Random game crash

Upload graphics ini file (or try deleting it to see if it resets those options)

I already deleted it previously, but nothing changed
le_graphicsmanager.ini (485 Bytes)

Hey mate, thanks for the reply again - Iā€™ll have to wait a bit on trying out another mouse - I already have been thinking of buying a new mouse as mineā€™s kinda worn down, but I plan to do it in a week or so - donā€™t have another mouse at my place currentlyā€¦

Will come back and let ye know how it looks once I have another mouse on me

Ps. Already tried updating my drivers, so thatā€™s why Iā€™m not adressing that here

Thanks again

BR Nubarion

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I have random crashes too. I had a problem with the virtual memory I thought I had it figured outā€¦ Two days playing different character and game crashes again.
DxDiag.txt (94.7 KB)
le_graphicsmanager.ini (479 Bytes)
Player-prev.log (1.8 MB)

Hey mate - I guess the settings might be stored somewhere else - Iā€™ve no idea myself, so you would have to raise a support ticket at support.lastepoch.com about that.

One thing that is possible is that the DLL file is missing or corrupted. If that is the case, then verifying Steam files integrity might repair it.

Give that a go.

Hey there

Your logs specifically include the following entry:

Could not allocate memory: System out of memory!
Trying to allocate: 4456448B with 16 alignment. MemoryLabel: NativeArray
Allocation happened at: Line:59 in

You might be able to resolve this by adjusting virtual memory (page file size) as indicated in prior links on this thread.

However, I noticed Diablo 4 and Windows Desktop Manager are also crashing. This could be indicative of other issues in your PC, including hardware or software issues.

I recommend:

  • disconnecting any new hardware you might have added recently, such as headphones, a controller, memory sticks, etc
  • disabling anti-virus
  • adjusting overclocking / underclocking for your graphics card
  • running a system file integrity check - https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/fix-corrupted-windows-10-installation/
  • running a system diagnostic, including memory diagnostics, from your BIOS

In addition, here are some other links from earlier in this thread, which provide some possible causes and troubleshooting options related to the UnityPlayer crash in your logs:

Thereā€™s apparently a fix coming for an identified memory leak, so if none of this works, you may find the issue is resolved (for Last Epoch, at least) with a new patch when it comes

I already checked the files earlier. I also reinstalled the game. Anyway thanks for the support. =)

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Hey, so I found where this setting is in the Windows Registry

I generally advise against editing Registry settings as it is a really easy way to break things in your computer. That said, if you are willing, you can try the following:

  1. Press Windows+R
  2. Enter the command regedit
  3. Press Enter and acknowledge admin rights if you need it
  4. Navigate to Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Eleventh Hour Games\Last Epoch
  5. Find the setting starting RGB_Enabled_
  6. Double-click it and set the value to 0

Let me know how you go.

Hey again Psychodrive

Sorry to come back with bad news once again, but I just went out and bought a new mouse today and tried it, I still crash 10 or so minutes into playing :frowning:
Guess the mouse wasnā€™t itā€¦

Thanks for your help so far btw - guessing Iā€™m stuck waiting for a patch or something

BR Nubarion


I got a freeze issue on Windows 10, where the application needs to be closed down.

Iā€™ve done this to enhance my gameplay:

  • Vertyfing game file integrity in Steam.
  • Grapic card driver update.
  • Deleting the grapic ini file.
  • Lowering grapic settings.
    (And here is where it gets interessting!)
    Because I notis on the file (le_graphicsmanager) writes something new on this line (Afther lowering the grapic settings):
    ScreenMode = ExclusiveFullScreen
    Resolution = 1920x1080

Insted of the normal text, which should be different from mine (Donā€™t recall the other setting texture).
But while ExclusiveFullScreen Is ā€œactiveā€ within the file. The behavior of the game causes it swaps screen resulution to desktop and freezes. However this has a simple fix, use ALT+TAB, back into the game. And the game works again (Most of the time).

If I delete the ā€œbuggedā€ texture within the file and replace It with the normal text. The game behavior Is totall freeze and ends with closeure (everytime it crashes, every 30 min or so).

I can only replaceacte theres settings by deleting the current file ini file, and lowering my own grapic settings to ā€œLowā€.
Im running hardware:
CPU AMD FX ā„¢ - 8350.
Nivida Gefore GTX 1060 6BG.

I have no idea if what I wrote leads to any conclution. But Im trying to get rid of ingame freezes, any suggestions?

Upload your player log and DxDiag report. I will bave a look after work today if I get time. :slight_smile:

Hello again!
Thank you for responding so quickly :slight_smile:

Here are the files:
Player.zip (10.5 KB)
Player-prev.zip (2.0 MB)
DxDiag.txt (101.3 KB)

Hi your DxDiag indicates a number of crashes in the Windows Desktop Manager. THis could be a symptom of corrupted Windows files or Windows causing some problems with your graphics card, which interacts with Last Epoch poorly.

You can attempt to repair them and see if that helps with the problem.


WoWā€¦ You where right.

SFC scan, fixed some filesā€¦ if this dosnā€™t solve the issue I reinstall my computer :stuck_out_tongue:

Thank you for awsome support.

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