I wasn’t there during PoE beta, that is true.
As for balancing, I’ll be interested to see what EHG does with the Pinnacle Boss and that difficulty level. If it is catered towards CoF, MG players may find it too easy, but if it’s tailored for MG, then that will probably kill Cycles for me.
There will be a balance where both sides are equally (un)happy, but imho, if I can’t hit a pinnacle boss without trading within a cycle, then I might as well be back in PoE, and I quit playing that for a reason.
More importantly, there are a lot of gamers nowadays that cycle through games as seasons occur. They’ll play Diablo for a month, finish their seasonal goal, maybe come here for 4-5 weeks, then jump on the PoE season,…
For those people, (and people with little game time) MG being a 3-4x faster way to reach that max gear level is perfect. And I have 0 issue with them getting to the pinnacle boss 4x faster than me, if that is what they really want to work for. But that only works as long as the players know they’re basically playing “fast mode” in gearing, and that harder content will be completed before the season ends.
That specifically means that EHG needs to tailor Pinnacle content towards CoF players grinding the best gear. (T25+, uniques with 5% LP odds that crafted well,…) But more importantly … that they don’t go above that. Because it’ll start excluding builds or players all for the MG players, who’ll just burn through content once before moving to the next game with a new season, anyway.
And with that concept in mind, I think CoF is currently in a good place. (Again, depending on Pinnacle Bosses) and if anything, I think MG may need to be slowed down slightly instead. I think Trade would be ok/fun to me personally if it was at a level where drops I’ll probably never use could be traded in for those I can, but without making me feel that farming currency is the most optimal way to farm gear.
The only points where I think LP could do with a tweak are:
- Julra’s drops need to have higher 2LP odds. Especially the Ring & Gloves feel disappointing once you realize there is a 1/7 chance you can go through an entire stash tab of keys and not see a single 2LP Gloves.
- The increased LP drops doesn’t feel as enjoyable compared to ranks 5, 7 & 8. Especially because you can filter more granularly for Exalts, so you don’t notice the ‘bad’ drops as much. I think this is just part “seeing the things that could’ve been good, but aren’t”, but I don’t know how I’ld fix it in the current system. My best idea was actually to make a crafting system for sets where you steal the implicits off the base item of a unique, so then those harder to get uniques suddenly don’t feel as bad rolling perfectly, but without LP. And they can shift the stats from implicit to affix or back on uniques without touching their inherent power, so that would have little cascading issues when balancing items.