Regarding the Recent Gold Exploit

There’s no direct trading in LE. And if there was an exploit it 's been fixed

Which is why they disabled it.

There is. It’s temporarily disabled. It might stay disabled permamnently (which I think would be a good idea overall). But direct trade has been a thing that’s been used for RMT since 1.0 until last week.

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then it is an obvious bug / exploit and it will be fixed. Because why then the gifting system is in game when you can just directly pass any item to any player.

Also, let’s further explore the exploitability of the 1M cap. Ignoring the fact that high end items will disappear.
You want to buy gold: RMTer sets up 100 crap items for 1M each that no one will buy. You buy them. You now have 100M gold. It doesn’t stop it either.

You can only do that for MG. Gifting is meant for group play where you’re not both MG (or don’t want to spend favour). You can give items even if both are CoF, or one CoF and one MG or both MG.

Whereas direct trade for MG is meant for cases where you want to sell something to someone without the risk of someone else sniping it.
Personally, I think it should stay disabled, because it’s a very handy tool for RMTers.

honestly i got tired. and lost the point of our discussion. If you like to keep Red Rings that ok. I would sell them. Maybe I 'm dumb and should hoard those rings :smiley:

The point is simply this:
-You can’t stop RMT. As long as you allow trade, RMTers will find a way to sell. Most you can do is set up detection/tracking systems to identify these trades and ban both accounts. Which is what games do.
-The only real way to stop inflation is to set up a gold tax on trades. Because the problem isn’t with the amount you can sell something, it’s that gold doesn’t go away and keeps increasing. So if you set up a system where gold disappears, the overall gold in the game remains stable enough and the prices won’t skyrocket.

And, obviously, exploits shouldn’t be allowed to happen, though that’s easier said than done and no game so far has managed it.

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Trading requires both players to be in MG, gifting requires both players to have been in a party & in the same zone when the item dropped.

Makes RMT for individual items or gold very very nearly impossible. RMT being a significant pressure to hack and exploit games with trading. The naysayers and apologists will then jump in with … but but … they will just start selling accounts!! The answer to which is… so what would that have to do with the item trade economy? Followed up by the argument but trading is a social exercise and I want to be able to trade with my friends and clan mates. Which then brings up exhibit A where players who trade in PoE are actaually preferring if their trade request is answered by a bot because it makes the transaction smoother. SO if bot ok then why not a 100% anonymous trade with an NPC for something that another player has found, but with the item slightly obfuscated, maybe better and +$$$ or maybe a bit worse and less dollars. Buyer gets what they see and wanted and Seller still gets the asking price so why would they care?

You can’t prevent RMT. Ever. They will always find a way. As can be seen by the fact that no game ever achieved it. So if a game has trade, it will have RMT.

As for your example, it doesn’t stop RMT. Easy examples:
-I want to buy gold. RMTer places trash item in AH that no one will ever buy for 100M. I buy it and have 100M.
-I want to buy a 4LP red ring. RMTer places trash item in AH that no one will ever buy for 4B. I buy it and have 4B. Then RMTer places red ring on AH for 4B. I buy it with the previous 4B and have a 4LP red ring.

There’s just no way to avoid RMT. The most you can do is hinder it. Which is why most games just end up developing detection/tracking systems to find these transactions and ban accounts.

I’m not sure that would work.

If I, the buyer, would end with 100 million gold, this means the seller is offering 100 million gold for something. In your example, the seller (the RMT) would be actually buying a trash item and offering 100 million gold for it, so I (the gold buyer) would give the trash item and end with the gold.

But in a centralized economy, if there’s someone offering 100 million gold for a trash item, other players may see it and sell the trash item (and thus get the gold) before the gold buyer, thus disrupting the RMT.

It’s a bit like what happens in Guild Wars 2 - there’s a centralized trade system in which players buy and sell items, and there really isn’t much RMT through that system. The RMT in GW2 happens through direct player to player trading, which IMO shouldn’t exist, but people claimed they wanted to be able to send gifts and gold to their friends.

I don’t actually understand your point or you didn’t understand mine. I place a blue item with T3 health and no other affix in AH for 100M. No will buy that from me (and if they do, yay, I guess?). RMTer searches AH for a blue item with T3 health on it and buys it for 100M.
How are you disrupting this?


Ah, I see - I was thinking the other way around, but your point makes sense.


That Red Ring of Altaria the cheapest is 5 hundred Million and the cheapest T7 intelligence ring is 68 Million ,The Wrongwarp wand is 5 Million .

Yes, and the ring will likely stay there until 1.2 because no one will buy it.
It’s also because of perceived value. In this case, players thinking that there’s more gold around than there really is.

LE really needs a tax on trading to stabilize gold costs. It would also help with exploits by increasing the tax until gold is stabilized again.

aren’t they stabilizing themselves already? A few days ago the cheapest Red Ring was ~70-80mil . Most players still want gold and not items hanging in the market not selling for weeks. So the prices gradually drop

They should be stabilizing somewhat after the exploit as players realize people aren’t buying, but without a gold tax it won’t go back to pre-exploit numbers because the total global gold available will keep increasing.

we dont know exactly what EHG have done do we? maybe they withdraw some duped gold from the market? Maybe they have a system to track such deals? I’m not sure

They said they deleted the gold produced from the exploit but not if it was already used in other trades. So presumably they deleted most of it out but not all.
But even without the exploit prices would keep rising. As players continue farming gold, there’s no gold sink (except for arbor and not many people run it). So without a tax, gold just keeps increasing in the overall economy, which makes prices rise.

Mike said on his stream before 1.1 that they were considering a gold tax, but they didn’t go through with it for 1.1. Maybe because the whole system wasn’t ready yet (there’s still changes coming for MG sometime this cycle) or they dropped that idea. Either way, MG needs an effective gold sink or inflation will always happen.

and stash tabs… but as for more gold sinks in LE I agree. It is needed