, either gold (to then buy an item from the AH) or the item directly.

This was a few mins ago:

how is it not hard? Explain please. If I want to buy an item the seller can’t give it to me because we didn’t play together. Or maybe you know the exploit to bypass that system?

You sell any old crap that you’ve found on the ground, or bought from a vendor to the gold seller for however much gold you’ve bought.

You realize direct trade exists, right? All you need is favour from both players, which you have because you want to buy and they have because the bot has farmed it.
Even without direct trade, you just put it in the AH for a ridiculously high price and the seller will find it and trade.

no no I’m talking about a seller wanting to sell the Red Ring for 20 dollars for example. not gold

It’s the same principle but the other way round. You pay the seller $20, meet them in-game & buy the Red Ring off them for 1 gold.

but in the context of our discussion it is not possible as AH has 1m price cap :smiley:

but how can he give it to me? Without resonance

But as we’ve already established, that isn’t good for the economy and will just make high-end items disappear.

Again, direct trade exists. It just costs some favour for each.

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establised? Who? I haven’t established that. You said the items would go to RMT and can’t explain to me how they would be sold in case there’s 1M cap for all prices

Have you tried it? We were playing with a friend of mine for 2 days and had - 0 resonance

What more do you need? PEople won’t sell red ring for 1M in AH. RMTer has a red ring he will sell you for 20$. You give him the money and in the game you start a direct trade, which costs favour for each and he sells it for 1g.

You’re talking about gifting. It’s not the same thing. Direct trade is like placing an item in the AH, except that you do it directly with someone instead.

In fact, direct trade is directly related to the latest 2 exploits.

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